wellness Tag

    Food, Wellness / 30.04.2024

    Trying to lose weight successfully involves healthy, consistent routines. Prepared meals, gym visits, sleep schedules, and the mental preparedness to repeat everything to the point of it being second nature, makes a weight loss plan more sustainable and successful in the long-term. When you travel, these can all get disrupted and lead to unhealthy results, especially if you travel full-time like Chanel and Stevo used to. Routine goes out the window as you have to take time out to pack, get to your transportation, spend hours in transit, stay in a different environment or different time zone. It’s hard to be consistent when your daily itinerary is changed. But losing weight (or keeping your weight off) is possible while traveling, and these...

    BE INSPIRED, Love, Wellness / 28.01.2024

    Stevo's brother said it very well at Chanel and Stevo's wedding - "most couples break up after traveling together for about a week – but it just seems to make your relationship even stronger." We also know a thing or two about spending every waking minute with someone, which is why we feel we need to share some tips for those looking to embark on an adventure with their other half. Though you may already be looking forward to the experience, there are certain anxieties you’ll feel with your partner when you’re traveling as a couple for the very first time. If you don’t already live together, for example, your travel adventure may be the first time that you'll...

    Wellness / 07.09.2020

    Lockdown has been tough on all of us, and there have been so many things that have happened over the past six months. The world came to a stand still for a while, and it was a pretty scary time, but this is something that's caused a lot of changes and led to a lot of people rethinking about their lives and the way they choose to do things, now as we look forward to a post-lockdown reality....

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Featured, Love, Wellness / 11.07.2015

    Before embarking on our journey, we created our Wanderlist. It's our list of wishes and needs, and the reasons why we quit our jobs in the first place. It's a list we worked on together, and decided to use as a guide for our sabbatical. Most recently, we decided to tick off number 37: "go unplugged for a month". After nearly 15 years of daily digital interactions, we saw it as therapy (and an experiment) to go one solid month without social media, blogging, fancy applications, or the Internet. We allowed ourselves to stay 100% in each moment, and use tech only for creation i.e. cameras for photo taking, iPad for eBook reading and note taking, and our laptop for illustration,...

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