travel tips Tag

    New Zealand / 06.01.2017

    Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Trafalgar tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 10 days, 1 sensational country made up of 2 contrasting islands, and a collection of 39 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The third city on our Contrasts of New Zealand tour was Christchurch. I remember when we arrived in Oslo in mid-2015, just a few months into our journey. I felt somewhat nostalgic, as the “slick architecture with globally-known brands plastered on top” reminded me a lot of home. When our Trafalgar tour stopped in Christchurch for a night (giving us just enough free time to mingle around the South Island’s largest city), I couldn’t help but...

    New Zealand / 03.01.2017

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a visit to the Tamaki Māori Village in Rotorua, New Zealand.   [embed][/embed]   The day had finally come. The moment I had been waiting for, all my life. I had mixed emotions – excited, yet slightly nervous. The day had come when I would be voted in as Chief. Yes, Chief. You see, during our recent Kiwi adventure with our friends from Trafalgar, I was thrust...

    Canada / 01.12.2016

    If you’re an Instagram-addict like us, and follow an array of travel adventure photographers like we do, chances are you’ve seen pictures of Banff National Park. Whether it’s reflection shots of the Lake Louise boat house, canoe point-of-view photos, or the epic and unmatched vista of the Ten Peaks almost brooding behind Lake Morraine, you’ve looked at photos of Banff and thought to yourself, “Ok, where on Earth is this magical place where the waters are so turquoise, and the mountain caps are so perfectly snow-capped, that it can just take all my money because I want to see it for myself?!” Well, at least that’s what we thought, and is exactly why we flew our butts over into Alberta, rented...

    Food, Wellness / 24.10.2016

    Some of you may know that I turned vegan in January. It began with the Veganuary month-long challenge that the team at 31days dared me to take on, and after feeling the health benefits (and knowing the power of veganism to combat the too-much-talk-not-enough-action environmental issues), I decided to stay on and see how long I could last. Yes I’ve cheated once or twice, and yes I eat fish sometimes (especially when we are staying on an island in Iceland that basically lives off the wild salmon from the river around it, or when we visit friends in Swedish Lapland and get offered a rare Swedish delicacy of fermented herring - have to try everything once, right?) but for the most part, probably...

    Arizona, California, Creativity, Nevada, Utah / 17.10.2016

    Chances are you have “road-trip in USA” somewhere on your bucket list. Whether it’s driving the historic Route 66, or meandering through valleys, deserts and coastlines (either on the West or East Coast), USA’s wide open spaces, and variety of landscapes and views, really do make it the ideal place for a road trip, and the ideal place to take sensationally good photographs.   [embed][/embed]   Our own four-wheeled USA adventure began in Nevada, where we picked up our JUCY camper (our home for the life-changing three weeks that lay ahead) and drove, leaving Las Vegas in the dust. Over 2500km planned, we quite literally moved into the van, having car up front, kitchen in the back, bed on top, and dressing room somewhere...

    New York / 10.10.2016

    There’s over 200 noted films that take place in New York. Some that immediately come to mind are King Kong, Wall Street and The Wolf of Wall Street, Ghostbusters, Sex and the City, Working Girl and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I could probably dedicate an entire blog post listing the best of the best, gorgeous scenes, unforgettable characters and why New York is probably the most featured city in history. But I won’t. Instead, I’m going to tell you, that no matter how many films you’ve seen, how many times you’ve noticed the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park, none of it – absolutely none of it – comes close to seeing it in...

    Italy / 01.10.2016

    You guys might remember our first trip to the Dolomites and the little town of San Candido (if you don’t, you can check out the story here). We caught a train ride from Austria arriving in the small town, instantly falling in love with the area and the gorgeous mountain range (which we, to this day, mark as our favourite range in the world). So our love for the town is there. Our love for the mountains, and the lakes, and the cute chapels is there. Why on Earth would we not want to return, and share this gorgeous place with friends? Why would we not want to take the opportunity to hike around the infamous UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Tre...

    Spain / 27.09.2016

    Our TLC / BD trip* continued, and the next stop on the whirlwind itinerary was Seville in Spain. Beautiful, beautiful Sevilla (as it is known by locals). Ah, what a city! Small but not cramped (I noticed even in Barcelona that the Spaniards design their cities to be quite spacious so yay for Spain), and oh so colourful! The hotels, the common areas, the little dangling bunting running across the bridges - everywhere you look there’s bright colours luring you in, shining bright with a constant sunny disposition, leaving you feeling joyful and de-stressed. Who could ask for more? We checked in to one of the fanciest and adorned hotels we have ever seen – turns out it was designed for royalty,...

    Portugal / 19.09.2016

    We get asked so often (by almost every single person we meet and tell our story to), "what is our favourite place of all?" Of the 100-odd cities we’ve seen, of the mountains, valleys, beaches and deserts we’ve explored, what is the ultimate place; the one we dream of visiting again and again and again? Well, that question is almost impossible to answer, because, well, there’s just too many spectacular places around the world to pinpoint ’the ultimate place'. Trust me, we debated, and argued, and tried, but couldn't choose just one. What we did conclude though, is that we definitely have favourite places under different criteria*. We have a favourite mountain range, favourite cuisine, a favourite city (although probably safe to...

    Sweden / 14.09.2016

    If I told you that we’d made 218 new friends in the past 18 months, would you believe me? People from Australia, Norway, Canada, Singapore and Italy. People aged 18, 45, and 31. People who we had planned encounters with, and people who miraculously stumbled into our lives, and now we have them on speed dial (ok, so we don’t actually have them on speed dial, because, well, we don’t make any calls these days, but if we had actively-calling phones, we’d have these people on speed dial). It’s no secret that travel broadens your network and allows you to meet people from completely different walks of life. I guess Stevo and I expected to meet people on the journey; it’s...

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