food Tag

    Finland / 02.02.2018

    Ok, ok, I might be getting a little ahead of myself. No, we have not decided to give up our full-time traveling life (yet). There’s still some burning steam left in us, and there’s still a million and one things we need to see and photograph (obvs), all across this beautiful planet, so no, we are not moving to Helsinki just yet. BUT. When we do eventually decide to settle, and get dogs (that’s really the main reason we’d give up this whirlwind life), I am going to fight hard for it to be in Helsinki. Let me tell you why...

    Food, Poland / 12.01.2018

    At the end of last year, we managed to tick off our 75th item on our Wanderlist by visiting my Motherland a.k.a. my family's home country – Poland. For those of you following along regularly on Instagram (hey fammmm!!) you might remember me teaching you how to make Pierogis that one time? Or you might remember how I forced Stevo to try all the amazing foods I ate as a kid (ok, "forced" is probably not the best word, as he did so willingly)? Well, if you're not part of our Insta Crew (why on Earth not?!), and you did not know that Polish cuisine made up 99% of my diet as a kid, then - SURPRISE! Let me use this opportunity...

    Peru / 31.08.2017

    Let's be honest, most people visiting the country of Peru will be headed for the Sacred Valley of the Incas to see the ancient city of Machu Picchu (and if you are indeed one of those who will be doing so, make sure you check out our other post, where we share what else you can do in and around the Inca Valley – because there really is LOADS more to do than simply see the seventh world wonder – although when I put it like that, it's clear why you're headed for Machu Picchu...

    Peru / 22.08.2017

    Machu Picchu. A place that has managed to make its way onto almost everyone's bucket list; everyone's I-do-not-care-how-but-I-need-to-go-even-if-it-is-the-last-thing-I-do Wanderlist. Go on – go through your list in your head (or have a look at the one you've been populating ever since you signed up for our online course). We're assuming Machu Picchu is on there. And why wouldn't it be?! An ancient city discovered only a little over a century ago, and, as the Lonely Planet team puts it, (it is) "the best-known archaeological site on the continent" (of South America). Of course you're going to want to see it with your own eyes, and experience that "Old Peak" (which is what Machu Picchu actually translates to #FunFact). So did we. But what...

    Denmark, Food / 02.08.2017

    We've partnered up with global bike-sharing system Donkey Republic, and flight and accommodation search engine Momondo, to explore some of Europe's most esteemed cities, hoping to prove that anywhere, anything, with anyone, at anytime, is simply a bike ride away…oh, and that there’s no better way to explore a city than on two wheels. Follow along in what we have affectionately called our #TourDeDonkey. Our first stop: Copenhagen, Denmark The mission: Find the best cuisine   Often coined as the "food capital of Scandinavia", it was no surprise to us that our friends at Donkey Republic made food the theme for our tour of Copenhagen. But wanting to make this a bicycle food tour like no other, we decided to put some rules in...

    South Africa / 26.06.2017

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is wine farm hopping in Franschhoek, South Africa.   Ah, Franschhoek. Just saying the name out loud brings all the happy feels inside. If you don't know Franschhoek (and no happy feels were felt whilst reading the last sentence), let me introduce you to one of our country's oldest towns (dating back to the French Huguenot settlement of 1688) and...

    Japan / 22.05.2017

    If you’d told me at the beginning of our journey that I would be walking down avenues filled with Cherry blossom trees, in one of the most world-renown cities in the world, I probably would’ve said, “Yeah, yeah, maybe one day…” (with a glimmer of hope that we would in fact one day get to go, but not actually believing it). Fast forward to early April 2017, and there we were. Standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by prepossessing pink blossoms, and the eloquent people of Tokyo walking their dogs (mostly the Akita breed, after famed and respected Hachiko made an impression), or walking to work, clothed in black suits and fashionable printed scarves. “WE’VE MADE IT TO...

    Japan / 08.05.2017

    Bright and bold Pagodas, sakura-inspired cotton candy, Shrines and Temples with exuberant beauty, taller-than-tall-skyscraper bamboo forests, a city led by tradition. Kyoto was everything we wanted it to be and more. [embed][/embed] Now let me begin by saying that Japan has been high on our “must visit list” (aka our Wanderlist) since day zero. Six items on our list are dedicated to Japan, and we thankfully ticked off four during our week-long visit to this ancient city, so you can already see where this post is going…YES, WE ARE IN LOVE WITH JAPAN. SO MUCH SO THAT I FELT THE NEED TO USE CAPS TO REALLY HIGHLIGHT THE FACT THAT WE ARE IN LOVE WITH IT. HOPE THAT'S COMING ACROSS CLEARY. Strategically we chose...

    Cambodia, Creativity, Food, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Wellness / 01.05.2017

    Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng. Bánh Cuõn, Phõ and Cao Lâu. Amok, Lok Lak and Kuyteav. Okonomiyaki, Mochi and Sashimi. If you've traveled through Asia (specifically Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan) like we recently have, you'll know that these hard-to-pronounce words are in fact extremely popular (and widely-eaten) dishes from the four countries. Those that know me well, know that I have a slightly sickening obsession with food. I dream about food, rely on food to get me through the hard days (sometimes a little too much), and if I wasn't traveling the world taking pics and telling stories, I'd probably be running a vegan beach-side bakery (maybe that's a dream I need to fulfill in the next decade...

    Cambodia, Food, Wellness / 10.04.2017

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a detox at the Yoga and Meditation Retreat, Vagabond Temple, in Cambodia.   I'm writing this from what is known as "the private corner". The private corner is essentially a small square table (positioned perfectly under five trees to attain constant shade), surrounded by four wooden benches. If one sits in the private corner it means he or she is either...

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