africa Tag

    Namibia / 03.05.2016

    There's countries you know you need to visit before you die, because, well, half the world has been there and you've seen the iconic photographs and TV shows (do people still watch TV?!). Italy, France, USA, and Japan come to mind. Then there's countries that not too many have discovered, and really raved about. Sure tourism is high almost everywhere, but some countries don't get enough limelight. Well, Namibia is, in our opinion, one of those sensational gems that really could use some more attention (especially because we've had "Walk through the Namib desert" on a road trip in Namibia on our Wanderlist since the beginning). And now here we are, post road-trip-in-Namibia, still in shock and in awe of this...

    Tanzania / 27.04.2016

    Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Topdeck Travel tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 21 days, 4 countries, 14 sleeping destinations, and a collection of 14 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The next stop on our East African Explorer tour was the beautiful island of Zanzibar. If you wanted to explore a place that offered you white sand beaches, turquoise waters, exotic food (mostly vegan, so double yay from me), and a city full of history and culture, then you are reading the perfect blog post. The island of Zanzibar is, quite honestly, one of the most unique places we've ever visited. With its Arab and East African...

    Malawi / 23.04.2016

    Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Topdeck Travel tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 21 days, 4 countries, 14 sleeping destinations, and a collection of 14 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The next country on our East African Explorer tour was Malawi. Known as 'the warm heart of Africa', Malawi has been on my must-see-one-day-because-my-friend-recommended-it list for over a decade (my talented friend Ollie grew up in Malawi, so naturally I'd have to see where he came from). And yes, it is as spectacular and special as he described. Let's discuss the famous lake for a second. Lake Malawi is the third largest and second...

    Food, Wellness / 14.04.2016

    We've heard it being said a thousand times - "health comes first," and, well, this couldn't be more true especially when traveling. If you're stuck in bed and battling with a cold, or you're on crutches trekking through busy markets, you're not exactly getting the cultural experience you signed up for. Lemon tea with honey may be nice, but if you're in the Rum capital of the world, you're going to want to taste the honey infused Rum instead. So staying fit and healthy, no matter where you're going, and for how long you're planning on being a nomad, is essential. We've been super lucky *touches long wooden object* to be relatively healthy over the past 14 months. Yes, we've had to...

    Zambia / 07.04.2016

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a South Luangwa National Park Safari in Zambia. During our recent African adventure with our friends from Topdeck Travel, we were fortunate enough to visit Zambia's southern most national park, South Luangwa National Park, to spend two magical nights sleeping unfenced beside hippos (who we heard), baboons (who we spotted), and lions (whose marks we saw only a...

    Zambia / 29.03.2016

    Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Topdeck Travel tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 21 days, 4 countries, 14 sleeping destinations, and a collection of 14 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The first country on our East African Explorer tour was Zambia. Thick, luscious, green fields for miles; tropical and humid temperatures; friendly people with lovely faces. Our first impressions of Zambia immediately gear towards the outdoors - the beautiful, beautiful outdoors; and the people, whose welcoming nature made the first stop on our Topdeck trip a really special one. We (naturally) started our Zambian adventure in Livingstone, with a visit to Victoria Falls -...

    South Africa / 16.03.2016

    Cape Town holds a very special place in my heart. For some reason (and I think I know the reason now, since my good friend Ollie explained the theory of Earth chakras and vortexes, to us the other day ) I have always felt calm and at peace when in Cape Town. It's bizarre, especially because, of the seven trips I've done to Cape Town, six have been for work, so memories of calmness and tranquility shouldn't be associated with this city, yet somehow there's an energy here that simply leaves me feeling amazing. This city is truly world-class in terms of activities, things to see and do, and of course for photography and videography, so we thought we'd take this...

    BE INSPIRED, Wellness / 14.10.2015

    Inspired by our recent experiences of attending a Greek cooking class on the island of Poros and touring Florence in a vintage Fiat 500, our quest to inspire people to #LiveWithLess has evolved to a little more than us simply telling everyone we meet to read James Wallman's Stuffocation (which you really, really should). Before departing on our journey, we created our Wanderlist (our version of a travel bucket list) and recently looked at it and noticed how many worthy-of-their-own-limelight experiences were on it; featuring both experiences we've been dying to do for years, and amazing recommendations from our community, that we hadn't even thought of. As a result, we have created a series of graphics that illustrate what you can get...

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