wine tasting Tag

    South Africa / 26.06.2017

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is wine farm hopping in Franschhoek, South Africa.   Ah, Franschhoek. Just saying the name out loud brings all the happy feels inside. If you don't know Franschhoek (and no happy feels were felt whilst reading the last sentence), let me introduce you to one of our country's oldest towns (dating back to the French Huguenot settlement of 1688) and...

    Australia / 23.11.2015

    From family wedding bells in kangaroo-filled nature parks, and boat rides across aquamarine waters surrounding deserted islands, to wine farm hopping and beach dune camping, our trip to Western Australia has been one for the record books.   WEDDING BELLS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA   Our final stop in the Australian leg of this trip, after two high-class weeks in Sydney, was filled with festivities, quite literally, for days. Stevo's oldest brother got married on November 7th at the gorgeous Serpentine Retreat Centre. With a sunset ceremony and some chilling acapella performances from the cover band, we danced the night away (and stuffed our faces the Spanish way with possibly the best paella I had ever tasted, from the Olè Paella catering crew). Biggest congrats...

    how far from home

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