tokyo Tag

    Arizona, BE INSPIRED, Canada, Czechia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Namibia, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Sweden / 19.01.2018

    As originally seen on Traveller24   It’s been a crazy, wild, unforgettable (and slightly unbelievable) journey, travelling full-time for nearly three years. We’ve done some extraordinary things, and we’ve been to places we hadn’t even heard of when we left on our trip in March 2015. But every great journey starts somewhere, and for us, it was our Wanderlist (our own affectionate term for our traveling Bucket List) that turned our “someday” dream into a tangible trip of a lifetime. Back in early 2014 (when traveling around the world was a mere figment of our ambitious imagination), we decided to write down on a piece of paper, all the wonderful dreamy things we’ve always wanted to do (you know, in case we ended...

    Japan / 22.05.2017

    If you’d told me at the beginning of our journey that I would be walking down avenues filled with Cherry blossom trees, in one of the most world-renown cities in the world, I probably would’ve said, “Yeah, yeah, maybe one day…” (with a glimmer of hope that we would in fact one day get to go, but not actually believing it). Fast forward to early April 2017, and there we were. Standing in the middle of the road, surrounded by prepossessing pink blossoms, and the eloquent people of Tokyo walking their dogs (mostly the Akita breed, after famed and respected Hachiko made an impression), or walking to work, clothed in black suits and fashionable printed scarves. “WE’VE MADE IT TO...

    Cambodia, Creativity, Food, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Wellness / 01.05.2017

    Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng. Bánh Cuõn, Phõ and Cao Lâu. Amok, Lok Lak and Kuyteav. Okonomiyaki, Mochi and Sashimi. If you've traveled through Asia (specifically Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan) like we recently have, you'll know that these hard-to-pronounce words are in fact extremely popular (and widely-eaten) dishes from the four countries. Those that know me well, know that I have a slightly sickening obsession with food. I dream about food, rely on food to get me through the hard days (sometimes a little too much), and if I wasn't traveling the world taking pics and telling stories, I'd probably be running a vegan beach-side bakery (maybe that's a dream I need to fulfill in the next decade...

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