Skillshare Series: Jon Burgerman

Skillshare Series: Jon Burgerman

We’re obsessed with Skillshare. We are genuinely and wholeheartedly in love with it. Little sick? Maybe. But it’s why we feel it necessary to write a whole series dedicated to the knowledge-sharing-and-soul-inspiring online platform.

Imagine being able to break away from everything that’s using up your energy (your work, your friends, your responsibilities), and for [insert course duration] you’re locked inside a room with a creative genius, as they walk you through their processes, their thinking, and they share all the little tricks they’ve learned in their profession, with you. Amazing! Then at the end of said course, there’s a little pot of gold with your name on it, inspiring you to pick up your [insert creative apparatus here], sending you into the realm of crazy inventiveness. Bliss.

Whether you need to wake up a little earlier, leave work a little later, or simply negotiate a “learning session” with your boss, making time to invigorate and swell your skills, is absolutely necessary. We’ve decided to allocate 90 minutes to learn something new every day, and we’ll be sharing some of our favourite courses (and finished creations) in this series.

Below is the first post in the Skillshare Series: Jon Burgerman.

Jon Burgerman is a quirky, playful and somewhat-hilarious doodle master. You’d notice him in a crowd as the guy wearing a peak, and maybe a sweater with a giant Burger print on it.

Skillshare series: Jon Burgerman, Photo by Nathan Beddows | How Far From Home

His work has been said to sit somewhere between “fine art, urban art and pop culture.” His iconic doodle style can be found on a multitude of forms, including toys, prints, sculptures, and even people (in the temporary-tattoo kind of way). His doodles resemble something out of a children’s book – filled with bright colours, and whacky characters – but with a hint of graffiti-esque attitude. His work is instantly recognisable, and his Skillshare class, Digital Illustration: Doodles to Designs inspired us to break free…AND DOODLE! Wow, but we had fun. Connecting with his style instantly, we had to go and research some of his work. Below you can see some of our favourite Jon Burgerman pieces.

Jon Burgerman | How Far From Home

Jon Burgerman | How Far From Home

Jon Burgerman | How Far From HomeJon Burgerman | How Far From Home

And who wouldn’t be inspired by all that? Well, we were, and below are our whacky Burgerman-style doodles.

Jon Burgerman Style Doodle - Steve | How Far From Home

Jon Burgerman Style Doodle - Chanel | How Far From Home

Jon Burgerman Style Doodle - Steve | How Far From Home

Jon Burgerman Style Doodle - Chanel | How Far From Home

Jon Burgerman Style Doodle | How Far From Home

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