
We’ve seen some incredible places. Beautiful places. Places we never knew existed until we reached them and dragged our jaws along. We’ve been hot beyond boiling and cold beyond freezing. We’ve had perfect sunsets, more than perfect sunrises, gloomy and cloudy days, and days where the sun didn’t go down #gottalovescandinavia We left our third world country and explored the first world. We ventured into regal hotels and slept on the floor in dirty ones. We ate king crab until we were sick of it, tried kangaroo, moose, even whale – then one of us gave animal products up for good. We tasted flavors from over 40 countries, and still can’t agree on the best beer in the world. Our...

Nasi Goreng and Mie Goreng. Bánh Cuõn, Phõ and Cao Lâu. Amok, Lok Lak and Kuyteav. Okonomiyaki, Mochi and Sashimi. If you’ve traveled through Asia (specifically Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan) like we recently have, you’ll know that these hard-to-pronounce words are in fact extremely popular (and widely-eaten) dishes from the four countries. Those that know me well, know that I have a slightly sickening obsession with food. I dream about food, rely on food to get me through the hard days (sometimes a little too much), and if I wasn’t traveling the world taking pics and telling stories, I’d probably be running a vegan beach-side bakery (maybe that’s a dream I need to fulfill in the next decade…hmmm…). Although there...

Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a visit to Angkor Wat in Cambodia.   There’s places in this world you hear about, and you think that you’ll probably never get to visit them. Angkor Wat, the world’s largest religious monument, was one such place for me. Of course I’d heard about it in travel magazines, travel blogs, and from friends who had...

Guys, we have FINALLY made it to Asia! Bar that one night in Bangkok back in 2015 *flashbacks of eating fried crickets, eeeek*, we have been saving ourselves for this incredibly diverse and totally-taking-us-out-of-the-comfort-zone part of the world, and even though it is indeed very different for us, some little nuances have made Gili T (our first stop) feel a little like home; a little bit like Africa, particularly Zanzibar (which we explored a little less than a year ago). Our trip to Zanzibar can only be described as a dream. We bathed in the most turquoise waters, bar-hopped for happy hours on the beachfront, swam with turtles, and enjoyed some much needed cultural submersion, proving that to all the tourist-focused luxury...

This is probably version 12 of this blog post (or 20…I lost count), because we’ve gone back and forth about what to say, how to say it, if we should say anything, and most importantly, what we should actually do this year. Well, after much debate, much confusion and probably a little too much wine this festive season #WhenOnHoliday, we are eager to announce that our goal this year is to travel less and work more. Yes, you read right, and yes, we are very serious…well, as serious as one can be during this jolly season (let the festivities live on, I say!). No, this probably should not apply to everyone (YOU, for example, should be aiming to travel more,...

Some of you may know that I turned vegan in January. It began with the Veganuary month-long challenge that the team at 31days dared me to take on, and after feeling the health benefits (and knowing the power of veganism to combat the too-much-talk-not-enough-action environmental issues), I decided to stay on and see how long I could last. Yes I’ve cheated once or twice, and yes I eat fish sometimes (especially when we are staying on an island in Iceland that basically lives off the wild salmon from the river around it, or when we visit friends in Swedish Lapland and get offered a rare Swedish delicacy of fermented herring – have to try everything once, right?) but for the most part, probably...

Half the fun of travel, as we’ve seen with our recent trips through East Africa, Central Europe, Austria’s Winter Wonderland and now Mauritius, is that it’s the people you meet and get to spend time with, that really make the trip. We’ve been extremely lucky to meet some crazy, cool, and creative people during our 15 months, but one of the highlights for sure, has been the recent trip we did with fellow South African photographers, Roy, Gareth, Gav and Scrooch, and the wonderful social media team at the LUX* Resorts & Hotels in Mauritius. We met with the LUX* team (btw you should seriously check out their array of hotels and resorts – Mind. Blown.) for a campaign we called #LUXin4days, and...

March 2nd 2015 was departure day. It was the day we waved goodbye to South Africa, goodbye to a comfortable life with a comfortable salary, and goodbye to the somewhat predictable life we’d lived for over 29 years. On March 2nd 2015 we opted to say hello to spontaneity, curiosity, and a life-changing experience liberating us from everything (other than four bags of essentials and our hungry craving for adventure and need to create). I would like to say that March 2nd 2015 was a good day. It was also over a year ago, which is f%#*ing crazy! I sincerely feel like this adventure of ours has just begun, and we’ve been on the road for nearly 14 months now!...

Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a visit to the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town. As I’m sure you’ve gathered, we LOVE animals; furry ones, fluffy ones, slippery ones, and ones that can imitate other ones. I think my childhood dream (a long, long time ago) was to become a marine biologist…but then the urge to create things popped up when I left...

Something different from our usual posts… Because it’s not travel- or creativity-related, it’s more relationship-related (well, it’s the month of love, is it not? So why the hell not); and Because Stevo has in fact not seen this post (we have always had four eyes look over each post before publishing), so hope he doesn’t mind! I am smiling a really, really big smile right now. If you could see me, I bet you’d tell me to close my mouth because my whites were blinding you. I’m smiling because I just saw a two-part tweet from a young gent in Lagos who is looking for, as I quote, a [Part 1] “Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with a hint of Chrissie...
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