foodie Tag

    Food, Wellness / 30.04.2024

    Trying to lose weight successfully involves healthy, consistent routines. Prepared meals, gym visits, sleep schedules, and the mental preparedness to repeat everything to the point of it being second nature, makes a weight loss plan more sustainable and successful in the long-term. When you travel, these can all get disrupted and lead to unhealthy results, especially if you travel full-time like Chanel and Stevo used to. Routine goes out the window as you have to take time out to pack, get to your transportation, spend hours in transit, stay in a different environment or different time zone. It’s hard to be consistent when your daily itinerary is changed. But losing weight (or keeping your weight off) is possible while traveling, and these...

    Mexico / 08.12.2019

    We FINALLY made it to Mexico! And what a meet-and-greet it’s been – over a week exploring the gorgeous Mexican Caribbean with the Expedia team. Sitting on Mexico's east coast, it’s home to the city of Cancún, town of Playa Del Carmen, and the widely different islands of Isla Mujeres and Cozumel (along with many other cute and charming towns, of course). There’s activities for all kinds of travellers, and since some of the most important Mayan ruins are dotted all over the region, it’s a very important historical location too, offering you a glimpse into the incredible Mayan culture. [embed][/embed] But with so much to see, eat, and do, it can be overwhelming, so we’ve broken down the 10 best experiences...

    New York / 17.11.2019

    New York is (as POTUS puts it) “HUUUUGE” and there is no shortage of things to do. If you love food, New York can offer you any kind of cuisine your taste buds desire; if you love night life, there are shiny bars and clubs around every corner; if you love the performing arts, well, the city currently has forty-one Broadway theatres, so take your pick; and if you love sightseeing, there is certainly no shortage of things to see and explore. But with so much to see and do, NYC can be daunting as a first- or even second-time visitor, which is why we’re here to help you create the ultimate New York itinerary. We’ve been fortunate enough to visit...

    England / 15.08.2019

    We don’t know about you guys, but when we find out we’re going to be visiting a massive city like London, we tend to get a little overwhelmed during planning. Not because it’s difficult to find things to do – nooooo. On the contrary, there’s so much to see and do in London – with more Pinterest boards and Insta tags dedicated to the city, than there are people in it – that we worry we won’t get enough time to do it all. So where do we begin when creating a London itinerary? Well, for us it’s easiest to create “themes” or concepts (we have to thank our ad days for that), and then group items together, ending in what...

    Food, Poland / 12.01.2018

    At the end of last year, we managed to tick off our 75th item on our Wanderlist by visiting my Motherland a.k.a. my family's home country – Poland. For those of you following along regularly on Instagram (hey fammmm!!) you might remember me teaching you how to make Pierogis that one time? Or you might remember how I forced Stevo to try all the amazing foods I ate as a kid (ok, "forced" is probably not the best word, as he did so willingly)? Well, if you're not part of our Insta Crew (why on Earth not?!), and you did not know that Polish cuisine made up 99% of my diet as a kid, then - SURPRISE! Let me use this opportunity...

    Cambodia, Creativity, Food, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Wellness / 01.05.2017

    Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng. Bánh Cuõn, Phõ and Cao Lâu. Amok, Lok Lak and Kuyteav. Okonomiyaki, Mochi and Sashimi. If you've traveled through Asia (specifically Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan) like we recently have, you'll know that these hard-to-pronounce words are in fact extremely popular (and widely-eaten) dishes from the four countries. Those that know me well, know that I have a slightly sickening obsession with food. I dream about food, rely on food to get me through the hard days (sometimes a little too much), and if I wasn't traveling the world taking pics and telling stories, I'd probably be running a vegan beach-side bakery (maybe that's a dream I need to fulfill in the next decade...

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