02 Mar The HFFH Antipodes Project: A Creative Brief
Today, March 2nd 2017, marks our second birthday. Boom! Two years! That’s 24 months, 731 days (luckily we had a leap year) and a whole lot of experiences that will be with us forever. We currently find ourselves celebrating our homeless two years in beautiful Hoi An (more on Vietnam coming to our blog soon), but we somehow wanted to celebrate with YOU guys, our amazing community, because, well, we probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you! Yeah, we probably would’ve stopped traveling after one year like we originally planned, but no! We are here, two years in, with a global community of incredible, travel-hungry individuals. So let’s have a second birthday party – you keen?!
The Creative Project
Ok, it’s probably strange to be celebrating a birthday with a project, but we love creative projects. They’re what make our hearts pump, and what inspired us to leave home in the first place. We’ve done several of them – some for us, some for our clients – and now we want to work on a project with YOU. A project that celebrates photography and combines TWO places (yes, we’re all about the twos today) to show the diversity of this beautiful world, and also connects people at the same time.
Which leads us onto…
The Idea
Have you ever heard of an “antipode”?
For formalities sake, according to Wiki, “an antipode of any place on Earth, is the point on the Earth’s surface that is diametrically opposite to it.” In other words, two antipodes would connect if you ran a tunnel through the Earth to the other side of the world. We found this map on visualizing.org which shows a visual representation of the Earth’s antipodes (quite cool hey?):
We looked at the major cities we traveled through, and found we could combine our photographs from Seville in Spain and Auckland in New Zealand to look something like this:
But we want more. We don’t just want the major-cities-that-are-close-enough-to-be-considered-antipodes-but-are-not-exact-antipodes. We want EXACT antipodes…which is why we need your help.
We want to create a series of photographic art pieces (starting with people-in-landscapes, á la true-HFFH-style) of the exact antipodes on Earth. We want to combine a photo of Hamilton in New Zealand with a photo from Cordoba in Spain, a photo of Palembang in Indonesia with a photo of Neiva in Colombia…there will be 15 of these pieces in the end (full list below).
• Christchurch (New Zealand) — A Coruna (Spain)
• Madrid (Spain) — Weber (New Zealand)
• Wellington (New Zealand) — Alaejos (Spain)
• Hong Kong (China) — La Quiaca (Argentina)
• Nelson (New Zealand) — Mogadouro (Portugal)
• Whangarei (New Zealand) — Tangier (Morocco)
• Tauranga (New Zealand) — Jaen (Spain)
• Hamilton (New Zealand) — Cordoba (Spain)
• Junin (Argentina) — Lianyungang (China)
• Ulan Ude (Russia) — Puerto Natales (Chile)
• Masterton (New Zealand) — Segovia (Spain)
• Palembang (Indonesia) — Neiva (Colombia)
• Wuhai (China) — Valdivia (Chile)
• Padang (Indonesia) — Esmeraldas (Ecuador)
• Rafaela (Argentina) — Wuhu (China)
The Brief
If you would like to help us or take part, we’re going to need you to take note of the following guidelines:
1. The photo should be taken in one of the 30 listed locations above (if you have friends in these locations, please ask them to help out!)
2. The photo needs to be taken in landscape format, not portrait.
3. The person (subject) should be in the exact centre of the image along the x-axis, and should be 1/3 of the image’s height, in size (see diagram below).

This diagram illustrates how you should compose your photograph
4. A high resolution photo must be supplied, and emailed to howfarfromhomeblog@gmail.com with the subject line “The HFFH Antipodes Project”
We are not sure how long this project will take to complete, but we hope to receive 30 beautiful photographs from the 30 locations, and if your photo is chosen, you will be tagged and credited in our blog post and on Instagram, where we will announce our project completion. We will dedicate a separate blog post to the completed project, so please help us make this happen and spread the word!
Here’s to a global creative project!
P.s. if you have any questions, drop them in the comments below or ask us directly: howfarfromhomeblog@gmail.com
You can find us on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat, search for #HowFarFromHome on the line, or browse our online photography shop.
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