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    Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Wellness / 04.06.2017

    We've seen some incredible places. Beautiful places. Places we never knew existed until we reached them and dragged our jaws along. We've been hot beyond boiling and cold beyond freezing. We've had perfect sunsets, more than perfect sunrises, gloomy and cloudy days, and days where the sun didn't go down #gottalovescandinavia We left our third world country and explored the first world. We ventured into regal hotels and slept on the floor in dirty ones. We ate king crab until we were sick of it, tried kangaroo, moose, even whale - then one of us gave animal products up for good. We tasted flavors from over 40 countries, and still can't agree on the best beer in the world. Our world became...

    Japan / 22.05.2017

    If you’d told me at the beginning of our journey that I would be walking down avenues filled with Cherry blossom trees, in one of the most world-renown cities in the world, I probably would’ve said, “Yeah, yeah, maybe one day…” (with a glimmer of hope that we would in fact one day get to go, but not actually believing it). Fast forward to early April 2017, and there we were. Standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by prepossessing pink blossoms, and the eloquent people of Tokyo walking their dogs (mostly the Akita breed, after famed and respected Hachiko made an impression), or walking to work, clothed in black suits and fashionable printed scarves. “WE’VE MADE IT TO...

    Japan / 08.05.2017

    Bright and bold Pagodas, sakura-inspired cotton candy, Shrines and Temples with exuberant beauty, taller-than-tall-skyscraper bamboo forests, a city led by tradition. Kyoto was everything we wanted it to be and more. [embed][/embed] Now let me begin by saying that Japan has been high on our “must visit list” (aka our Wanderlist) since day zero. Six items on our list are dedicated to Japan, and we thankfully ticked off four during our week-long visit to this ancient city, so you can already see where this post is going…YES, WE ARE IN LOVE WITH JAPAN. SO MUCH SO THAT I FELT THE NEED TO USE CAPS TO REALLY HIGHLIGHT THE FACT THAT WE ARE IN LOVE WITH IT. HOPE THAT'S COMING ACROSS CLEARY. Strategically we chose...

    Cambodia, Creativity, Food, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Wellness / 01.05.2017

    Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng. Bánh Cuõn, Phõ and Cao Lâu. Amok, Lok Lak and Kuyteav. Okonomiyaki, Mochi and Sashimi. If you've traveled through Asia (specifically Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan) like we recently have, you'll know that these hard-to-pronounce words are in fact extremely popular (and widely-eaten) dishes from the four countries. Those that know me well, know that I have a slightly sickening obsession with food. I dream about food, rely on food to get me through the hard days (sometimes a little too much), and if I wasn't traveling the world taking pics and telling stories, I'd probably be running a vegan beach-side bakery (maybe that's a dream I need to fulfill in the next decade...

    Creativity / 22.03.2017

    Let me introduce you to @desi.strolls aka Désirée Illsinger. Despite her French name, Desi (as we have come to calm her) is a proud German who has spent majority of her life living in grand German cities, such as Hamburg and Munich. She takes amazing photographs, writes (look out for her first self-published novel coming soon to a book store near you), and is not afraid to hop on a plane and travel to far off places solo...

    Creativity / 02.03.2017

    Today, March 2nd 2017, marks our second birthday. Boom! Two years! That’s 24 months, 731 days (luckily we had a leap year) and a whole lot of experiences that will be with us forever. We currently find ourselves celebrating our homeless two years in beautiful Hoi An (more on Vietnam coming to our blog soon), but we somehow wanted to celebrate with YOU guys, our amazing community, because, well, we probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you! Yeah, we probably would’ve stopped traveling after one year like we originally planned, but no! We are here, two years in, with a global community of incredible, travel-hungry individuals. So let’s have a second birthday party – you keen?!   The Creative Project Ok,...

    Indonesia / 23.02.2017

    There's few places in the world that are synonymous with paradise; pure, uninhabited, postcard-perfect paradise. If you say "Bali" to pretty much anyone, visions of sultry jungle-like resorts, crystal blue waters and endless cocktail menus (and/or yoga studios) come to mind. To some (mostly those stressed and tired of hustling city living), this is the perfect paradise. We mentioned earlier this week that there's mainly two ways to travel through Bali - either on the cheap (which we did for a few weeks) or you travel through Bali the way you'd travel if you were on an endless honeymoon, lounging around in exquisite villas, enjoying the ultimate me-time, down-time and sexy-time. We were fortunate enough to visit five of Bali's most Instagrammable...

    New Zealand / 06.01.2017

    Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Trafalgar tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 10 days, 1 sensational country made up of 2 contrasting islands, and a collection of 39 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The third city on our Contrasts of New Zealand tour was Christchurch. I remember when we arrived in Oslo in mid-2015, just a few months into our journey. I felt somewhat nostalgic, as the “slick architecture with globally-known brands plastered on top” reminded me a lot of home. When our Trafalgar tour stopped in Christchurch for a night (giving us just enough free time to mingle around the South Island’s largest city), I couldn’t help but...

    Creativity / 24.11.2016

    As seen on The Huffington Post The festive season is upon us, and you will soon be bombarded (if you haven’t been already), with “Super Snowy Christmas Savings”. You may also have suggestions fill up in your feed of the latest tech gadget that your child or significant other simply has to have, urging you to part with your hard-earned money that you saved throughout 2016. You might also remember gifts you received last year, and maybe you feel some ridiculous pressure to impress that certain someone this time round? Well, we have come up with a fool-proof solution for being the most popular person on Christmas morning. It’s simple really...

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