28 Feb 3 Main Issues You Might Encounter On A Vacation Abroad
Going on vacation is supposed to be the perfect time to relax and reset before heading back to a life of work, responsibility, and more (unless you choose to continue traveling full-time like Chanel and Stevo – in that case, good for you!) But for most of us, vacations are short-lived, and unfortunately it’s not always pleasant, with some travellers experiencing unexpected issues. Vacations can go wrong in plenty of ways; you just hope you aren’t unlucky enough to experience it.
Whether it’s missed flights, poor-quality accommodation, or extreme weather, these experiences can dampen your vacation. Thankfully, you can prepare ahead of time just as a precaution. This might save your vacation from becoming a total failure, and also prevent you from losing out on experiences, money, and relaxation.
To learn three of the main issues you might encounter on vacation in a foreign country and how to overcome them, read on.
Experiencing Sudden Sickness
No one wants to think about becoming ill when they’re on vacation, but there is a chance that this will happen. Being exposed to new elements, such as food, insects, and weather, can be a shock to your system at times, and then there is also jet lag and travel sickness to contend with. It can be difficult to prepare for these possibilities, but it is not impossible.
While travel sickness can be lessened with medication specifically designed for the symptoms, you might experience illnesses like food poisoning or stomach flu (Chanel in Thailand and India #TrueStory), which is common for travellers who enjoy trying street food on trips. This issue can occur from eating unfamiliar foods or even just eating too much, and you might experience diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and vomiting. If you suffer from food poisoning when abroad, the best thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids to flush out your system.
Another common health issue travellers experience when overseas is sunburn. You might experience serious discomfort and pain if you are sunburnt, and this is still a possibility when clouds are in the sky. To avoid this, you should apply a high-factor sunscreen every two hours or every hour if you are swimming, no matter the weather or destination. Aloe Vera can be used to cool down the skin if you do end up sunburnt, so have some of that packed when you leave.
Losing Baggage And Other Items
With US airlines losing roughly two million suitcases per year, it is a possibility that your luggage could be delayed or lost during transportation. Many people worry about this scenario playing out when they arrive at their destination, waiting at baggage claim just to realize their suitcase hasn’t turned up. Some airlines are worse at handling luggage, so you can research this before booking your flights.
After realizing your baggage has not arrived, you should speak with airline staff to find out the procedure for locating your lost luggage. They might be able to deliver misplaced suitcases to your hotel, or you might need to go and collect them when they finally arrive. This is also the chance to exchange information with the airline staff so you are kept up-to-date.
One of the best ways to save yourself from an even bigger inconvenience is to pack a change of clothes in your carry-on luggage. This allows you to freshen up when you arrive at the hotel before your luggage arrives or you purchase new clothes and belongings.
But you should also opt for suitable travel insurance that covers the delay and/or loss of luggage. A good policy will cover essential items if your baggage does not arrive on time, and reimburse you if it is lost or stolen during your vacation. You should do your research on the best short term travel medical plans for travelers to ensure you are protected if this situation occurs.
Getting Lost In Unfamiliar Areas
When you are in a foreign country, it can be easy to take a wrong turn and end up feeling completely lost. Although there are some people who have a natural ability of spatial awareness, most people will depend on technology to get there from point A to point B. After all, without apps like Google Maps, you could end up panicking on your travels, whether you are exploring the local town center, or trying to find a meeting point back to your hotel.
However, there is the possibility you will not have an internet connection during your vacation; maybe you would rather not turn on roaming, or the signal might be poor. If this is the case, then you should opt to download offline maps before your departure date. This requires planning so you have maps of any cities you want to visit during your vacation. Of course, this relies on your cellphone having a charged battery.
If you do get lost, the best advice is to avoid panicking. This can be easier said than done, but you can seek help from strangers. Most people will be happy to provide directions if you are able to speak their language.
As outlined in this post, it is entirely possible for vacations to be derailed. While becoming lost, losing your baggage, and falling unwell can impact the enjoyment of a vacation, it does not mean you cannot enjoy yourself. All you need to do is plan and prepare.
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