creative Tag

    Food, Wellness / 24.10.2016

    Some of you may know that I turned vegan in January. It began with the Veganuary month-long challenge that the team at 31days dared me to take on, and after feeling the health benefits (and knowing the power of veganism to combat the too-much-talk-not-enough-action environmental issues), I decided to stay on and see how long I could last. Yes I’ve cheated once or twice, and yes I eat fish sometimes (especially when we are staying on an island in Iceland that basically lives off the wild salmon from the river around it, or when we visit friends in Swedish Lapland and get offered a rare Swedish delicacy of fermented herring - have to try everything once, right?) but for the most part, probably...

    Love / 06.10.2016

    Slightly different from our usual posts, and excuse me for going back in time a little, but I just have to share a portion of an email we received on February 16th (roughly 8 months ago) to set the scene. The email was from a young couple living in London; a couple who happened to come across our story somewhere online, and wanted to get in touch. Here is what it said: ...

    Australia, Austria, Food, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mauritius, Mexico, Spain, Sweden / 24.06.2016

    As you can imagine, we are traveling on a super tight budget. Any costs we can cut, we will do our best to do so. That being said, though, there are two things we spoil ourselves with in each and every city. Chanel, of course, tastes a local pastry (as it's part of our Wanderlist), and I, well, I spoil myself by buying, tasting and photographing a local beer. Beer has always been a part of my life. I'm not saying that I'm a drunk, but I really do enjoy the nuances of beer tasting, and with over 30 countries under our belts, we had to unbuckle them somewhat after all the beer we've tasted on this journey. But it's really difficult to say who...

    Australia, Austria, Creativity, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland / 17.05.2016

    Let me start off by saying that animal portraiture is a lot harder than it looks. We knew this from the many hours we spent 'dog stalking' back home at some of  Johannesburg's many parks. Anyone remember @PixelPaws on Instagram? Yes, that was our first 'shot' at moving-target photography. We literally have thousands of dog portraits on our hard drive, so we should look at sharing more of those...

    Entrepreneurship / 25.04.2016

    We recently launched our FaceBook page. It's nothing fancy - somewhere to house and share our blog post links, Instagram posts, current news, and soon, our live events. To be honest, we were hesitant to launch a FaceBook page, and, well, you could say we've waited a lifetime (in social terms) to do so, only going live after 14 months of launching the How Far From Home brand. We also recently received a message from someone saying "Welcome to Facebook :-) You call yourselves marketing people and you only joined now. Tisk tisk. Lol." Or something like that. Perhaps all the poop scooping and unplugging got to our heads Mr Lol, but in what marketing text book (do those still exist?) or how-to-create-a-successful-brand-for-dummies handbook...

    BE INSPIRED / 18.04.2016

    March 2nd 2015 was departure day. It was the day we waved goodbye to South Africa, goodbye to a comfortable life with a comfortable salary, and goodbye to the somewhat predictable life we'd lived for over 29 years. On March 2nd 2015 we opted to say hello to spontaneity, curiosity, and a life-changing experience liberating us from everything (other than four bags of essentials and our hungry craving for adventure and need to create). I would like to say that March 2nd 2015 was a good day. It was also over a year ago, which is f%#*ing crazy! I sincerely feel like this adventure of ours has just begun, and we've been on the road for nearly 14 months now! It's madness. But it's...

    Creativity, Entrepreneurship / 25.02.2016

    Let us begin by saying that we are HUGE fans of Design Indaba (DI). We love what the brand stands for; we love how ambitious and inspired you feel every time (yes, every single time) you leave the conference; and we love the array of speakers that are on offer each year (in fact, it was this talk by Stefan Sagmeister, that we originally saw at the 2014 DI conference, that inspired us to quit it all and travel the world). So yes, we are huge fans of Design Indaba. We've been attending the conference for many years – this was normally a reward from our agencies, meaning that if we did good work, we'd have the opportunity to fly down to beautiful Cape Town for the world's...

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