31 Aug Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets
After being gone exactly 6 months, I feel it necessary we share the uglier side of our trip. Browsing through our blog posts and Instagram feed, it seems like we’re having the time of our lives. And don’t get me wrong – we are. It’s bloody amazing. But it’s not all ice-creams in the sun and pretty landscapes. Noooooo. So far, I think we’ve tallied 135 toilets scrubbed, 250 kilos of cow dung spread, 2 tons of rocks shovelled, 60 metres of pathway laid, 57 beds made, and I cannot even remember how many wine glasses we’ve polished.
You see, to come from the luxuries we left behind in Johannesburg, to the brutal truth of volunteer work, we are now on the opposite end of the scale. We’re toilet cleaners, dog poop scoopers, grocery store merchandisers, and rock shovelers.
It’s painstakingly hard and dirty work.
And although the last few months have been the most rewarding, they’ve also been some of the dirtiest and smelliest, and we’ve had to adapt with the least amount of necessities and food (and not because we’re on some crazy crash diet). Whilst visits to town with our new friends in Norway meant buying beer and bags of candy for them, we’ve been forced to purchase floss (because you only get one set of pearlers, right?) and nothing else. The budget is really tight, and we are definitely forced to use creativity (and small pep talks) to solve most of our problems (and the mild crying fits).
So don’t let the bank of gorgeous photography fool you. Nuh uh. I am not at my fittest, slimmest or physically healthiest. We eat jam on crackers most days, get roughly 5hrs of sleep per night, and lug our extremely heavy bags through cobbled streets at 1am, trying to find our accommodation (because bus fares are not part of the budget, obviously).
Although we knew it wouldn’t be easy, we are certainly learning fast that this isn’t for faint hearts, and we need to learn to react and adapt to everything that’s thrown our way. Mentally, it’s also a constant yo-yo between “I have all this time – let me use it productively, let me get fit and do everything I’ve ever wanted to do,” vs. “I have all this time – let me relax and enjoy it.” That, together with occasional bouts of boredom, demotivation and homesickness, makes this one hell of a ride.
But even though we probably have more greys than when we started, dirt under our nails despite long showers, and cheap snack food as a main form of nutrition, this crazy lifestyle allows us to enjoy the freedom of exploring rich Swedish forests, never-ending Nordic fjords, Italian cobbled alleyways, and cosmopolitan cities. We have time to brainstorm our own ideas, and push our own creative experiments. It’s like heaven for us. Sure, wood needs to be stacked, and garbage needs to be taken out (it’s our version of a shit sandwich, as Mark Manson put it), but once that’s done, we’re free to explore, wander and be one with our meandering thoughts. You work under your own schedule, using (a lot of) spare time to jog around mirrored lakes, craft inspired creations and breathe the Arctic air. There’s nothing quite like swopping million rand advertising budgets for toilet scrubbing to teach you about humility, life and the importance of living each day as if it were your last.
If you enjoyed this blog post, you may want to follow our journey on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, browse our online photography shop, or get yourself a copy of our TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD eBook.
Posted at 16:59h, 31 AugustPerspective and coming from you two, fresh! You’re living your own dream and that is what really counts.
Now good luck with the next batch of toilets. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Scott Weiner
Posted at 17:17h, 31 AugustHi Chanel and Stevo. I’m curious. How do you find these odd jobs to do? And are these people willing to let you work for just a day or two and leave?
Posted at 17:20h, 31 AugustHi Scott. You can check out workaway.info. There’s a number of hosts from all over the world willing to swop free food & accommodation for 4-5hrs of work per day. Most workaways last 2 weeks minimum, up to about 2-3 months. Mostly up to the host, so maybe you can negotiate a shorter stay. Good luck! We highly recommend it!
Scott Weiner
Posted at 19:16h, 31 AugustThanks for the reply. I’ll check that site out. Is it always a swap? Can you get cash for a host and move on?
Posted at 19:54h, 31 AugustAs far as we know it’s always a swop, but maybe give Workaway a shout and see.
Posted at 17:31h, 31 AugustHey you guys! I read you are in Athens, Greece…. I live and work here as an marketer at a startup in the digital industry. If you are actually here contact me! I think we might have grounds for service exchange without any toilets involved!!
Olga 🙂
PS sorry our website has not been translated into english yet
Posted at 14:16h, 02 SeptemberAh sorry Olga! Seems we’ve missed you as we are in Italy already. Maybe pop us a mail and share your ideas – if digital, I’m sure we can collaborate across borders 😉 howfarfromhomeblog@gmail.com
Kirsten Felbert (@Kirst85)
Posted at 17:36h, 31 AugustHave you guys ever considered signing up to http://www.patreon.com to help fund your trip? Its a crowdfunding platform allows artists/creators to obtain funding from patrons on a recurring basis or per artwork. Seems like you guys will be “creating” a lot on this trip, its worth a look.
Posted at 18:00h, 31 AugustAh we’ll definitely check it out thanks!
Nikhil Mehta
Posted at 17:39h, 31 AugustI love the way you write your own script with how to deal with life, and i support every bit of what you say about pains vs luxuries. At the end of the day, remember that you are experiencing something far more richer than anyone else around. Kudos to you both!
Do take the time to go through my own travel experience that i covered in a span of a few minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCRxFIfcvgw
Hope you like it 🙂
Posted at 18:01h, 31 AugustThanks so much for the support Nikhil! We certainly will 🙂
Gabriel Rios
Posted at 17:40h, 31 AugustHola Chanel & Stevo. Your perseverance & honesty is inspiring. You are doing something most of us dream about. Even if you don’t stick with the original plan, remember that you had the courage to face this challenge. That accomplishment is much bigger than any milestone or brief due date. Everything you left behind will still be there when you get back. Best of luck.
Nina and Giuse | Leaving the old way
Posted at 17:54h, 31 AugustHey guys!
Finally a very honest post about it 🙂
We quit our job last year, and now we are traveling the world like you 🙂
Posted at 18:13h, 31 AugustHave you had any scary situations?
Posted at 18:18h, 31 AugustHmmm, not that we recall. We both dislike flying, so boarding each of the MANY flights has risen a few heartbeats… But other than that, we’re taking it all in and loving the thrill of the journey!
Posted at 18:15h, 31 Augustget a donation button or something(name your funding website), I’m confident a lot of people would have no problem passing you some money to scrub a few less toilets
Posted at 18:17h, 31 AugustAnd thats Why travelling is nit being on holidays, and if people quit their jobs to travel thinking thats the deal I’m afraid they will get a reality check pretty soon.
In any case I won’t ever describe it as “The opposite end of the scale” My life is way better, my sense of humanity, my experience, my learnings, the whole thing while I clean toilets and keep on following my dream, And if you still believe this is “the opposite end of the scale” you havene get your priorities sorted at all.
Posted at 18:20h, 31 AugustCompletely agree with you! All we meant by the “opposite end..” was that this is completely different from the office jobs we had prior to the poop scooping and rock shoveling. This end couldn’t be more rewarding!
Posted at 18:25h, 31 AugustEnjoy the ride!
Just as life itself, there is sh*** going on, but there is also light, laughs, wisdom, freedom and power in all the weekness.
Keep inspiring us!!! You’re living and that counts the most! 😀 ♡
Adam Mazerall
Posted at 18:27h, 31 AugustKeep it up guys! I don’t know if you’ve considered reaching out to Tourism Boards and local PR companies to set up dinners, services, spa visits, accommodations, etc. – your Instagram following alone is enough to warrant some gratis experiences, as long as you don’t mind posting updates to your social networks and blog.
Look me up if you ever make it to Toronto during your globe-trotting – will be happy to set up some awesome eats and experiences for ya!
Posted at 18:35h, 31 AugustThanks Adam! We definitely will!
Posted at 19:42h, 31 AugustThat’s exactly what I thought Adam! With their instagram feed, they are sitting on a potential gold mine of all they can get for free as they travel!
Posted at 18:38h, 31 AugustReblogged this on magnetically aesthetic and commented:
Every day it feels like I see someone or couples quitting their 9-5 jobs and traveling the world and feeling almost envious of their new lifestyles. I would think, “how do they do it? Are they just loaded with money and can afford to country hop for the rest of their lives?”
I came across this blog post about a couple that was one of the pioneers for dropping their stagnant jobs to see the world. This particular post takes off the rose tint from our perception of these happy-go-lucky travelers and shows us another side of this new lifestyle. I’m glad this puts things in perspective and presents the other truth in their travel adventures!
leandro kanis
Posted at 18:42h, 31 AugustI dont know if it’s too much of asking, but I would like to know how this trip is affecting your relationship.
Posted at 18:44h, 31 AugustHaha, it’s definitely an adventure being together 24/7. We’re working on a post about it and will share it soon!
fred doe
Posted at 18:43h, 31 AugustReblogged this on Ik stop ermee. and commented:
Waar een wil is…
Posted at 18:48h, 31 AugustKudos to you guys! I’ve done the same quitting my good job and was willing to do volunteer work of any kind but I got job offer that would allow me to travel and have a career at the same time so I took it. I didn’t look back anymore after that.
I think people will never understand what we do, giving good things up. But in the end it doesn’t matter. I questioned myself from time to time if it was worth it and definitely it does. All the best!
Posted at 18:58h, 31 AugustA big big thank you for sharing this, seriously! Many people out there just believe it’s quite easy to leave everything behind and start travelling the world. Rarely anyone speaks about the other side of the story which is the sacrifices you’ll have to make to support your dream. You guys are having quite a life experience with all the goods and the bads, but it’s really important a dose of reality and this is what your post is just doing. While some people would still decide to do it, others might think twice and just use their holidays instead or move along with their work. Also, I guess the best part of your story is that you’re doing it together, and that makes quite a difference. All the best! Keep on looking to read more stories 🙂
Posted at 19:06h, 31 AugustHi guys! Just came across your blog thanks to Buzzfeed! 🙂 Such gorgeous photos and amazing experiences! I’ve travelled quite a bit myself and know that although amazing there are challenges along the way. I just wanted to point out that I think you guys could combine travelling and earning a decent amount by monetising your blog and selling your creative services. You have a big following and are clearly creative minds and great photographers! You could collaborate with likeminded (travel) brands and earn money on sponsored posts, affiliate links, etc. Just something to think about. Best of luck with all your travelling! I look forward to seeing more photos! Xx
Posted at 19:06h, 31 AugustHi guys! Just came across your blog thanks to Buzzfeed! 🙂 Such gorgeous photos and amazing experiences! I’ve travelled quite a bit myself and know that although amazing there are challenges along the way. I just wanted to point out that I think you guys could combine travelling and earning a decent amount by monetising your blog and selling your creative services. You have a big following and are clearly creative minds and great photographers! You could collaborate with likeminded (travel) brands and earn money on sponsored posts, affiliate links, etc. Just something to think about. Best of luck with all your travelling! I look forward to seeing more photos! Xx
Posted at 20:23h, 31 AugustThanks so much Julie! We’ll definitely look into it.
Posted at 19:10h, 31 AugustHey ya’ll
A friend of mine posted your blog and it makes for a very interestin read. I quit my job in March and have been trying to travel in my own. Nothing as grand as your trails… just my own backyard mostly. But a few trials do echo mine. Makes me want to go beg for my job back. But I will so miss the incredible life experiences that I’ve come to look forward to :》
Thanks for sharing.
Posted at 19:11h, 31 AugustHey ya’ll
A friend of mine posted your blog and it makes for a very interesting read. I quit my job in March and have been trying to travel on my own. Nothing as grand as your trails… just my own backyard mostly. But a few trials do echo mine. Makes me want to go beg for my job back. But I will so miss the incredible life experiences that I’ve come to look forward to :》
Thanks for sharing.
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Posted at 19:16h, 31 August[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in which they share “the uglier side of our trip.” It turns out that following […]
Posted at 19:26h, 31 AugustTotally worth it. Never forget where you came from. Just think about the rest of us monkeys still stuck here in our silly little worlds turning tricks and drowning in a sea of stress. Scrub that toilet with a smile on your face. 🙂
Thank for the inspiration! <3
Posted at 19:28h, 31 AugustYou guys have between 700-1,000 ORGANIC hit per day, that’s not even what you have coming in from social media. You’re ranking well on Google. Why not put ads on the site or affiliate marketing? You could make money…
Posted at 19:30h, 31 AugustI have also been wondering how the relationship is affected. A woman that beautiful could find men who would be happy to take her around the world….in a private jet! Good luck, guys!
Posted at 19:31h, 31 AugustUuuh i don’t know what to say. All i know is you guys so strong to carry a situation like that but its really fun right? You both enjoy every single day which other. Work hard together. But you guys know what? For me whenever you’re with your girlfriend or boyfriend and doing a hard jobs together? It’s a way to be more stronger for the relationship or to break up cause you can’t do heavy things but based on your own blog i can really say that you and you boyfriend have a strong relationship. Its been 6 months and i can feel the love miles from here (philippines).
Posted at 19:38h, 31 AugustWith each other*
Posted at 19:38h, 31 AugustThanks so much Edgar! Yes, we’ve only grown stronger through all this. We love each other more everyday.
Posted at 19:33h, 31 AugustI love real posts!
There is a good and bad side to everything. I sacrificed countless luxuries, as well as basic comforts, to be able to afford traveling… and took some unpleasant jobs to make money.
I would do it all over again, and will, for as long as I want to!
Posted at 19:34h, 31 AugustThis post is so true and I love it. At the end all that shitty work is worth it. And it’s going to help you grow within. Happy travels!!
Damask Suitcase
Posted at 19:40h, 31 AugustAmazing post! Love love love the message!
Cat & Will - SV Paradox - www.mondaynever.com
Posted at 19:46h, 31 AugustHi guys – thanks for sharing this part of your adventure. My husband and I are about to do a similar thing. We’ve quit our good jobs in San Francisco and are going to live on a sailboat for a year. I’m sure it will be filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows – and we have the luxury of having a boat as a home and not having to “lug our stuff” everywhere we go. Good luck to you two. What you are doing is incredibly inspirational to the rest of us even if at times not glamourous. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the journey goes!
Posted at 21:11h, 31 AugustThanks so much for the support! Good luck to you too!
Posted at 19:49h, 31 AugustI LOVE the honesty. Social media could use a little more of that. Happy adventuring, poop-scooping, and loving one another! xx.
Pingback:Reality Check: The Couple that Gave Up Their Jobs to Travel Are Now Scrubbing Toilets And Scooping Shit for Money | The Bayside Journal
Posted at 20:02h, 31 August[…] Read the whole blog post here. […]
Pingback:The Couple Who Quit Their Ad Jobs to Travel the World Ended Up Poor and Scrubbing Toilets | Scopelinks.com
Posted at 20:04h, 31 August[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in which they share “the uglier side of our trip.” It turns out that following […]
Posted at 20:08h, 31 AugustNot alot of people are this honest as you, I admire that. If you value your dream this much as you can to dirty work to keep your dream alive. It’s not so bad, just the ups and downs of life, everyone struggles but only some share it as part of their life.
I am glad you shared this, this is very inspirational.
Brent Durand
Posted at 20:10h, 31 AugustNice to put things in perspective guys. Congrats on the AdWeek coverage too. Keep it up for all us dreamers!
Chris Baccus (@cbaccus)
Posted at 20:27h, 31 AugustYour Instagram account should include the harsh realities of the trip instead of just the picturesque moments. It would be a more interesting look into your travels that sets you apart from the typical vacationing accounts.
Posted at 22:12h, 31 AugustI don’t necessarily agree that the Instagram feed has to have these harsh reality photos if you have a brand to protect…. but if you’re going “write” about this, and not include photos, which is sort of main driver of your content, then it puts a serious dent on credibility. The fact that we don’t see any “real” work with this post is a bit unnerving.
Posted at 14:15h, 02 SeptemberThanks for the comment. We haven’t really documented the uglier side photographically, so can’t share the pics, but thought a heartfelt piece would at least paint a better picture of the uglier side of our journey for those interested.
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Posted at 20:41h, 31 August[…] post do blog deles, Cartell escreveu que ela e Dirnberger perceberam que seus posts nas suas redes sociais sobre as […]
Posted at 20:45h, 31 AugustPlace some ads on your website guys, we’ll do some clicks for you 🙂 Maybe you even wont have to scrub toilets anymore.
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Posted at 20:47h, 31 August[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they've posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled "Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets"—in which they share "the uglier side of our trip." It turns out that following one's […]
Posted at 20:47h, 31 AugustAmazing and honest post. Changing an entire lifestyle is not the easiest thing and many don’t chose to do so, but hats off to you both for taking this step. I love how real this post is and I will look forward to your website for more. We’re also a couple blogger and it’s funny, we have a similar website theme (at least on the cell phone).
Wendy Thomas-Pomeroy
Posted at 20:59h, 31 AugustI find this very interesting and adventurous. I love it. Should you end up in the United States, you may stay a week at our place in Oklahoma. We have a room and kitchenette available that is good for rest and sleep. You are welcome to eat with us as well. No charge, to help you with your adventure.
Posted at 21:47h, 31 AugustThanks so much Wendy!
Posted at 22:38h, 31 AugustYes, come to Nebraska. Free room and board and my hubby kills it in the kitchen.
Pingback:RTW travelers now scrubbing toilets | Matador Travel
Posted at 21:07h, 31 August[…] But this week, Chanel posted an article “Why we quit our jobs in advertising to scrub toilets.” […]
Pingback:The Couple Who Quit Their Ad Jobs to Travel the World Ended Up Poor and Scrubbing Toilets | Brandcheckr.
Posted at 21:09h, 31 August[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in which they share “the uglier side of our trip.” It turns out that following […]
Sonia Tyler
Posted at 21:09h, 31 AugustI’m so proud of you. Adversity builds character and there is no doubt you both have a lot of it. Enjoy each moment and thank you for sharing with us.
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Their Jobs to Travel the World Now Scrub Toilets for a Living
Posted at 21:21h, 31 August[…] posts clearly explain that what you see in their Instagram is only the good half. Cartell […]
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Their Jobs to Travel The World Are Poor And Scrub Toilets | @KMTWANDERLUST
Posted at 21:49h, 31 August[…] they wrote a very accurate and relevant post about how their photos on social media do not tell the full story of their […]
Kat & Kyle
Posted at 22:05h, 31 AugustHave you thought about traveling to a less expensive region of the world (such as Central or South America or SE Asia) for the next part of your trip? Not only would it push the comfort zone culturally, but those places have a much lower cost of living and could be a great opportunity to shake things up and regroup financially. My husband and I have been traveling for more than three years now (& are still going strong), and balancing our travels between more expensive destinations and more economical ones has given us a lot more freedom – not only with our budget but with our time to pursue creative projects, adventures, and volunteer opportunities along the way. We write about our adventures over at http://www.whereverwithyou.com Let us know if you ever need any advice or assistance. Best of luck to you both!
Posted at 22:09h, 31 AugustThanks so much!
Posted at 22:42h, 31 AugustGet to the East Coast of USA and you can stay with me as long as you need to. I live directly in between Boston and New York City (about an hour and a half to each), and just a few miles from the beaches in Rhode Island. My sister-in-law in from Durban, South Africa, so I know how great South Africans are. Shoot me an email and let me know when/if you plan on arriving in the States. Good Luck, stay safe, and have fun!
Ryan rjacob21@gmail.com
Posted at 14:13h, 02 SeptemberAh thanks so much! And yes – South Africans are awesome 😉 We’ll definitely stay in touch!
Posted at 23:17h, 31 AugustI will try to keep this brief, but…
I have been in your shoes, as the saying goes. I sold everything, left my “dream job”, and took off with my boyfriend and a backpack to Mexico. This fall we will celebrate 21 years — yes TWENTY-ONE YEARS — since we chucked it all and pursued experiences over belongings. Since then, we have shared many travel adventures, one took five weeks in a truck camper…with a dog…and a toddler in diapers. We have taken breaks in our travels to finish up our college degrees, start a business, get married, have a baby, and other “normal” milestones. But here we are, 21 years since Mexico, the adventure that changed me permanently. A new adventure is beginning for us and there is no end in sight. We have scrubbed a toilet or two, as well. My point is: there is always a little poison in paradise and the experiences you are sharing together will be permanent while the poop-scooping is only temporary. No matter where you go or what you do after this journey, your creativity will conjure new adventures and memories for you, whether or not you make them together. Keep going, keep living, keep inspiring the next generation!
Posted at 14:12h, 02 SeptemberAmazing!! Thank you Christy! So great to hear people who have been there and done it too and for such a long time!! Super impressed – and yes, here’s to many more years of exploring for all of us.
Posted at 23:22h, 31 AugustAnd one more thing…live each day as if it were your BEST, not your last. 🙂
Safe travels, seabeans.
Posted at 14:10h, 02 SeptemberHehe, like that!
Posted at 23:49h, 31 AugustGuys, you are brave! Also because you are not complacent and you get out of every possible comfort zone. Kudos for that! We fully support you and please count on us anytime! We will keep following your adventures. Keep writing!
Pingback:This Couple Quit Their Jobs To Travel And Now Scrub Toilets To Get By
Posted at 23:56h, 31 August[…] In a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about their trip are […]
Pingback:The Couple Who Quit Their Ad Jobs to Travel the World Ended Up Poor and … | TicketsDad
Posted at 00:08h, 01 September[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a existence check on their blog—a post patrician “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in that they share “the uglier side of a trip.” It turns out that following […]
Posted at 00:27h, 01 SeptemberInteresting to see the downside of such adventure.
Till now, everybody says it’s a bed of roses but apparently it is not (let’s not forget the thorns, right?).
Pingback:Couple Who Left the Agency Life Not Too Fond of Scrubbing To
Posted at 00:32h, 01 September[…] scrubbing toilets. Currently in Athens, the couple recently published a blog post entitled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets” detailing the uglier side of their […]
Pingback:The Couple Who Quit Their Ad Jobs to Travel the World Ended
Posted at 00:33h, 01 September[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in which they share “the uglier side of our trip.” It turns out that following […]
Posted at 02:36h, 01 SeptemberYour story is very inspiring. If your adventurous souls and wandering feet happen to take you to the 7,107 islands that is the Philippines, I will gladly welcome you, guys, in Manila, and show you around the city. And after a day or 2 in the capital city, you can head north for the mountainous regions of Sagada (famed for its hanging coffins) and Banaue (rice terraces – a UNESCO World Heritage Site), or head south for the glorious beaches of Palawan (El Nido and Coron), Boracay (White Beach and Puka Beach), Cebu (Bantayan and Malapascua Islands) and Bohol (Panglao Island). #ItsMoreFunInthePhilippines @eeeeerwin
Posted at 07:31h, 01 SeptemberBrilliant! Thanks so much for all the suggestions!
Mike Brooks
Posted at 03:20h, 01 SeptemberI’d love to see you guys talk about the monetary aspect of this some. Presumably, you had some saved up before you started this trip, and you’ve had enough to get on planes here and there, but you mention that money is tight and you’re scrubbing toilets. Is this so that you don’t really touch what you had before you started, or did you end up using all the money you started with?
Posted at 07:19h, 01 SeptemberThanks Mike! We’re working on the monetary savings vs spendings, budget vs actual etc piece and will hold it until the end to share with everyone!
Mike Brooks
Posted at 23:56h, 01 SeptemberGreat, thanks! Have an awesome remaining exploration! 🙂
Pingback:From Agency Advertisers To Toilet Scrubbers, Meet Chanel Cartell and Stevo Dirnberger! | The Sha Chan Show
Posted at 04:10h, 01 September[…] Read Chanel Cartell’s and Stevo Dirnberger’s interesting story here! […]
Posted at 04:18h, 01 SeptemberI think you found an amazing way to get exposure and stand out. Job well done!
Posted at 05:01h, 01 SeptemberStill you’ve achieved more than mosts could ever do. Harsh realities are always part of the life.
Posted at 05:03h, 01 SeptemberStill you’ve achieved more than most could ever do. Harsh realities are part of life.
thank you for your honesty and courage. I hope the situation gets better and with joy and healthy you travel the world.
Posted at 13:54h, 02 SeptemberThanks a lot RT!
Tony W
Posted at 05:26h, 01 SeptemberYou seem to have shelter, water, food, clothing and free time. Nice! A little work never hurt anyone. I am sure you will be able to monetize you blog at some point. Enjoy the journey 😉
Posted at 06:11h, 01 SeptemberI too have been on the road less traveled and it can be unbelievably difficult at times. However; when you get on the other side you start to look at every single challenge in life with “How hard is this really?” kind of attitude. Are there really any big deals if you have two arms, two legs and two eyes that work. Really? Also, the top came off my creativity when for once in my life; me and me projects started to become more important to me than fulfilling the corporate agenda that was always SO important. I started to become important and my voice. And now, I am starting to hear the echos of my own voice in the wilderness. Weird! CW
Posted at 07:12h, 01 SeptemberYou couldn’t be more right! And so well said. Here’s the the echoes!
Minority Nomad
Posted at 06:36h, 01 SeptemberIt’s amazing to me how so many outlets and people are totally misrepresenting the point of this post. Good on you and I’m glad you are presenting BOTH sides of it. Long term travel requires certain sacrifices. Both personally and fiscally. Freedom always has a price. Sad some have taken this opportunity to say “I told you so” instead of reading your original post and the context it’s written in.
Pingback:The Couple Who Quit Their Ad Jobs to Travel the World Ended Up Poor and Scrubbing Toilets | Digital Of Life
Posted at 07:00h, 01 September[…] out the full blog post for […]
Posted at 07:23h, 01 SeptemberReblogged this on Nomadic Gypsies and commented:
One of the most honest post about traveling on a budget
Posted at 07:37h, 01 SeptemberHi, don’t know if my comment came through, but you are most welcome to stay at my comfy sofa bed for a few days if you are ever in Denmark. + I’ll cook for you.
Have a great day! 🙂
Posted at 13:52h, 02 SeptemberThank you Maikie! We LOVED Denmark, so will let you know if we ever make it back there 🙂
Posted at 08:27h, 01 SeptemberSuch a great read! The only way to realize something is by actually jumping in and doing it! I share the same joy with you on making your dream exist.
Posted at 08:45h, 01 SeptemberReblogged this on Pixelated Thoughts.
Amy Lee
Posted at 09:02h, 01 SeptemberThanks for sharing the real side of long-term travel.
I spent two years travelling in Europe and it was not the romantic, dreamy trip others thought it was. I loved it and had an incredible time, but it certainly involved some unpleasant and difficult moments.
When I’ve volunteered at a hostels, my meals have been plain pasta because that was the cheapest thing I could get. The highlight of my day was going to the library to use the free internet (for only 15 minutes at a time). I spent the afternoons washing my clothes by hand and in the evenings I had to make excuses why I couldn’t go out with hostellers (because I just didn’t have the money).
Not exactly the perfect view of long-term travel some people imagine, but I wouldn’t trade it for a thing.
Posted at 13:50h, 02 SeptemberAwesome! Thanks for sharing your similar story Amy!
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Jobs To Travel The World Reveals Ugly Side | Lipstiq.com | Malaysia Female Lifestyle Community
Posted at 09:05h, 01 September[…] the empowering article, “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets,” posted by Chanel and follow the couple on this Instagram account […]
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Jobs To Travel The World Reveals Ugly Truth | Lipstiq.com | Malaysia Female Lifestyle Community
Posted at 09:07h, 01 September[…] the empowering article, “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets,” posted by Chanel and follow the couple on this Instagram account […]
Posted at 09:10h, 01 SeptemberDon’t let pessimists and naysayers get to you. At around 5-6 months on the road, you’re bound to hit the inevitable wall called ‘culture shock” – it’s when all the exotic stuff becomes everyday and you realise, that you’re in it for the long haul, that every journey has ups and downs. You’ll get past that and come out as richer, stronger individuals. Hang in there and enjoy the ride. I wish you the best of luck. /Thomas
Instagram.com/boldsen & behance.net/boldsen
Posted at 13:47h, 02 SeptemberThanks for the support Thomas! We’ll keep loving every moment – easy and tough.
Urban Author
Posted at 09:27h, 01 SeptemberCome to Texas and my family will treat you to the finest steaks you’ve ever had, and many good friends will gather round to hear your stories.
Urban Author
Posted at 09:28h, 01 SeptemberCome to Texas and my family will treat you to the finest steaks you have ever had, and many friends who will gather round to hear your stories.
Posted at 14:02h, 02 SeptemberHaha, sounds good! We’ll let you know if we make it!
Pingback:Couple who quit their jobs to travel the world reveals what it’s really like [photos]
Posted at 10:34h, 01 September[…] Around 30 000km into their travels, the two had to start doing odd jobs and swop Instagram-worthy food for fast-food and sweets. How Far From Home was soon followed-up by the much-anticipated part two: Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets. […]
individual retirement account
Posted at 10:39h, 01 SeptemberGreat article, just what I needed.
Posted at 11:04h, 01 SeptemberI’m following your blog since a few months and I am still impressed of the step you’ve taken. Leaving a safe home for one of the biggest adventures I could dream of. Surely it’s not all like paradise, you need hard work to fulfill your dreams and plans, but isn’t that also a sign of satisfaction? That you two really deserve the things you experience because you work hard for it? you two are real role models 🙂
Posted at 13:43h, 02 SeptemberThat is exactly the point! Hard work rewards your dreams. Glad we’re inspiring people who get it 😉
Nomadic Foodies
Posted at 11:21h, 01 SeptemberHey guys! We feel ya. We also quit our lucrative jobs to take a year off to travel, and we, like you, are doing Workaway along the way to help with the budget. It’s all a labor of love as I see it- not many people get to experience the world like we all are doing. And it’s true- some days SUCK..but they are outweighed by all the awesome people places and things along the way. Keep doing your thing- even if that means scrubbing those toilets! from one traveller to another CHEERS MATE!
Posted at 13:59h, 02 SeptemberAwesome! So happy to hear from fellow willing-to-work-hard-for-a-bit-to-live-our-dream types! Here’s to exploring more!
Posted at 11:53h, 01 SeptemberExcellent article. Keep writing such kind of information on your
page. Im really impressed by it.
Hey there, You have done an excellent job. I will certainly digg it and in my opinion recommend to
my friends. I am sure they’ll be benefited from this site.
Posted at 12:30h, 01 SeptemberHey Chanel, hey Stevo, very wise text about traveling. I totally understand what do you feel, once I was also cleaning Scandinavian bathrooms in order to get the money for a trip to South America.
Posted at 12:31h, 01 SeptemberRESPECT! Keep doing this way!
Pingback:These bloggers who quit their jobs to travel the world are now doing dirty work to make ends meet | Rare
Posted at 13:26h, 01 September[…] In a blog post Monday, Cartell admitted that she and Dimberger have done their share of dirty work to fund their travels. […]
Pingback:Meet the couple who quit top executive jobs for dream to travel the world but now scrub toilets for food «
Posted at 13:50h, 01 September[…] her blog How Far From Home, Chanel writes: “It’s not all ice-creams in the sun and pretty […]
Pingback:This Couple Quit Their Jobs To Travel And Now Scrub Toilets To Get By - Ice Trend
Posted at 14:29h, 01 September[…] In a post on their blog , Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about their trip are […]
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Ad Jobs To Travel World Are Scrubbing Toilets, Doing Dirty Work | Kreative Feed
Posted at 14:43h, 01 September[…] yesterday, the duo published a blog post revealing the ugly side of extreme budget […]
Pingback:This Couple Quits Jobs To Travel The World, Ends Up Cleaning Toilets For A Living
Posted at 14:54h, 01 September[…] their blog, Chanel Cartell explains that even though social media portrays their life as a bed of rose (and […]
Posted at 15:11h, 01 SeptemberI would love to love your story. Somehow, I cannot and the more I think of it, the more it becomes blend and uninspiring. This doesn’t sound like a journey or an adventure. Just a long holiday. And no, scrubbing the toilet will not change that. At best, it will create some more buzz on social media.
I’ve crossed path with people who have hitchhiked thousands of kilometers with practically nothing…
Posted at 20:25h, 01 SeptemberHi Claude, thanks for the comment. We understand your point, but when we set out on this journey we were not trying to be the first, best, or even most unique travelers out there. We know there are tons of travelers around, inspiring others to do the same. We, however, took this year to document a creative sabbatical. Our goal was to try new things and get out of our comfort zone to inspire our creativity. Have a look here: https://howfarfromhome.com/about/ Hope that clarifies some things!
Posted at 15:45h, 01 SeptemberIt is the reality of travelling, isn’t it? Plans don’t necessarily work on the road. I am just back home from a long journey and even though i had to sleep on the road most of the days initially (for a protected Indian girl, it is indeed challenging), I am glad to have done it. The extend you go to keep travelling, makes you unique from the herd. I was sent the link of your post by 4 people today, and all I could tell them is how amazing and inspiring you guys have been. Lots of positive vibes and blessing to you both..
Posted at 20:18h, 01 SeptemberThanks so much for the support and kind words! We couldn’t agree more about having no regrets.
Pingback:This Couple Quit Their Jobs To Travel And Now Scrub Toilets To Get By | imageinperu
Posted at 15:50h, 01 September[…] a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about their trip are […]
Posted at 15:56h, 01 SeptemberNice post
Posted at 15:59h, 01 SeptemberNo wonder you guys are scrubbing toilets, this is one of the worst websites I have ever seen. Monetization is almost non existing, never mind being optimized for advertising. This is how you do it: http://onestep4ward.com/motivational-monday-how-i-made-1-million-dollars-in-3-years-blogging/
Posted at 20:16h, 01 SeptemberA little harsh, seeing as our motivation for starting our blog was creative documentation and not monetisation, but thanks for sharing your opinion.
Ryan Biddulph
Posted at 16:02h, 01 SeptemberHi Guys,
Neat stuff! I was one for leaving the 9-5 to work online ;), but each journey is fun, freeing and challenging at times. Congrats to you for breaking the chains!
Don Charisma
Posted at 16:05h, 01 SeptemberLoving the riches to rags blogs, keep them coming 🙂 cheers Don
Pingback:This couple quit their advertising jobs to travel the world — and now they scrub toilets for food | Bicara Niaga
Posted at 16:37h, 01 September[…] It’s not all sunny fjords and picturesque Greek beaches, and it’s far from a relaxing vacation. In order to survive during their travels, they’ve taken on menial jobs like scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Pingback:Comfort is for Wimps How far from home Reblog: Why we quit our jobs in advertising to scrub toilets - Comfort is for Wimps
Posted at 16:45h, 01 September[…] Read the rest at how far from home […]
Ms D
Posted at 16:46h, 01 SeptemberThis is one of the smartest way of advertising yourselves and gain the media attention. What people can’t see is the trick behind this and that this couple are from an advertising background. You guys really think they are broke? How are they affording all these fancy clothes they have been wearing in different images on their Instagram? How are they managing themselves to travel all around the world? They are able to do this by the media support they have been gaining so far. Who knows there could be some sort of money involved, more popular they make themselves more in demand they get. All this is not practical. It could all sound fun and cool, but think deeper to the trick this couple have used to influence people smartly. Public have eventually given a chance to them to become entrepreneurs.
Brilliant work guys!! Goodluck on your adventure.
Posted at 20:00h, 01 SeptemberHi Ms D. Thanks for the honest comment. Just to shed some light on your queries…
The ‘fancy clothes’ are all we have left from our lives in JHB – enough to fit in our 2 suitcases. We haven’t bought clothes since leaving in March.
We are ‘managing ourselves’ after saving 15% of our salaries from the year leading up to our journey. We have a strict monthly budget that ensures we spend wisely and only on necessities.
Thank you for supporting our trip 🙂
Corinne Cuozzo
Posted at 16:53h, 01 SeptemberYou should really put some ad revenue on your blog. That would solve your problems for sure!
André G.
Posted at 16:53h, 01 SeptemberYour honesty made you stand out of the endless sea of travel bloggers. Congratulations. For now on you guy are my favorites.
Comfort is for Wimps
Posted at 17:04h, 01 SeptemberThanks for the enlightening blog post, guys. I’m a Copywriter and doing something similar in the near future. Frankly I’m terrified of having to do something like scrub a toilet while being physically unfit after eating crackers for dinner. But I’m gonna do it. I’ve re-blogged at http://comfortisforwimps.com/how-far-from-home/
Posted at 18:06h, 01 SeptemberHaha, we promise it’s not that bad 😉 The rewarding memories you’ll make will be worth the 1% of difficult times. Good luck!
Posted at 07:23h, 02 SeptemberInsipiration! When you come here at the Philippines. Please message me. I’ll accomodate you for free. 🙂
Posted at 11:10h, 02 SeptemberThanks so much!
Mansoor Chetlu
Posted at 20:50h, 01 SeptemberAll The Best
Pingback:The Couple Who Quit Their Ad Jobs to Travel the World Ended Up Poor and Scrubbing Toilets The uglier side of a year-long creative journey | DECent Director's Blog
Posted at 17:06h, 01 September[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in which they share “the uglier side of our trip.” It turns out that following […]
Mike Amato
Posted at 17:57h, 01 September“God’s hard, not easy.”
-Ephraim, ‘Desire Under the Elms’
Thank you for sharing your journey–your WHOLE journey–and teaching everyone valuable lessons in reality vs. virtuality. Something I’ve learned about life is work, struggle makes the best memories. While others laugh, you’ll be basking in Arbeitsfreude the rest of your lives.
Ester Fiel
Posted at 18:29h, 01 SeptemberHey you guys. Thats incredibly awesome. Really. I got amazed when I read your history. (I was on the snapchat) I’m Ester, 19, I’m from Brazil and you guys are awesome. Sharing your reality with us is really kind of you both. One day I want to travel like you are doing now, no mattering the deals, the troubles, the problems. you are doing greta, really. I loved you. and I am following you on instagram lready, lol. best of life for you ♥
Posted at 19:48h, 01 SeptemberThanks for the support! Good luck on your own journey!
Sandeep Patnala
Posted at 18:32h, 01 SeptemberReblogged this on Soldier on 2 Wheels and commented:
Travelling sounds interesting but read this Other side story of Travelling !
Pingback:How Far From Home Bloggers Travel & Scrub Toilets
Posted at 19:17h, 01 September[…] Cartell, who quit their advertising jobs in Johannesburg to travel fora year. They run the blog How Far From Home, which is filled with beautiful photos of all the places they’ve been (Greece, Austria and […]
Pingback:This couple quit their advertising jobs to travel the world – and now they … | GT Trends, We're Going Places
Posted at 19:26h, 01 September[…] It’s not all sunny fjords and picturesque Greek beaches, and it’s far from a relaxing vacation. To survive during their travels, they have taken on menial jobs such as scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Posted at 19:26h, 01 SeptemberThis was an amazing read! Thank you for your honesty!
Posted at 19:47h, 01 SeptemberI’m with Minority Nomad, some of the articles I’ve read are an unfair representation for what you’re trying to say. I’ve seen ( a few ) of your photos and have travelled enough in similar situations to know that they don’t represent the whole story. Cheers to both of you for being brave enough to do this.
Sandeep Patnala
Posted at 20:01h, 01 SeptemberGlad to know that you guys din’t give up your dreams. As a traveller i understand and could feel the difficulties that you guys are going through. But the best part about life is ” It wont be easy, but it ll be worth It”
Posted at 13:30h, 02 SeptemberExactly! Here’s to more exploring, no matter how tough 🙂
Sandeep Patnala
Posted at 13:32h, 02 SeptemberDo let me know when you guys arrive in India. Would be happy to help 🙂
Kostas, GRE
Posted at 20:15h, 01 SeptemberHi guys, I’m a Greek, living in Athens. If you are ever in the city, I would love to meet you, and if need a place to live for a couple of days, e-mail me. My house is open for you. Cheers!
Posted at 13:28h, 02 SeptemberThanks so much Kostas! We’ve just passed through Greece, but if we make it there again we’ll let you know!
Pingback:That couple who quit their jobs to travel the world are now scrubbing toilets topic | metroless
Posted at 22:21h, 01 September[…] a post to their blog the pair wrote: ‘The budget is really tight, and we are definitely forced to use creativity […]
Posted at 22:28h, 01 SeptemberI’m curious to understand why you chose three of the most expensive countries in Europe (let alone the world) to travel to, i.e., Norway, Sweden, and Austria, as compared to less expensive options like Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, or other less common destinations? Granted those three are beautiful and have very unique cultures, but when you’re traveling you have to make wise decisions on where you travel and for how long. My wife and I have been traveling for nearly nine months now and we’ve made very deliberate choices in where we visit and for how long.
Posted at 13:23h, 02 SeptemberThanks MCM. When we set out on our journey, we had a very clear vision of where we wanted to go – see our Wanderlist here: https://howfarfromhome.com/wanderlist/
So for us it wasn’t about traveling for the sake of traveling – we had things we wanted to do and see in Norway, Sweden and Austria. We also had volunteer work secured in 2 of the 3 countries, and family in the 3rd, so it made our original dream a reality.
Posted at 22:57h, 01 SeptemberHi there, I’m live near to Gubbio so I can help you in some way? I’d like to make some for you be cause I love very much the esperience that you are making. So you can write to me if you like.
Posted at 13:18h, 02 SeptemberThank you Simona! We’ll let you know!
Posted at 22:58h, 01 SeptemberI admire you guys making your dreams happen even if it means your hands getting a little dirty! I added some other thoughts to the conversation here: http://www.kntydesign.com/blogs/lifestyle/61107587-quitting-your-job-to-travel-the-less-glamorous-side
Posted at 13:17h, 02 SeptemberLove it! Thank you for getting our original point across to your readers.
Pingback:This couple quit their advertising jobs to travel the world -- and now they scrub toilets for food | Business Insider
Posted at 22:59h, 01 September[…] The couple runs the blog How Far From Home, where they hold up signs that read how far they are in kilometers from their home in Cape Town, South Africa. They quit their jobs in advertising to travel for a year — and now they’re beginning to understand what a serious commitment that really was. It’s not all sunny fjords and picturesque Greek beaches, and it’s far from a relaxing vacation. In order to survive during their travels, they have taken on menial jobs like scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Gavagnin Mónica
Posted at 23:14h, 01 Septembervivir con esa libertad es el mayor sueño de todo ser humano, quién no quisiera andar sin horarios ni presiones levantarse u acostarse sin horarios, explorar el mundo y todas las bellezas que en él se encuentran, yo le agregaría un condimento, el altruismo, busquen en cada lugar que se encuentren a quien pueden ayudar quizás a un niño o anciano enfermo, a leer o escribir cuando vengan al impenetrable de américa, a intercambiar cultura, e incluso a escribir sobre las diferentes culturas, aprovechen al máximo la experiencia, no sean egpcéntricos, pensando ´solo en su libertad, vean que pueden hacer por otras personas cómo pueden ayudar, y le aseguro que serán bendecidos,
Posted at 23:20h, 01 SeptemberGood to see an article like this. I’d say we have a greater proportion of future shit shovellers and toilet cleaners than most travel websites 🙂
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Jobs To Travel The World Reveals Ugly Truth | Teh Tarik
Posted at 00:58h, 02 September[…] the empowering article, “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets,” posted by Chanel and follow the couple on this Instagram account […]
Pingback:Couple That Quit Jobs To Travel Is Now Broke And Cleaning Toilets - ManSwagManSwag
Posted at 00:59h, 02 September[…] couple, currently in Greece, just published a blog post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”, reassuring their faithful that it’s been pretty difficult to make ends meet. Not only […]
OnlineAdrian (@Online_Adrian)
Posted at 01:10h, 02 SeptemberWow guys you are really inspiring everyone who want to make a move and go around the world.
Check my blog about how to start a Travel blog: http://onlineadrian.com/how-to-start-a-travel-blog-and-how-to-make-money-with-a-travel-blog/
Posted at 03:03h, 02 SeptemberI enjoyed the blog because you didn’t try to sugar coat that the trip was great. Sure, there were parts of the trip that I am sure you find interesting, but very few people/travelers would mention the “not so nice or comfortable” side of traveling such as the homesickness and boredom. I haven’t read about your lives prior only that you left advertising (a comfortable life) to scrub toilets. What would be interesting for me–unless you’ve covered this before–was how you came up with the idea to take the trip, how did you prepare and what would you honestly tell others who would like to embark on similar trips. We get the realities, but I wanted to hear you’re expectations and what others told you to round out the story. I stilled like it though! Very interesting and I plan to follow up on your “Survivors” stories
Posted at 13:12h, 02 SeptemberGreat, thanks for the support and question! We actually covered our intention and original inspiration for the idea in depth in our first interview with Adweek – you can see that here: http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/meet-couple-who-quit-their-ad-jobs-take-most-creative-trip-around-world-164498
And despite the “hard and dirty work” we regret nothing and still encourage everyone to do it. 1% hard work for 99% pure bliss.
Pingback:Couple quit their jobs to travel the world, now they scrub toilets for food | Turismo en Malaga
Posted at 03:51h, 02 September[…] In order to survive during their travels, they have taken on menial jobs like scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Pingback:Το ζευγάρι που παράτησε τα πάντα για να ταξιδέψει τον κόσμο, τώρα καθαρίζει τουαλέτες στην Αθήνα | Τι λες τώρα;
Posted at 03:55h, 02 September[…] […]
Glenda Baldonado
Posted at 04:23h, 02 SeptemberHello, guys! I am officially a fun of yours now! 🙂
Hope to bump into you someday.
Posted at 08:43h, 02 SeptemberHey guys, keep on!
You can’t leave Greece without visit the West Side, Lefkada, Preveza, Parga, Aherontas, Sivota, Corfu is a great deal you can spend on.
Pingback:Un cuplu care a vândut tot pentru a pleca în jurul lumii povestește latura neplăcută a călătoriei
Posted at 09:59h, 02 September[…] am făcut vreo 57 de paturi și nici nu mai țin șirul paharelor pe care le-am lustruit,” scrie Chanel Cartell, într-o postare intitulată ”De ce ne-am dat demisia din publicitate, ca să […]
Posted at 10:13h, 02 Septembervery nice post
Wandering Veronique
Posted at 10:41h, 02 SeptemberThank you for being honest! I do appreciate it! In any blog from full time travelers there is like 99.9% of happiness, incredible time, fantastic stories and beautiful views. I had always difficulties believing in the “happy stories” of full time travelers and you guys just showed me another side to it. I am glad you are happy though! What you are doing is incredible! I am traveler myself, but with a massive safety net – I have a full time job and do travel as much as I can. In a future there is a different plan though, as I cannot not see myself working all my life from 9-5. Fingers crossed my husband and I can do it within next three years! Keep your fingers crossed for us 🙂 It is always worth to dream but more importantly it is to fallow this dream, regardless how much time you need to get where you want 🙂
Joe Pinoy
Posted at 23:14h, 02 SeptemberI “traveled” for about 20 years, mostly Asia. Saw lots of sights, took some pictures that would make good postcards. But what became the most important thing for me was the people that not only did I meet but shared their lives with. Only then did I begin to understand the why of the place… why it looked like this, why services take this much effort, why these people are smiling, why I had to walk here, why these topics are taught in schools, why I can see such beauty in this place and the locals can’t. It is the answers to the why questions that offer personal reward for my travel headaches.
Posted at 15:51h, 03 SeptemberAmazing! Couldn’t agree more!
Posted at 10:41h, 02 SeptemberHey! Can’t find my comment so I will repeat..I read that you are in Athens, Greece…If thats the deal, then contact me! I work for a digital startup, we can exchange ideas/goods/services, no toilets included!! 🙂
Posted at 11:05h, 02 SeptemberAh sorry Olga – sadly we’ve left already! But we’ll be in touch should we ever come back 🙂
Pingback:Reklamcılık işlerini bırakarak dünyayı gezen çift şimdi zor durumda | Pr Ajans Haberleri
Posted at 11:52h, 02 September[…] yol yaptılar) bloglarında gerçeği yansıtan bir gönderi yayınladılar. Gönderinin ismi, “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets” (Neden tuvalet temizlemek için reklamcılık dünyasındaki işlerimizi bıraktık) ki bu […]
Posted at 12:45h, 02 SeptemberGive me some type of address and I will send you a hundred dollars
Posted at 13:08h, 02 SeptemberHaha, you can mail us at howfarfromhomeblog@gmail.com 🙂
Pingback:Would you quit your job and scrub toilets to travel? This South African couple did - Firstpost
Posted at 12:58h, 02 September[…] But recently, the couple, feeling that the pictures on their Instagram did't tell the entire story and sugar-coated their adventures, put out an blog post titled, 'Why We Quit Our Jobs in Advertising to Scrub Toilets'. […]
Posted at 13:52h, 02 Septemberhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wL5VzqMI008&feature=youtu.be
great need for vol in Mytilene Greece, toilet cleaning as you can see on video also!!!
thank you
Posted at 13:58h, 02 SeptemberI guys, i’m brazilian and i loved your hystories. Great adventures! Reading your text i think someting to help you get money on intenet, you can put google adsense in your blogbecouse you have many peopke reading this, You can do remote jobs whit you know, and make deals with travel companies online to do reviews about cyties e places you visit. You can do a e-commerce, sell e-books about you live style etc. Look at this travelers blog: nomadesdigitais.com
Sorry my inglish
Good look
Maria M
Posted at 14:56h, 02 SeptemberGood luck guys in whatever you decide to do. Be happy and proud for your decision.
Very good thought to share all the beautiful things and the difficulties, it will help many people.!
Maria M
Posted at 14:59h, 02 SeptemberGood luck and thumbs up from Greece!!
Pingback:That couple who quit their jobs to travel the world are now scrubbing toilets – Screammie
Posted at 15:00h, 02 September[…] a post to their blog the pair wrote: ‘The budget is really tight, and we are definitely forced to use creativity […]
Pingback:Reklamcılık işlerini bırakarak dünyayı gezen çift şimdi zor durumda | Sosyal Medya
Posted at 16:08h, 02 September[…] yol yaptılar) bloglarında gerçeği yansıtan bir gönderi yayınladılar. Gönderinin ismi, “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets” (Neden tuvalet temizlemek için reklamcılık dünyasındaki işlerimizi bıraktık) ki bu […]
Anna Ru
Posted at 16:39h, 02 SeptemberHave you though of coming to Beijing? Hit me up!
Pingback:This Couple Quits Jobs To Travel The World, Ends Up Cleaning Toilets For A Living | CrunchyBytes
Posted at 17:07h, 02 September[…] their blog, Chanel Cartell explains that even though social media portrays their life as a bed of rose (and […]
Posted at 18:07h, 02 SeptemberYou two are so brave to follow your dreams of travel. The hard work and endurance I think will change you (if not already) in a positive manner. So many of us wish we could up root and see the beauty of this Earth just like you two have.
Be safe. Keeping fighting. <3
Pingback:This couple quit their advertising jobs to travel the world – and now they … – Business InsiderAll Breaking News | All Breaking News
Posted at 18:23h, 02 September[…] It’s not all sunny fjords and picturesque Greek beaches, and it’s far from a relaxing vacation. To survive during their travels, they have taken on menial jobs such as scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Posted at 18:35h, 02 SeptemberYou are doing the right thing.
I spent most of my adult life chasing the capitalist dream of massive wealth. In 2008 I watched as what I had achieved melted away due to the greed of plutocrats and demagogues. It was the hardest thing I have ever endured and, in the end, probably the best thing that could have happened to me. At 56, I am finally aligning my life with my true values.
Your travels will teach you lessons that many people will die having never learned. The true meaning of gratitude. The fact that once you have food, safety, shelter, and a little clothing, you have everything you need to achieve happiness. You are learning lessons, some so subtle you won’t even know you have learned them.
When this life experiment ends and you find a life that is in balance for you, it will be due in a great part, because of this chance you took.
Posted at 20:03h, 02 SeptemberI love this post. My sister text me the link via a friend from her architect firm. My girlfriend and I are 103 days away from quitting our very cushy, relatively high paying technology jobs in Hawaii. We often take turns, one of us being freaked out about leaving stability and comfort, and the other completely ready to take the plunge reiterating all the right reasons that we decided to take this very scary step off into the unknown.
Would you mind describing how you keep each other from falling off the deep end and wanting to go home?
Maybe with some details about what you carry with you in regards to the creativeness that keeps you going.
Mahalo from Honolulu,
Posted at 13:02h, 12 SeptemberHi Candace!
Great – so happy to hear you’re choosing to follow your dreams too 🙂 To be honest, if it wasn’t for the other person, we don’t think we would have made it this far. We constantly give each other pep talks, reminding the other why we went on the journey, and how important it is that we stay “uncomfortable” to really reap the rewards of a trip like this. We often also look back at all the photos we’ve taken, and this alone pushes us to keep exploring more.
Regarding what we’ve taken with us in terms of gear – check out our post about what we packed: https://howfarfromhome.com/2015/03/13/127-things-to-pack-when-taking-a-sabbatical/
And make sure to check out Skillshare (skillshare.com) to keep you inspired and motivated to try new things creatively – have a look at what we did after watching a few Skillshare classes: https://howfarfromhome.com/?s=skillshare
Posted at 20:25h, 02 SeptemberIf ever you visit Minnesota in the USA, please know you have an offer of our guest room free of work-in-kind or payment. I spent time in South Africa doing research and was so enamored by the kindness and hospitality I was shown. Enjoy your travels!
Posted at 20:31h, 02 SeptemberIf ever you are in Minnesota, USA, near the Twin Cities you have an offer of our guest room and home cooked meals, free of charge 🙂 I did some research in South Africa and was so grateful for the kindness and hospitality I was shown in your home country. Best wishes and safe travels!
Posted at 09:38h, 07 SeptemberSo happy to hear it! And thank you 🙂
Michael Dembenski
Posted at 21:11h, 02 Septemberwhat an amazing and truthful reality check.
Pingback:Travelling the world not always what it’s cracked up to be - National | Globalnews.ca
Posted at 21:21h, 02 September[…] you get too jealous with wanderlust, though, in their latest blog post titled “Why we quit our jobs in advertising to scrub toilets,” the jet-setters reveal what happens behind the scenes of those […]
Posted at 23:06h, 02 SeptemberGood luck, just joined your blog and reading your posts. Follow your dreams and enjoy your adventure.
Robin from Wa state.
Pingback:Gazeta Romaneasca » Un cuplu care a vândut tot pentru a pleca în jurul lumii povestește latura neplăcută a călătoriei
Posted at 00:50h, 03 September[…] am făcut vreo 57 de paturi și nici nu mai țin șirul paharelor pe care le-am lustruit,” scrie Chanel Cartell, într-o postare intitulată ”De ce ne-am dat demisia din publicitate, ca să […]
Jyat Shin
Posted at 01:38h, 03 SeptemberYou both brave,thumbs up!
Debasish Das India
Posted at 05:01h, 03 SeptemberGreat journey for the meaning of life & this materialistic world.
Posted at 10:48h, 03 SeptemberTHANK YOU for inspiring us. Really loved your insight and brutal honesty. It’s rare to see this kind of transparency in social media these days.
Posted at 10:49h, 03 SeptemberTHANK YOU for inspiring us. Really loved your insight and brutal honesty. It’s rare to see this transparency in social media these days. 🙂
Posted at 20:22h, 03 SeptemberAbsolute pleasure! Glad we’re inspiring people! Makes it all worth it 🙂
Don Yap
Posted at 11:05h, 03 SeptemberIf you ever reach Shanghai, a room is waiting for you! Keep on travelling!
Posted at 09:24h, 07 SeptemberThank you!
Posted at 12:56h, 03 SeptemberIf ever coming to India, contact me my
Posted at 12:56h, 03 SeptemberCatch me when you cross India
Posted at 12:58h, 03 SeptemberI Hope you have not crossed India till now
Posted at 13:00h, 03 Septembernice information
Pingback:Renunciaron a sus trabajos para viajar por el mundo y terminaron limpiando baños | Xoonico
Posted at 13:11h, 03 September[…] crearon un proyecto llamado ‘How far from home‘ (Qué tan lejos de casa), que consiste en fotografiarse con un cartel que lleva el número […]
Posted at 14:51h, 03 SeptemberI think that this should get at least as much attention as the “better” part of your travels. It’s the “bad” side that makes the good things good, a point of view lost on many people these days who have relatively luxurious lives that are unfulfilling. Adventure is about discomfort and eventual relief, everything else is just tourism.
Pingback:‘I’ve scrubbed 135 toilets to travel’ | Trip-adviser.net
Posted at 14:57h, 03 September[…] on Sunday, they done a lovely confession: months of transport is not all it’s burst adult to […]
Pingback:This couple scrubs toilets in order to travel the world | NTD NEWS ONLINE
Posted at 16:36h, 03 September[…] their blog, How Far From Home, the couple […]
Pingback:The truth about quitting your job to travel | My Bloggable Day
Posted at 16:50h, 03 September[…] It’s been on Buzzfeed, Elite Daily and many other sites and the story comes from this blog post, wherein a South African couple who quit their jobs to travel spill the beans on how tough their […]
Pingback:The (un)glamorous truth about living life unbound | Volcano Surf
Posted at 20:06h, 03 September[…] Besides a series of numbered photos, the couple also logged their adventures in a travel blog with the latest entry titled, “Why we quit our jobs in advertising to scrub toilets.” […]
Pingback:The (un)glamorous truth about living life unbound | Big Box of Action
Posted at 21:23h, 03 September[…] Besides a series of numbered photos, the couple also logged their adventures in a travel blog with the latest entry titled, “Why we quit our jobs in advertising to scrub toilets.” […]
Posted at 01:04h, 04 SeptemberReblogged this on Srinivas.
Pingback:Chanel Cartell and Stevo Dirnberger quit jobs to travel world and now scrub … | GT Trends, We're Going Places
Posted at 01:35h, 04 September[…] The pair, from Johannesburg, South Africa, has been providing regular updates on its blog, with its most recent entry revealing challenging and humbling moments that haven’t been shar… […]
Posted at 04:33h, 04 SeptemberWe have an extra room here in Shanghai, if you do come here. I’m from the Philippines and my wife is French. No toilet scrubbing needed. 😉
Posted at 11:41h, 04 SeptemberHaha, thanks 😉
Posted at 05:31h, 04 SeptemberHey, do you plan to come to Peru? I can offer you to stay at my place in Lima.
Posted at 11:40h, 04 SeptemberWe’ll definitely let you know if we make it! Thank you 🙂
A piece of the truth
Posted at 08:36h, 04 SeptemberSee, if you are doing all this, its fine! No need to report on the vast negativities just to portray yourself as some sort of free thinking philosopher. It makes you seem like a drama queen.
You could just have said that you do fulfilling work and its teaching you a lot about happiness because once in your whiny life you’re actually doing anything that counts as immersive work (your case being even lower than that, close to bonded labor).
You might hate this tirade and say “b-but.. but.. luk at dose guoise at dose travil blewgs, they do it too”. Yes they do it, they portray things as they are and they are also probably responsible adults who take care of themselves and the whole point and purpose that I’ve come to understand after reading many of them is that travel is really about not the places, the food or the people at all, its about rejuvenating physically and mentally while being wholehearted about giving yourself the wholesome experience while taking good care of yourself, they make blogs just to highlight how to do all this not for attention seeking by forcefully starving themselves, keeping appearances up for attention, NO, its them first and people later (that is what people seek to escape in the first place, why they travel), the sights and the food come second.
What you have here is a ” pretend travel ” blog which at least in some weird way thinks its okay to try to cash in on a phenomenon which does not exist (read “I am a poor hippie”). You’re forcing yourself to go unhappiness and making posts about it. Fulfillment my ass, you want to go home now, kid. I dont think you should continue, it would only make it worse for you.
Now look at what the media is doing you damn fools! They are using your blog as a way to show how you’re a prime example of “Why you should never quit your job to travel”. For people who choose not to see further than what the media reports, for those who dont come onto your pretend blog to see that scrubbing toilets is a way for your own self entitled shit whiny tirade, they go thinking “OH I MUST NOT TRAVEL OR ELSE I”LL END UP SCRUBBING TOILETS”. Your blog is a disgrace to each and every person who writes this stuff.
At least try not to pretend. Nobody’s told you this but god it looks so fake.
Go home, or at least take proper care of yourself before you write the next post please, or you might be directly responsible for discouraging so many people who’re still hesitant to take the first step.
Posted at 10:37h, 04 SeptemberThank you for your comment. It’s our longest one yet! Keep up the good work 🙂
Pingback:World travel couple in Greece: Jetsetting funded by toilet cleaning! (pics) | protothemanews.com
Posted at 10:25h, 04 September[…] Dirnberger left their plush advertising jobs in Johannesburg, South Africa, in March to create a “How Far from Home” travel blog that has gaken them 25,071km to Athens. On Sunday, they made a refreshing confession […]
Pingback:News in Greece | World travel couple in Greece: Jetsetting funded by toilet cleaning! (pics)
Posted at 10:48h, 04 September[…] Dirnberger left their plush advertising jobs in Johannesburg, South Africa, in March to create a “How Far from Home” travel blog that has gaken them 25,071km to Athens. On Sunday, they made a refreshing confession […]
Posted at 12:01h, 04 SeptemberI honestly admire you! 😀 I am a student who is planning to go into the whole advertising world, but at the same time, a part of me knows there is something much bigger out there… something you guys have achieved… the love for humanity 🙂
Pingback:Mollare tutto per viaggiare? Si può fare, con sacrificio
Posted at 13:54h, 04 September[…] sacrifici da sempre, e avvertono di non farsi ingannare dalle foto. Chanel, in un post dal titolo: “Why we quit our jobs in advertising to scrub toilets” (“perché abbiamo lasciato i nostri lavori in campo pubblicitario per pulire i bagni”), […]
Pingback:История одной пары: Любишь путешествовать — не брезгуй и туалеты чистить! | Vinegret
Posted at 15:27h, 04 September[…] […]
Pingback:Now Trending - Best Links Week of 8.31 - Almost Getting it TogetherAlmost Getting it Together
Posted at 17:16h, 04 September[…] to make money with odd jobs as they went – and they are quick to remind everyone that their life isn’t as glamorous as Instagram makes it out to […]
Pingback:Happy Long Weekend! Friday Link Round-Up | Pave Wire
Posted at 19:22h, 04 September[…] Quitting your job to travel may not be all it’s cracked up to be. […]
Pingback:Una pareja que dejó todo para ¿Limpiar baños? -
Posted at 20:40h, 04 September[…] una entrada en su blog https://howfarfromhome.com/ titulada “Por qué dejamos nuestros trabajos de publicidad para limpiar baños” a su traducción al español. La pareja Chanel Cartell y Stevo Dirnberger nos cuentan que tan […]
Pingback:What It’s Really Like to Quit Your Job and Move Abroad | Get Away On Holiday
Posted at 01:58h, 05 September[…] it all. Despite the unexpected drawbacks of their new lifestyle, however, traveler Chanel Cartell wrote in a blog post that their lifestyle is still “like heaven for us.” She elaborated: “There’s […]
Pingback:Like A Small Boat On the Ocean | Most Like Li
Posted at 04:09h, 05 September[…] PS: As always, keep it real, because from now on (more than ever before), I fully intend to disclose the good, the bad, and the ugly. Like this Buzzfeed article that came out recently about a blogging couple that quit their advertising jobs to travel, they want you to know that it’s not just perfect Instagram photos. They’ve scrubbed toilets and scooped up cow poo for money to adventure money on the side. I applaud their transparency (read their blog here). […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | Worldwide Events Newspaper
Posted at 13:02h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | Pakistan Biggest Portal to Provide Latest News & Entertainment!
Posted at 13:05h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | To Day Updates
Posted at 13:16h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | POPALZ News – Latest news from Pakistan
Posted at 13:23h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | Pakistan News Today
Posted at 13:24h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | News Today
Posted at 13:29h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | 4 Armenia
Posted at 13:31h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:Couple who quit jobs for wanderlust now scrubbing toilets for money | 4 Azerbaijan
Posted at 13:32h, 05 September[…] their trip they have posted snaps from beautiful locations all around the world. Recently in a post on their blog, Cartell wrote that she and Dirnberger realized that their social media posts about […]
Pingback:A couple who quit their jobs to travel the world admit they scrub toilets to make ends meet | Cách ăn giảm cân
Posted at 20:14h, 05 September[…] In a new blog post, South African couple Chanel Cartell and Stevo Dirnberger reveal the dirty side of their sabbatical — they’re often cleaning toilets, shoveling rocks, and even spreading cow dung, first spotted by the AdWeek’s Tim Nudd who had previously interviewed the couple. […]
Roger Arnoldo Nieto
Posted at 07:40h, 06 SeptemberHi, if you’re planning to come to Central America, in San Salvador, El Salvador, you have a place to stay, our house… Let me know if you need anything when you guys are here.
Find me on Facebook: Roger Nieto or search my email: roger.nietoo@gmail.com
Posted at 09:02h, 07 SeptemberBrilliant, thanks so much! We’ll definitely let you know if we make it 🙂
Pingback:This couple quit their advertising jobs to travel the world – and now they … – Business Insider | DiskonDiaper.Com
Posted at 12:34h, 06 September[…] It’s not all sunny fjords and picturesque Greek beaches, and it’s far from a relaxing vacation. In order to survive during their travels, they’ve taken on menial jobs like scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Pingback:This couple quit their advertising jobs to travel the world – and now they … – Business Insider | News Feed
Posted at 14:45h, 06 September[…] It’s not all sunny fjords and picturesque Greek beaches, and it’s far from a relaxing vacation. In order to survive during their travels, they’ve taken on menial jobs like scrubbing toilets, cleaning glasses, and chopping wood to make their dream a reality, according to a recent blog post by Cartell. […]
Pingback:Couple behind How Far From Home travel blog reveal how they have to scrub … | Trip-adviser.net
Posted at 15:16h, 06 September[…] on Sunday, they done a lovely confession: months of transport is not all it’s burst adult to […]
Diana Sánchez
Posted at 16:18h, 06 SeptemberHow much time do you work in every place? And with how much money did you start? How do you ask for the job, do you tell them it’s Just to continue your trip? We want to do that,too.
Posted at 08:58h, 07 SeptemberHi Diana. You can check out Workaway.info and discuss your preferred dates/duration of your stay with your host – each will vary. The cost of each Workaway trip is merely the transport it takes to get there. Good luck! We hope you find some amazing hosts, just like we have.
Pingback:Το ζευγάρι που παράτησε τα πάντα για να ταξιδέψει τον κόσμο, τώρα καθαρίζει τουαλέτες στην Αθήνα | Tsoutsouni.net
Posted at 19:14h, 06 September[…] […]
Posted at 06:34h, 07 SeptemberYou should start a gofundme account, look it up on Facebook, I would donate to your cause.
I am from El Paso, Texas If I had your guts I would do it. Goodluck!
Hope to see your gofundme account so I can donate.
Posted at 08:36h, 07 SeptemberThat’s brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing – we’ll definitely look into it!
Pingback:อยาก SlowLife ต้องอ่าน หนุ่มสาวทิ้งการงานเพื่อเที่ยวรอบโลก แม้ต้องแลกด้วยการล้างห้องน้ำ | Unlockmen
Posted at 11:04h, 07 September[…] Dirnberger เลือกที่จะบอกทุกคนที่ติดตามใน blog […]
Pingback:Something Good | A Thousand Shades of Gray
Posted at 13:59h, 07 September[…] 11. This Couple Quit Their Jobs To Travel And Now Scrub Toilets To Get By. “Chanel Cartell and Stevo Dirnberger wrote in a blog post that social media hides the reality of their journey around the globe.” And in their own words on their blog, Why We Quit Our Jobs in Advertising to Scrub Toilets. […]
Pingback:You don’t read stories about me on the Internet | Once A Traveler
Posted at 00:56h, 08 September[…] isn’t always sunshine and lollipops. You’ve probably been reading the story of the South African couple who now scrub toilets and do other kinds of manual labor to support their adventures. It surprised me just how much that […]
Posted at 23:43h, 08 SeptemberYou are awesome ! If you are coming to Philadelphia, USA – you can crash at my place. If you are going to India, (Delhi/Bangalore) I’ll arrange an accommodation for you guys!
Pingback:Giving up everything to travel the world is not glamorous – but it’s worth it
Posted at 16:17h, 09 September[…] As they travel, crossing things off their list, they take breathtaking photos and post them on Instagram and Twitter. What you didn’t know is that while doing all of these amazing things they’ve also been scooping dog shit, cleaning toilets and polishing wine glasses, as confessed in their most recent blog post. […]
Pingback:What It’s Really Like to Quit Your Job and Move Abroad | Port Elizabeth Accommodation
Posted at 23:35h, 09 September[…] it all. Despite the unexpected drawbacks of their new lifestyle, however, traveler Chanel Cartell wrote in a blog post that their lifestyle is still “like heaven for us.” She elaborated: “There’s nothing quite […]
Posted at 14:28h, 13 SeptemberSounds really inspiring guys!, the lows the highs,the pics look awsome!,but have loads of respect for you guys doing what you have to just for accommodation and food 🙂
Pingback:Sometimes a Job Isn’t Worth It | Hire Daily
Posted at 15:39h, 14 September[…] 25,000 kilometers so far), they’ve posted a reality check on their blog—a post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”—in which they share “the uglier side of our trip.” It turns out that following […]
Pingback:Leestips van augustus - Kim op reis
Posted at 21:41h, 16 September[…] wat klinkt dat heerlijk: je baan opzeggen om te reizen. Dit reizende stel zet je even met beide benen op de grond. Een dieet van crackers met jam, geld verdienen met bedden […]
Pingback:Ďalšia dvojica, ktorá sa rozhodla precestovať svet – ako už očistili 135 záchodov | Travelhack
Posted at 18:19h, 17 September[…] Celý článok spolu aj s nádhernými fotkami z ciest nájdete tu […]
Posted at 10:47h, 18 SeptemberHi guys! Your experience sounds amazing! If you come to Lisbon, I am not sure if I will manage to arrange some accommodation for you but definitely some nice dinner and incredibly good Portuguese wine!
Posted at 16:17h, 18 SeptemberThanks so much! We’ll add it to the list and definitely let you know if we make it 🙂
Jocelyn Ramírez
Posted at 01:47h, 21 SeptemberBravo, for those good and bad times! If you decide to come to México you are welcome, it would be really nice to have you, and show you wonderful places here in my city. Thanks for share your adveture, it is inpiring and takes me out of my routine.
Posted at 09:19h, 24 SeptemberThank you so much Jocelyn! We’ll definitely let you know if we make it to Mexico!
Pingback:The Glamour is Only a Veneer | Mindful Urbanist
Posted at 02:20h, 29 September[…] differences might make me become less uptight. The people at the blog How Far From Home had an article go viral recently about the realities behind their drop everything and go […]
Karen Coghlan
Posted at 07:32h, 01 OctoberYou have a wonderful blog here, why not monetize it to provide a somewhat passive income, you’re already doing the work by blogging about your adventures? Many bloggers are living off their blogging efforts, through small ads that pay them when they are clicked on. Your beautiful photographs must attract an audience that could help your travels.
Posted at 07:43h, 01 OctoberThank you Karen! It’s definitely something we will look into 🙂
Posted at 16:08h, 08 JanuaryI agree with Karen. You should put Google Adsense into your blog.
Pingback:The Timeline for Telling the Truth | Cosmic Trust Fall
Posted at 12:53h, 08 October[…] now and then, some travel blogger will write about the reality that we have all faced at one point or another in our travels – the survival phase. The […]
Posted at 10:10h, 26 October[…] we released our honest reflection after six-months of travel, a.k.a. “the toilet-scrubbing post“, we’ve had incredible support from our ever-growing community, encouraging us to keep […]
Pingback:On social media positivity | A Romanian Thinks About Life
Posted at 14:56h, 04 November[…] And then, another couple who left their well-paying jobs in some country to travel wrote a blog post about how travelling is hard, you basically make no money, you scrub toilets, but nobody knows […]
Pingback:There is no greener grass | monica spees
Posted at 17:48h, 12 November[…] Even if you decide to take after Stevo Dirnberger and Chanel Cartell, the couple that run the howfarfromhome website and Instagram page, they admit they’ve scrubbed toilets, spread manure, shoveled rocks, and […]
Pingback:Uma Pera - Sobre o casal ‘quebrado’ de viajantes que esfrega privadas para sobreviver
Posted at 11:30h, 30 November[…] tempo previsto, eles resolveram falar a respeito da parte penosa do plano em um texto intitulado “Por que largamos nossos empregos em publicidade para esfregar banheiros”. Nele, Chanel revela o óbvio para qualquer intercambista: quem quer viajar precisa se sujar […]
Pingback:Travel Blogging: The Ugly Truth Social Media Doesn't Show | Nomadic Lives
Posted at 16:40h, 06 December[…] very long ago, my friends, over at How Far From Home did a post about the glamorization of the travel blogging profession which got picked up by […]
Katrina Custer
Posted at 19:15h, 23 DecemberReading your story a few months back really got me thinking about my life and the direction I want it to take. At 33, SOMETHING needs to be done, right? After a lot of soul-searching, I came to the conclusion that the typical, ‘get-married-have-kids-settle-down’ shtick really isn’t my calling. No, my Happily Ever After will come in the form of traveling the world; hopefully, until my dying day. I plan to save for two years before embarking on my journey, giving me time to research and plan, plan, plan.
I’d be lying if I said part of me wasn’t a little scared. As it stands presently, its just me. Would you have made the same choice to travel had you been by yourself? I also own my own home and a huge part of me wants to put it on the market to help fund my travels. But there’s a tiny part of me that is scared. What will I come back to if it doesn’t work out? I guess I can’t have a defeatists attitude, nor will I know until I try, right? I’m sure you get messages from thousands of people everyday, but if you could find a moment to write back, I think any wise words you might impart could truly be beneficial, and may even quell these pre-pre-pre-trip, how-do-I-even-do-this, scared-because-this-is-everything-I-never-knew-I-always-wanted nerves.
Thank you. I hope you’re somewhere warm during these cold months!
Posted at 11:55h, 15 JanuaryHey Katrina!
Sorry for the late response. Thanks for the really honest comment, we felt exactly the same as you do now. We made this decision in the middle of 2014 and at the time there was no rational reason for quitting our jobs, selling all our “stuff”, saying goodbye to family and friends and heading out into the big world. It was super scary and you know what, it still is. Everyday has new challenges but you work through them. The thing is, we trusted a gut feeling, we knew deep down that what we wanted to do was the right thing and that it would work out. It is safe to say that it is much easier when you have someone taking the leap with you but it’s still very possible to do it. You need to focus on all the amazing and wonderful things you will see, the incredible people you will meet along the way. You will say goodbye to friends but you will make more new ones than you could ever have imagined. You also need to have some idea of what you want to do, a rough plan. Have some structure instead of just aimlessly wandering, write your “Wanderlist” and tick item off it. Work along the way, any work will do, it grows your skills and network of people. The toughest part is to trust that everything will be ok, it will work out. The worst thing that could happen is going back to the a similar life you have now. Just by writing this you have taken the first step, we hope this helps you take the rest of them. Chanel & Stevo PS: our skillshare class might inspire you a bit more > http://skl.sh/1TEWu8u
Pingback:Why I Quit My Job as a Missionary to Scrub Toilets
Posted at 14:25h, 22 January[…] About this time last year, Chanel Cartell and Stevo Dirnberger, successful advertising professionals in South Africa, left their lucrative jobs to travel the world together. While the blog they maintain, full of wonderful adventures and beautiful photos, has gained a lot of attention in the press, the post that made the biggest splash came six months after their departure, entitled “Why We Quit Our Jobs in Advertising to Scrub Toilets.” […]
Pingback:Beware the #Instatravelers - Everyday Anthropology
Posted at 07:26h, 23 January[…] couple behind How Far From Home explained on their blog that their own photos don't reflect the whole story, that they have to do a lot of dirty work to […]
Pingback:Who said following your dreams was easy?
Posted at 07:02h, 04 February[…] gone exactly 6 months, I feel it necessary we share the uglier side of our trip,” Cartell wrote in a blog post on Aug. 31. “Browsing through our blog posts and Instagram feed, it seems like we’re having […]
Posted at 09:47h, 09 FebruaryYou actually make it appear really easy with your presentation however I find this topic
to be really one thing that I believe I would never understand.
It kind of feels too complicated and extremely huge for me.
I am looking ahead in your next put up, I’ll attempt to get the dangle
of it!
Posted at 03:16h, 14 FebruaryI’ll immediately clutch your rss as I can’t to find your
email subscription hyperlink or newsletter service. Do you have any?
Please let me recognize in order that I may subscribe.
Posted at 06:54h, 14 FebruaryHi Bill! Thanks for the support! You should be able to subscribe when visiting the home page: howfarfromhome.com… Otherwise you can email us howfarfromhomeblog@gmail.com and we’ll add you manually 🙂
Pingback:Is traveling the world a privilege of few? – Free 2 Exist
Posted at 20:46h, 27 February[…] but most digital nomads are everything-but. Especially the ones who actually make it (think of the couple who quit fancy advertising jobs to travel the world and went broke). They work hard on the road to edit videos, write articles, code, translate, proofread, coach […]
Michael Noker
Posted at 05:13h, 03 MarchThis was refreshing to read. Last year, I did a similar thing to what y’all did, except I made a lot less money to start off (I was only an assistant manager for a small resort at the time), and I just chose to move to a new city and start over again. I ended up finding another full-time job that pays a lot less, but also comes with a lot less stress, so I have the energy and time left over to start blogging and vlogging and socializing a lot more than I did previously.
I’m about to uproot and do the same thing in Los Angeles, but I was debating moving back home to my old life. Reading this sort of rekindled my adventurous spirit. I’m happier where I am now than I ever was in my old job and my old life. I shouldn’t give that happiness up for stability. Stability can come later.
Posted at 07:09h, 03 MarchHey Michael! So awesome to hear your story. We completely agree – stay energetic and adventurous for as long as you can…then settle for stillness when you’ve had enough. Amazing to hear you’re going to take the adventurous route! Good luck 🙂
Pingback:Happy Birthday, here’s your uniform – Somewhere In Between
Posted at 19:49h, 05 March[…] Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets […]
Pingback:Sunday Paper (15) – Pushups & Prosecco
Posted at 18:40h, 08 March[…] an honest version of the “quit your job to travel the world” story. If only it touched on the need to, oh I don’t know, save money for the future as well? But […]
Pingback:8 Ιστοριες ανθρωπων που παρατησαν τα παντα για να ταξιδεψουν
Posted at 14:59h, 27 March[…] μπορείς να δεις το λογαριασμό τους στο instagram και εδώ μπορείς να διαβάσεις το κείμενο στο οποίο εξηγούν […]
Pingback:Ďalšia dvojica, ktorá sa rozhodla precestovať svet – ako už očistili 135 záchodov | Travelhacker
Posted at 00:45h, 28 March[…] Celý článok spolu aj s nádhernými fotkami z ciest nájdete tu […]
Pingback:Don't Quit Your Job to Travel the World | Map Happy
Posted at 19:01h, 31 March[…] not talking about those people. Otherwise you could end up scrubbing toilets. Blogger Chanel Cartell once wrote this about her epic […]
Pingback:Nem tudo são flores, mas viajar o mundo é mais acessível do que se pensa ‹ RadarVip.com
Posted at 19:08h, 22 April[…] sul-africanos, Stevo Dirnberger e Chanel Cartell, autores de lindas fotos postadas periodicamente, contou em seu blog que lavavam banheiros e carregavam esterco para juntar […]
Pingback:Wereldreis – hoe betaal je dat? | Josh & Hope
Posted at 02:27h, 13 May[…] las een verhaal las dat de wereld over ging van een Zuid Afrikaans stel dat ging reizen maar onderweg voor een paar euro wc’s schrobde in Griekenl…. Dit stel deed echt alles verkeerd wat ze maar verkeerd konden […]
Pingback:How We're Travelling the World Full-time - Carte Blanche
Posted at 19:15h, 15 May[…] start off by saying that the first year was tough. We did some interesting volunteer work, caught many red-eye flights, shared most meals (causing Stevo to lose nearly 7kg), slept on train […]
Quinton Schiefner
Posted at 20:05h, 15 MayHi Guys,
I’m not even sure if you still respond to this page. I have an extraordinary story to tell and was wondering if you would be interested in helping me tell it?
Posted at 21:48h, 15 MayHey! We got your mail – we’ll get back to you ASAP 🙂
Pingback:Couple Who Quit Jobs To Travel The World Now Cleaning Toilets For Work | Life Files
Posted at 14:29h, 21 May[…] couple, currently in Greece, just published a blog post titled “Why We Quit Our Jobs In Advertising To Scrub Toilets”, reassuring their faithful that it’s been pretty difficult to make ends meet. Not only did […]
Pingback:Couple Quit Jobs to Travel Across the World and Now Scrub Toilets To Get By | OMG VIRAL
Posted at 05:57h, 10 November[…] a recently available weblog post, the couple shared their particular ideas about their particular moves. While they do experience […]
Pingback:這對情侶拋下一切環遊世界去,原來上傳優美照片的背後是充滿著心酸~ – read 123 閱讀網
Posted at 12:37h, 04 March[…] 對於網友所說的那些羨慕話語,讓這對情侶在部落格裡寫下了旅遊現實面的文章,道出了他們旅行的心酸並不是大家表面上所看到的照片般美好… […]
Pingback:How Far From Home Are You? | MAGZIAN
Posted at 19:36h, 08 April[…] How Far From Home, Instagram, How Far From […]