holland Tag

    BE INSPIRED, Canada, Creativity, India, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, Peru, South Africa, Travel Destinations / 04.12.2021

    Having been fortunate enough to travel to 60 countries so far, we have seen some stunning places that make it super easy to take a fantastic photo. Our Instagram feed over the year has showcased a lot of these places but we thought it was finally time we compiled a list of the most photogenic locations on our blog. So if you are an avid photographer we hope this post inspires you to get out there and visit one of these incredible locations. ...

    Netherlands / 05.05.2018

    As originally seen on Bored Panda   Every year around mid-April, The Netherlands is transformed into a technicolor wonderland, as millions of tulips bloom all at once. The Dutch are known for many things, but their tulips have become a worldwide phenomenon (which is also funny to note, because the tulip originally grew in the Middle East and was brought over to The Netherlands by some Turkish Sultans several hundred years ago). As sniffing tulips is part of our Wanderlist, we set out to capture all the colour during our recent week-long Dutch excursion. We ventured into the world-famous Keukenhof gardens (originally built in 1641 as a garden for the Keukenhof Castle) – not too far from Amsterdam – which today is home...

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