social media Tag

    Entrepreneurship / 25.04.2016

    We recently launched our FaceBook page. It's nothing fancy - somewhere to house and share our blog post links, Instagram posts, current news, and soon, our live events. To be honest, we were hesitant to launch a FaceBook page, and, well, you could say we've waited a lifetime (in social terms) to do so, only going live after 14 months of launching the How Far From Home brand. We also recently received a message from someone saying "Welcome to Facebook :-) You call yourselves marketing people and you only joined now. Tisk tisk. Lol." Or something like that. Perhaps all the poop scooping and unplugging got to our heads Mr Lol, but in what marketing text book (do those still exist?) or how-to-create-a-successful-brand-for-dummies handbook...

    BE INSPIRED / 18.04.2016

    March 2nd 2015 was departure day. It was the day we waved goodbye to South Africa, goodbye to a comfortable life with a comfortable salary, and goodbye to the somewhat predictable life we'd lived for over 29 years. On March 2nd 2015 we opted to say hello to spontaneity, curiosity, and a life-changing experience liberating us from everything (other than four bags of essentials and our hungry craving for adventure and need to create). I would like to say that March 2nd 2015 was a good day. It was also over a year ago, which is f%#*ing crazy! I sincerely feel like this adventure of ours has just begun, and we've been on the road for nearly 14 months now! It's madness. But it's...

    Food, Wellness / 01.02.2016

    Ever since 2013, people from all over the world have been celebrating Veganuary (pronounced vee-gan-you-airy) which, like other global do-good movements (Movember and Earth Hour come to mind), aims to raise awareness to a cause or concept with a mass following, in the hope that a) the idea will spread; and b) that the small taster* will inspire the participants to practice the movement in everyday life (not just for the selected time period). I didn't know too much about Veganuary (or veganism for that matter) until recently. Sure, I'd heard of it, and since one of our friends, Dani, is a vegan, I was exposed to the ideas and recipes that were purely plant-based. I was diagnosed with a dairy allergy...

    Austria / 29.01.2016

    Travel is a strange thing. Every new place you visit leaves an impression on you. Sometimes, it's filled with hidden gems that blow you away, turning you into a renegade travel ambassador, selflessly promoting this new place you've found; and sometimes, you experience a massive let down that leaves you underwhelmed and with a bad taste in your mouth. Sometimes though, you visit a place that you didn't even know about; a place you stumble upon, and a place that paints its own picture in your canvas thoughts. Enter Bad Gastein. We were recently fortunate enough to be invited to an Instameet, hosted by @VisitBadGastein, in this town we hadn't even heard of. Grammars from all over Germany and Austria descended into the Alpine...

    Creativity / 07.01.2016

    We’re obsessed with Skillshare. We are genuinely and wholeheartedly in love with it. Little sick? Maybe. But it’s why we feel it necessary to write a whole series dedicated to the knowledge-sharing-and-soul-inspiring online platform. Imagine being able to break away from everything that’s using up your energy (your work, your friends, your responsibilities), and for [insert course duration] you’re locked inside a room with a passionate individual, as they walk you through their processes, their thinking, and they share all the little tricks they’ve learned in their profession, with you. Amazing! Then at the end of said course, there’s a little pot of gold with your name on it, inspiring you to pick up your [insert creative apparatus here], sending you into...

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Featured, Love, Wellness / 11.07.2015

    Before embarking on our journey, we created our Wanderlist. It's our list of wishes and needs, and the reasons why we quit our jobs in the first place. It's a list we worked on together, and decided to use as a guide for our sabbatical. Most recently, we decided to tick off number 37: "go unplugged for a month". After nearly 15 years of daily digital interactions, we saw it as therapy (and an experiment) to go one solid month without social media, blogging, fancy applications, or the Internet. We allowed ourselves to stay 100% in each moment, and use tech only for creation i.e. cameras for photo taking, iPad for eBook reading and note taking, and our laptop for illustration,...

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Featured, Love / 19.03.2015

    It's been 3 weeks since we left sunny South Africa, and based on popular beliefs, new habits should have formed by now. The get-up-early-to-get-cracking-with-the-day routine of everyday life should be all but a distant memory. On the contrary, we are on a very strict schedule - those who know me will understand my need for structure (and my love for schedules). Sure, we're no longer waking up to an annoying alarm, but rather allowing our natural sleep cycle to function on its own; and leaving our house doesn't involve long, painful sessions in the morning traffic; but our get-up-early-and-get-to-work habit definitely hasn't gone anywhere. When planning our journey, we spent a lot of time referencing the Godfather of creative sabbaticals, and the...

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