28 Jan 8 Tips For Traveling As A Couple For The Very First Time
Stevo’s brother said it very well at Chanel and Stevo’s wedding – “most couples break up after traveling together for about a week – but it just seems to make your relationship even stronger.” We also know a thing or two about spending every waking minute with someone, which is why we feel we need to share some tips for those looking to embark on an adventure with their other half. Though you may already be looking forward to the experience, there are certain anxieties you’ll feel with your partner when you’re traveling as a couple for the very first time. If you don’t already live together, for example, your travel adventure may be the first time that you’ll be in each other’s personal space for more than just a couple of hours. However you look at it, this first trip will be a major step in your relationship.
To ensure a smoother and more enjoyable trip, here’s a guide for couples venturing into the world of local or international travel together:
Pick A Destination You Both Like
Your destination will set the tone for your entire trip. To achieve that initial harmony between the two of you, select a place (or country) that both of you have always wanted to visit.
It may be a tropical paradise, a city whose culture or art you admire, or a secluded mountain retreat. Regardless, having this common ground in terms of your destination is key to a travel experience you’re both sure to enjoy. This may also be one of your first big compromises that will show you the fruits of thoughtfully working out a decision together.
Plan Your Trip Together
Where do you want to stay for your trip? Are there activities you’re both interested in, versus activities that you have the option to do separately? What do you both hope to accomplish on this trip? Make sure that you’re in sync by planning your itinerary together.
After making the big decisions about which dates to book and where to stay, you can start planning the details of your holiday. Make a plan for day 1, then day 2, and so on.
Be sure to check out reviews about the places you intend to visit so that you can both get your money’s worth. Also, be flexible enough to accommodate your significant other’s preferences, and take turns choosing where to eat and how to unwind.
Be More Adventurous
Your first trip with your significant other is the perfect occasion to just go with the flow. Why not go on an unplanned hike in your seamless leggings to the top of a mountain, or have a romantic walk late at night on a deserted beach? Encourage each other to embrace the spirit of adventure during the trip, as you may not be able to do so in the same way back at home.
During your travels, the roads may lead you to unexpected places and experiences. What better way to experience them than with someone that you care deeply for? These moments where you can candidly have fun or indulge in a thrilling adventure will surely strengthen your bond as a couple.
Learn To Compromise
Traveling as a couple for the first time can really be a test of patience and understanding for some. This trip may be the first time in your relationship where you need to make serious compromises.
Conflicting preferences are inevitable, but the art of compromise can turn potential challenges into opportunities for growth. So, be open to trying activities or making big decisions that may not be your first choice, but are good for both you and your partner. Eventually, this mutual flexibility will result in a balanced experience, where you strengthen your connection and ensure that each person’s interests are valued and met.
Don’t Take Yourselves Too Seriously
When traveling, things don’t always go as planned. It would be good to maintain your positivity and treat your partner to your sense of humor. For example, getting caught in the rain on a scooter can turn into a cute romantic moment for the two of you. An embarrassing moment, like your shorts getting torn while you’re bending, could be a mortifying experience in the moment, but when treated with lighthearted fun and fixed right away, it will turn into a hilarious story to tell about your trip.
Socialize With Other People – Even When Traveling As A Couple
If you’re traveling with someone you know, there’s a tendency for you to be so focused on each other, that you don’t let anyone else join in. But don’t miss out on fabulous conversations with other people and chances to make friends who will stay with the two of you beyond your trip.
While the essence of a couple’s trip lies in shared moments, there’s value in socializing with other travelers or locals, too. Be open to joining group activities, attending mixers, or other open events, and immersing yourselves in the local culture. Ultimately, the shared experiences with others can enhance your journey and provide both of you with new perspectives and opportunities for connection.
Consider Your Budget
One of the best advantages of traveling as a couple is the amount of money you can save together. Since you’re paying for only one room, one taxi, or one rented scooter, you can split the cost between the two of you.
Make sure your significant other understands the costs and agrees to the payment scheme. This can also be an opportunity to practice how to compromise and meet in the middle on a significant issue.
Leave Some Room For Each Other’s Personal Spaces
Lastly, remember that alone time is critical to any relationship, and that both of you should afford each other some personal space when necessary. Introverts, for example, like to have alone time to recharge. After a busy day of exploration together, maybe you can give each other at least an hour to be alone and decompress before reuniting.
These tips should help you and your other half navigate the initial awkwardness and reserve that couples often face on the first trip alone together. Take this advice and set off on your first journey as a couple with a lot to look forward to (and many special memories to make).
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