Tips For Budgeting An International Trip

Tips For Budgeting An International Trip | How Far From Home

Tips For Budgeting An International Trip

Traveling internationally can be an enriching and memorable experience, but it often comes with a hefty price tag. Proper budgeting can make your journey more enjoyable and stress-free. So whether you’re leaving the States behind for an African or Asian adventure, or, like Chanel and Stevo you’re thinking about more European travels, here are some practical tips to help you plan and stick to a budget for your next international adventure. 

Tips For Budgeting An International Trip

Set A Clear Budget

Before you even begin planning, determine how much you can afford to spend. This overall budget should include all aspects of your trip. Make sure to set a spending limit for the following:

  • Flights
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Transport
  • Activities
  • Emergencies 

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Research Destination Costs

Understanding the cost of living in your destination country is crucial. Some countries are naturally more expensive than others. Research the average prices for accommodation, food, transport and attractions to get a sense of what you’ll need to budget for. For instance, some of the most expensive countries to travel to include Japan, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and the Bahamas. So, if you’re on a strict budget, you’ll likely want to avoid these locations. 

    Some more affordable destinations include Cambodia, Romania, Poland, Morocco, Indonesia and South Africa. Where you travel from will obviously influence these costs, but overall, these countries can offer much more value for money.

    Book Flights In Advance

    Flights will likely take up the bulk of your budget. Booking early can often save you money. Use fare comparison websites that set price alerts to track fare charges. It may be beneficial to fly midweek or during off-peak times to find cheaper tickets, allowing you to allocate money elsewhere.

    Skip the Hotels

    Hotels can be expensive, especially if you stay in the heart of the city. Consider alternatives like hostels, vacation rentals, guest houses or even home exchanges or volunteering gigs (like Chanel and Stevo did when they first started traveling back in 2015). Websites like Airbnb, Expedia or offer a range of options to suit different budgets. Plus, you can filter options, making it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. It’s also a good idea to book early or during the off-season when the demand is lower.

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    Travel Light

    Packing lightly can save you a considerable amount of money on your trip, as many airlines charge hefty fees for checked baggage. These fees typically start at $25-$30 for the first bag and increase for each additional piece. You can avoid these extra costs by packing efficiently and sticking to a carry-on.

    Cook At Home

    While dining out for every meal can be convenient (and fun), costs can add up quickly. Consider booking accommodations with kitchen facilities, allowing you to prepare some of your meals at home. This is also a great way to experience local markets and fresh produce. When eating out, look for local eateries rather than touristy spots, which are often pricier. 

    Pack some snacks and water for on-the-go. This way, you’ll avoid spending unnecessarily on convenience foods in tourist hubs where prices are often inflated. Bring non-perishable snacks like granola bars, nuts, dried fruit, crackers or chips, which are easy to carry and provide quick energy boosts. 

    Carrying a reusable water bottle is ideal as many destinations have water fountains or refill stations. This simple preparation helps you avoid the high costs of purchasing food and drinks on the go.

    Prioritize Activities And Attractions

    When planning your international adventure, it’s essential to prioritize activities and attractions to maximize your time and budget. Start by listing the must-see sights and experiences and researching their costs and opening hours. 

    There’s no use forking out hundreds of dollars to visit museums or take boat trips if it’s not something you’re interested in. You also don’t want to travel across the world only to miss the sights you’ve always dreamed of. Focus on the experiences that offer the most value and significance to your trip.

    Consider booking tickets in advance for popular attractions to avoid long lines and potential price hikes. Balancing paid activities with free or low-cost options can help you stick to your budget while still enjoying all the location has to offer. 

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    Take the Bus Or Train (Or Go By Foot)

    Taxis, Ubers and car rentals can be costly. Research the public transport options available at your destination. Buses, trains, subways and rideshares are often much cheaper and can provide a more authentic experience of the local culture.

    It’s also worth considering whether your destination is within driving distance or if there are trains or buses available. It may be more feasible to opt for your own vehicle or public transport than to spend money on flights. 

    Make an effort to walk where you can. It’s a fantastic way to get some movement in and see the area without spending a cent. Traveling by foot or using public transport is also a much more sustainable way to get around, drastically reducing your carbon footprint.

    Take Advantage Of Free Activities

    Not all experiences require you to dig deep into your pockets. Many cities offer free walking tours, museums with free admission days, and beautiful parks and public spaces begging to be seen. Most attractions are free too, for example, it doesn’t cost anything to visit the Trevi Fountain or the Eiffel Tower. 

    Tips For Budgeting An International Trip | How Far From Home

    Manage Currency Exchange Wisely

    Currency exchange rates can drastically impact your budget. Research the best ways to exchange money, whether it’s through your bank, currency exchange services, or ATMs abroad. Be cautious of fees and unfavorable rates at airport exchange counters or tourist areas.

    Track Your Spending

    While it might seem tedious, tracking your spending is the best way to stay within budget. Use apps like YNAB, GoodBudget, NerdWallet, Trail Wallet (as recommended by Chanel and Stevo) or a simple notebook to record your daily expenses. This habit helps you adjust your spending if you’re going over budget and ensures you have enough funds for the entire trip.

    Get Travel Insurance

    Travel insurance can cover a wide range of potential travel issues, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost or delayed luggage, and other travel disruptions. Without travel insurance, these unexpected situations can result in significant out-of-pocket expenses and stress.

    When selecting a policy, ensure it covers all the activities you plan, and is suitable for your destination. Although it may seem like an extra cost, travel insurance provides peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your getaway with the confidence that you’re protected against potential mishaps.

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    Set Up A Contingency Fund

    Unexpected expenses, such as medical emergencies, missed flights, accommodation mishaps or lost belongings, can arise. Set aside a small portion of your budget as a contingency fund to cover any unforeseen costs (over and above the travel insurance, for circumstances not covered by your provider). 

    Wave Goodbye To Financial Stress

    By carefully planning and budgeting, you can enjoy your international travels without financial worries. Prioritize spending on what matters most to you, whether it’s unique experiences, delicious foods or comfortable accommodations, and forget about the rest.

      Author bio: Jack Shaw is a freelance lifestyle writer and dedicated traveler. His writing focuses on exploring the food, culture and beautiful views of wherever life decides to throw him. Stories of his travel can be seen in Modded, Trekaroo, The Travel Magazine and more. Jack has a love of all things outdoors, and spends much of his free time taking on local hiking trails and state parks.

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