
Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a South Luangwa National Park Safari in Zambia. During our recent African adventure with our friends from Topdeck Travel, we were fortunate enough to visit Zambia’s southern most national park, South Luangwa National Park, to spend two magical nights sleeping unfenced beside hippos (who we heard), baboons (who we spotted), and lions (whose marks we saw...

Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Topdeck Travel tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 21 days, 4 countries, 14 sleeping destinations, and a collection of 14 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The first country on our East African Explorer tour was Zambia. Thick, luscious, green fields for miles; tropical and humid temperatures; friendly people with lovely faces. Our first impressions of Zambia immediately gear towards the outdoors – the beautiful, beautiful outdoors; and the people, whose welcoming nature made the first stop on our Topdeck trip a really special one. We (naturally) started our Zambian adventure in Livingstone, with a visit to...

When you hear from friends back home, and they say they’re going to be nearby, of course you make a plan to drop everything and head off to meet them! Such was the case with our trip to Istanbul, where we managed to see some of our favourite people, who had all planned to visit Turkey for a sailing-slash-exploration trip. Originally, we didn’t realise we’d be stuffing our faces with honey-pistachio-cranberry-pomegranate-Turkish-delight amazingness so soon into our trip, but wow, we’re sure glad we did! Our eventful few days began with a tour of Istiklal Avenue in Taksim, the busiest street in the new part of town, surrounded by buildings highly influenced by the Ottoman era. Besides the almost-too-large crowd of 3 million...

Last night we watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty again. Not only did we nod along to every song (since we’ve been listening to the soundtrack on loop since we left Johannesburg), and appreciate the breathtaking cinematography a little more, but I feel like I finally understood the meaning of his “zone out moments”. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, (I sincerely think you should cancel your Friday night plans and buy/rent/download it), you’ll see Walter drifting into these imaginative visions throughout the movie. He lives a pretty boring, safe and routine-led life, yet his imagination takes him away from it. He conjures up exotic locations, fantastical powers and weird resolutions to his everyday occurrences. But by the end...
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