10 Apr 3 Unexpected Ways Travel Can Help You Fulfil Your Dreams
For any nomad, there is no greater dream than to travel – experiencing the beauty of the world up close, and having the freedom to explore. But no matter how strong your sense of wanderlust, it’s unlikely to be your only goal in life. As individuals we also want to make meaningful connections with others, succeed in our careers, discover our calling in life (what the Japanese so fondly call ‘ikigai‘), and find satisfaction and pleasure in everyday experiences.
And though our lives can’t revolve around travel 24/7 (if only!), our adventures can teach us about ourselves and bring us closer to the inner peace we seek.
So if you’re a dreamer that just can’t stay put, check out these three ways that your travel experiences can bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams, and realising true happiness.
3 Unexpected Ways Travel Can Help You Fulfil Your Dreams
It’s All Experience!
We all know that travel can teach you a thing or two. But you’d be surprised how valuable that experience can be when it comes to getting ahead in your career. Travelling can teach us a number of essential soft skills, such as time management, organisation, decision-making, adaptability and independence – all of which are highly sought after by employers in today’s competitive job market.
Meanwhile, remote learning has come a long way over the years, allowing travellers to continue their personal development on the go. ARU Distance Learning, for example, offer courses that take place entirely online, and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, allowing you to learn and progress without putting your travel aspirations on hold.
International work experience whilst travelling can also be a feather in your cap, as it tells potential employers that you’re flexible, resourceful and can find your feet in unfamiliar situations, so start updating your LinkedIn profile with all your international endeavors – even the smallest ones that you didn’t think of including before.
Grow Your Confidence
Shyness is natural and occurs in many of us. But there’s no time to be shy when you’re out there experiencing the world first hand.
Getting out of your comfort zone to introduce yourself to others and strike up conversations while abroad will help you find new friendships, yes, but it will also teach you more about yourself, and show you how to actually put yourself forward in new situations.
This newfound confidence can be the key to a whole new self-belief that will make you unstoppable in every aspect of your life.
Gain Perspective
The most important part of the travel experience is learning what truly matters to you. When you travel in search of your dreams, you break free of the 9-to-5 routine (perhaps creating a 7-to-9 routine, like Chanel and Stevo did when they first left) and discover how other people and other cultures view the world.
Learning about others’ perspective, and how they prioritise their lives can give you clarity in your own, and finally allow you to shake off the sense of obligation so often imposed on us by regular, everyday routines. It’s sometimes that final push you need in order to reach for the life you truly want.
Travel can change your life in so many ways – these are just three aspects of adventure that will push the boundaries of your comfort zone and help you grow as an individual.
Have you had a life-changing travel experience that inspired you or your dreams in some way? Share your story in the comments below.
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