22 Apr Top Tips for Photographing Your Travels
When we set out on our #RTW journey in 2015 we didn’t know where exactly the road would take us. We didn’t know who we were going to meet along the way, and we didn’t know for how long we would be exploring. The one thing we knew for certain though, is that we would be capturing and photographing our travels, and documenting our journey using photos.
Photographing your travels is a great way to create memories of your experience. While it is nice to be in the moment and enjoy your holidays, capturing stunning images of your travels can enhance your journey, and help you etch those memories so you can revisit them in 10 years time. Travel photography can also encourage you to explore more spots on your travels, that you otherwise might have missed. Travel photography is also a great hobby to take up, as it brings the world to people, and shows them the beauty that is out there. It can be an extremely rewarding experience, as you see the world, and visit new places. As long as you have that curiosity to learn more and to explore, travel photography can be a life-long hobby that will take you and others around the world.
That being said, It can be daunting for those starting out with no photography knowledge to begin with. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and equipment, you can learn how to take stunning photos during your travels. Here are some top tips to help you get started with photographing your travels.
Research The Locations
Before you visit a location for photographing, always do your research. This doesn’t have to be anything fancy, you can simply use your smartphone to look at the location the night before, or on the commute there. This will enable you to make the most of the time you have. Check out Instagram, Pinterest and other travel blogs like ours for the best places to go that are not filled with tourists, the angles of the photographs, and much more. More often than not, experienced photographers can provide you with great insight and fresh perspectives for your photos. There are even helpful apps like Explorest which have professional photographers share their best photo locations and camera settings to help you get that exact shot when photographing your travels.
Use The Right Equipment
The right kind of equipment is important when taking good photos. The kind of equipment you choose will depend on your budget. Fortunately, there is a huge market for photography equipment, which means the basic equipment you will need to take a good photo can easily be obtained. The Canon EOS RP is a perfect place to start. You should always read the manual of your camera, to ensure you know how to use it properly. There is always the option to use the auto function on a camera, but there are a variety of opportunities if you learn how to use the different functions that are available. Try to familiarise yourself with the camera before you go away, and get some practice in. You should also consider the settings you may need for each destination, for example, the functions you use will be different for daytime pictures than for photos taken at sunset.
You can make yourself a cheat sheet if you find that helpful. This will help you get the most out of your camera and take great pictures.
Many photographers also have online courses these days, and Skillshare is the best place to start. Search for beginner or intermediate photography classes and get stuck in.
Always Take Your Camera With You
You should always take your camera with you, even for the destinations that you haven’t planned. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you have to revert back to using a smartphone camera, as the quality will just not be the same. Having your camera with you is also a great way to practice and improve your photography skills, and ensure you capture the perfect photo if the opportunity presents itself. Some of the best travel photographers say that having a camera at the right moment and taking a photo is more important than knowing how to use the camera to its fullest potential. Photography is all about light and moments.
Carve Out Time For Photography
Taking your camera with you while you explore new places is a great way to capture memories, but if you are serious about getting some professional images, then you should consider making time just for photography. This will ensure you are not rushing and can take as much time as possible to get the best shot. You can plan a morning or afternoon out on your own, to visit new places, or revisit a nice place you have already seen and want to spend more time at. The best light for photos is first thing in the morning with sunrise and last thing at night with sunset.
Pick A Focus
When you arrive at the destination to take a photo, you should not just get straight into it and start photographing everything you see. You should pick a focus point within your photos. Spend some time figuring out the kind of image that you want to create, and which point in the environment you can focus on. Each photo should always have a subject, whether it is an object or a person. In photography, this is known as the plane of focus, which will be the sharpest part of the photo. Sometimes intentionally blurring a certain part of the image helps bring focus to another and can lead to some amazing results.
Colour-match Your Outfit
Some of the best travel photos we’ve taken all started with us looking at the location and setting, and then choosing our outfits from there. You don’t always have to plan a whole outfit, sometimes all you need are a styling pair of glasses or a colourful dress to make you or your subject pop. We always said including people in your photos is a great way to add scale and perspective to your landscape or landmark photos and help you to capture the essence of the environment.
Figure Out Your Strengths
The more photos you take, the more you will learn about what photos you like to take, and what you are good at. You may prefer taking photos of bustling cities, or quiet natural landscapes. When you learn about what you like, you can do more of that and master the skill of a good photo. It will take time and patience, as you may encounter challenges and setbacks, such as poor weather, too many people on-site to shoot, or you miss the good lighting. This is where you should adapt, and react to the moment. You may not always be able to shoot what you intended, but you may be able to pleasantly surprise yourself if you don’t give up.
The best travel photos take time and practice. Make sure you stay patient with yourself and keep moving forward. The more you practice, the more you will learn about the art of photography, and you will see your photos drastically improve. Taking the time to master travel photography can be extremely worthwhile.
Happy photographing!
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