
So you are planning on going on a vacation, and would like to plan your getaway to remember for life. Well, there are SO many places waiting to be discovered, and it is not easy to pick the right location for your passion, travel style, and budget (especially with the vast number of inspiring travel accounts on Instagram, constantly making you question your next vacay). In case you need some inspiration and guidance on getting started, below you will find a few tips to help make those vacation plans become a reality, sooner than you would expect them to.     The Climate You will, of course, have to consider the climate before you go. If you are a fan...

As originally seen on Traveller24   It’s been a crazy, wild, unforgettable (and slightly unbelievable) journey, travelling full-time for nearly three years. We’ve done some extraordinary things, and we’ve been to places we hadn’t even heard of when we left on our trip in March 2015. But every great journey starts somewhere, and for us, it was our Wanderlist (our own affectionate term for our traveling Bucket List) that turned our “someday” dream into a tangible trip of a lifetime. Back in early 2014 (when traveling around the world was a mere figment of our ambitious imagination), we decided to write down on a piece of paper, all the wonderful dreamy things we’ve always wanted to do (you know, in...

Do you guys remember our whirlwind tour of Peru? That time we went to Machu Picchu, the desert dunes of Paracas, and the mesmerising salt ponds of the sacred Inca Valley? Well, our recent trip to Thailand (again with the amazing guys from The Luxury Collection and Beautiful Destinations) was equally jam-packed, and just as magical (if not more so…we’ll let you be the judge 😉 The timing of this trip was centred around the annual Yee Peng Festival (which is celebrated on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month), which meant we had to be in Chiang Mai on November 3rd to take part in this bucket-list-worthy mass-release lantern fest. But traveling all the way down to Thailand means...

Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a visit to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.   There’s places in this world you hear about, and you think that you’ll probably never get to visit them. Angkor Wat, the world’s largest religious monument, was one such place for me. Of course I’d heard about it in travel magazines, travel blogs, and from friends who had...

We have spent the last week in Hanoi – this European-like Asian city – and we’re leaving with our bags slightly heavier (as we actually couldn’t resist the ultra cheap shopping, so loads of old clothes were replaced) and our tummies full of wonderful Hanoinese (hope that’s a word *Googles it* …confirmed, it is a word) flavors. Man, what a crazy city! From the minute you arrive, you get a sense that you’re no longer in a quiet, therapeutic South East Asian surrounding. Uh uh. You’re in the chaos, and there’s hooting and screaming and barking and hooting and radios on the back of bicycle trailers and shoe cleaning offers and donuts for sale and and and….and you need to...

Guys, we have FINALLY made it to Asia! Bar that one night in Bangkok back in 2015 *flashbacks of eating fried crickets, eeeek*, we have been saving ourselves for this incredibly diverse and totally-taking-us-out-of-the-comfort-zone part of the world, and even though it is indeed very different for us, some little nuances have made Gili T (our first stop) feel a little like home; a little bit like Africa, particularly Zanzibar (which we explored a little less than a year ago). Our trip to Zanzibar can only be described as a dream. We bathed in the most turquoise waters, bar-hopped for happy hours on the beachfront, swam with turtles, and enjoyed some much needed cultural submersion, proving that to all the tourist-focused luxury...

Different from our usual just-the-two-of-us trips, we recently took a Trafalgar tour, for a group-travel experience of a lifetime. 10 days, 1 sensational country made up of 2 contrasting islands, and a collection of 39 strangers who have proven that the best part of travel is the people you meet along the way. The last city on our Contrasts of New Zealand tour was Queenstown.   Imagine a town nestled on the shore of a deep blue lake (New Zealand’s longest lake), set against the dramatic Southern Alp mountain range (the highest range in Australasia), offering visitors the opportunity to speed in jet boats across rivers in canyons, enjoy delectable buffets at pristine farmlands, take scenic gondola rides up high to view colorful views of the city, ski in...

Some of you may know that I turned vegan in January. It began with the Veganuary month-long challenge that the team at 31days dared me to take on, and after feeling the health benefits (and knowing the power of veganism to combat the too-much-talk-not-enough-action environmental issues), I decided to stay on and see how long I could last. Yes I’ve cheated once or twice, and yes I eat fish sometimes (especially when we are staying on an island in Iceland that basically lives off the wild salmon from the river around it, or when we visit friends in Swedish Lapland and get offered a rare Swedish delicacy of fermented herring – have to try everything once, right?) but for the most part, probably...

Since departing on our journey over 15 months ago, we have visited 79 cites and towns, in 24 countries throughout Europe, Africa and Australia…Asia, North and South America – we’re coming for you next :). But 79 cities and towns…that’s nearly 5 per month! Let’s just say we haven’t gotten much time to soak up each location fully, but we have however, spent enough time to be inspired creatively. Each place has a different energy, different weather, different customs, different people and different attractions, which all leave a mark on us, affecting our feelings and memories. These memories and feelings can in turn be represented into an art piece. It’s as if the city was the muse. My goal with the...
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