
The mission of our journey is simple: how far from home can we get? Literally, how far can we get from Johannesburg, South Africa; and figuratively how far can we push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Since we released our honest reflection after six-months of travel, a.k.a. “the toilet-scrubbing post“, we’ve had incredible support from our ever-growing community, encouraging us to keep pushing, letting us know that we were inspiring them in more ways than we ever thought possible. This alone has had the most positive effect on our psyche, and it’s also motivated us to think of ways to get further. If we can keep inspiring a global community of wanderlusters, why wouldn’t we want to continue? There...

We have such a special relationship with Munich. Not because we love it more than other European cities (although it’s definitely in our top 5), but because we have visited it 9 times already, and only really explored it recently, at the 12th Worldwide Instameet with the Munich Igers and our friend Ant, who joined us for yet another adventure, a.k.a AntVenture. Munich has always been our meeting point, our stopping ground, and our place for layover. Whether we were arriving from or leaving to South Africa, or simply passing through to get from one European city to another, we know the Munich Hauptbahnhof like the back of our hand (we’ve even spent a night napping on the station’s floor, waiting for a 3am...

One of the joys of using a service like Workaway to travel, is having the ability to explore the area you’re staying in, including nearby towns and villages. During our recent month staying with our new friends Michele and Laura, volunteering at The Pet’s Academy (where we learnt about dog psychology and pet training), we managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the nearby student town, Perugia. This little Umbrian gem is home to some of the most beautiful Italian structures, with hints of Etruscan, Medieval and Renaissance influences seen throughout the city. I was also VERY happy to discover that my childhood love, Baci (the small round Italian chocolates wrapped in the iconic silver and blue wrapping) originate from Perugia,...

Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our first featured experience is a Greek cooking class at Katarina’s Couzina. Baked octopus, creamy Moussaka, and sweet Baklava. These were just a few of the traditional Greek dishes we learned to make at our new friend, Katarina’s Greek cooking class during our recent visit to Poros. Upon arrival, we were treated to chilled wine and Briami (Greek oven-roasted vegetables),...

It’s not everyday you get to drive into another country for the morning; at least not for a couple of South Africans. This was a quite a new concept. Chanel: “What do you want to do today?” Steve: “Not sure hey, maybe a drive to the lake?” Chanel: “How about we drive to Germany?” Being only 45 minuets away from our current location, the town of Burghausen, situated in the Altötting district, was the perfect way to spend a weekday. Hopping the border was as easy as driving across the Salzach river into the old town. You are immediately taken aback by the vibrant coloured building in the main square, but then as you look up, you see a massive...

My passion lies in adventure photography. If you give me a chance, I’ll be out in the wilderness with no questions asked. I grew up in a massive city, so the thought of exploring the outdoors has always appealed to me. Today I’m traveling Europe in search of big skies and deep lakes, and I want to inspire you to do the same. It’s almost impossible to follow every epic account on Instagram, but I have trawled through countless profiles to bring you the best of ‘adventure photography,’ including landscape, wildlife, surf and outdoor lifestyle. If your blood runs thick with adventure, but your feed is filled with too many duck-faced teenagers, then have a look at the inspiring list below....

It’s not often you find a company that just gets you. There’s goosebumps in the beginning, and you always find ways to impress each other. There’s small amounts of compromise, and hardly any fighting. Conversations flow, and there’s no complaints when you haven’t shaved (um, not that that’s ever happened). You get excited every time you see it, and it gives you enough space to enjoy “me time”. It’s not often you find a company that also stands for something. One that places its people ahead of its profits, and makes long hours feel short. A company whose leaders are “one of us,” and whose openness to change and experimentation come with wider arms than that of a Wandering Albatross’...

It’s been 3 weeks since we left sunny South Africa, and based on popular beliefs, new habits should have formed by now. The get-up-early-to-get-cracking-with-the-day routine of everyday life should be all but a distant memory. On the contrary, we are on a very strict schedule – those who know me will understand my need for structure (and my love for schedules). Sure, we’re no longer waking up to an annoying alarm, but rather allowing our natural sleep cycle to function on its own; and leaving our house doesn’t involve long, painful sessions in the morning traffic; but our get-up-early-and-get-to-work habit definitely hasn’t gone anywhere. When planning our journey, we spent a lot of time referencing the Godfather of creative sabbaticals,...

Leading up to our departure, we obviously had to get rid of, *ahem, throw away and sell* a lot of our stuff. When crossing borders, every last gram is precious. With a baggage allowance of 30kg each, and hand luggage allowance of 7kg each, Steve and I were faced with quite a feat – how to compress and diminish our entire lives into 74kg. That’s like one person. An average height, average weight human that needed to eat all our belongings, and hop on-board with us. Phew. For those of you who know me well, I am a little bit of a clothing collector…ok ok, clothing hoarder. I own(ed) 7 watches, multiple pairs of boots, tons of dresses, and all the...

Word of the day – WERFEN.  (Ver-fenn) The first time I heard of it, I thought it was one of those wafers that go so well with tea. You know those hazelnut ones… … … Cool, well it’s far from it. Chanel and myself were asked to go to Werfen with my aunt Romana and, well, you know, being on sabbatical and all, we have the time. So why not? We jumped onto the Autobahn, and bolted past Salzburg towards the Untersberg mountains (apparently loads of tourists get lost in them every year… and are never seen again; I think I know why – they are all living in the small secluded town of Werfen). It has a bar, a...
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