wanderlist Tag

    Canada / 16.11.2016

    Have you ever heard someone tell you that the weather is always better on the island? We remember our friend Hákon saying it almost everyday when we stayed with him on Traustholtshólmi in Iceland, and I'm pretty sure the characters of Lost either said it out loud, or were thinking it the whole time they were jumping between flashbacks and their supernatural reality (yes, I was somewhat intrigued by the series...

    California / 07.11.2016

    This could be the longest blog post I ever write, or the shortest, as I could tell you why you should visit San Francisco, or why you shouldn’t. Ever since I was a little toothless jelly bean watching Full House re-runs on my VCR back in the early 90s, I’ve dreamed of visiting the Painted Ladies, Golden Gate Bridge and the beaches that surround the city of San Fran. I must admit, when we were planning our USA trip, San Fran was probably the first thing I wrote down on the itinerary. So as part of our West Coast road trip – the 3-week excursion we enjoyed in September – we made our last stop the beautiful San Francisco. And beautiful...

    New York / 10.10.2016

    There’s over 200 noted films that take place in New York. Some that immediately come to mind are King Kong, Wall Street and The Wolf of Wall Street, Ghostbusters, Sex and the City, Working Girl and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I could probably dedicate an entire blog post listing the best of the best, gorgeous scenes, unforgettable characters and why New York is probably the most featured city in history. But I won’t. Instead, I’m going to tell you, that no matter how many films you’ve seen, how many times you’ve noticed the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park, none of it – absolutely none of it – comes close to seeing it in...

    Portugal / 19.09.2016

    We get asked so often (by almost every single person we meet and tell our story to), "what is our favourite place of all?" Of the 100-odd cities we’ve seen, of the mountains, valleys, beaches and deserts we’ve explored, what is the ultimate place; the one we dream of visiting again and again and again? Well, that question is almost impossible to answer, because, well, there’s just too many spectacular places around the world to pinpoint ’the ultimate place'. Trust me, we debated, and argued, and tried, but couldn't choose just one. What we did conclude though, is that we definitely have favourite places under different criteria*. We have a favourite mountain range, favourite cuisine, a favourite city (although probably safe to...

    Italy / 06.06.2016

    Our obsession with the Dolomite mountains (and the adorable little town of San Candido) came out of nowhere. Visiting the mountain range was one of the new items we added to our ever-growing wanderlist late last year, after we semi-watched an Austrian show (only semi because we didn't really understand the audio) about the Bears that have been introduced into the area. That, and this beautiful pic we saw on Chris Burkard's Instagram feed, had us wanting to visit, so when we spoke to Anna and her mom at the gorgeous Boutique Hotel Zenana, we knew a trip to San Candido had to happen (and soon). So here we were, catching a scenic 4hr train ride from Salzburg (if we'd left...

    Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia / 13.05.2016

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is the Topdeck Travel tour, East African Explorer. This was our third taste of group travel, so one could say we are slowly growing out of the 'Group-Travel Novice' status, after the 17-day European excursion late last year, and now this trip – something a little closer to home, and something a little more adventurous. [embed]https://vimeo.com/166370303[/embed] Surprisingly, we're starting to love group travel...

    Namibia / 03.05.2016

    There's countries you know you need to visit before you die, because, well, half the world has been there and you've seen the iconic photographs and TV shows (do people still watch TV?!). Italy, France, USA, and Japan come to mind. Then there's countries that not too many have discovered, and really raved about. Sure tourism is high almost everywhere, but some countries don't get enough limelight. Well, Namibia is, in our opinion, one of those sensational gems that really could use some more attention (especially because we've had "Walk through the Namib desert" on a road trip in Namibia on our Wanderlist since the beginning). And now here we are, post road-trip-in-Namibia, still in shock and in awe of this...

    Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland / 11.01.2016

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is the Topdeck Travel tour, Trail to the Alps. Let's talk about group travel for a minute. First few things that came to mind (up until recently) were: hangovers, no sleep, strangers, tears, young just-left-schoolians, and awkward small talk. A short while ago, our idea of group travel was a fairly chaotic one, as we remembered our 7-day excursion...

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity / 10.12.2015

    During our recent visit to Western Australia, Stevo's oldest brother took it upon himself to help tick off number 68 from our Wanderlist, by helping us "learn to surf". And so a few days before we had to leave, with surfboard beneath both my and Stevo's arm, we trotted off onto one of Perth's many fabulous beaches. With hot sand beneath my feet, and the sticky waxed board clenching to my body, all I could think was, "THIS IS AMAZING." Already I was loving the surf life, and I hadn't even gotten the board wet. A quick paddling demonstration on the sand, and we were in the water faster than a YouTube viewer skipping through an ad. After a few dodgy attempts...

    Austria / 19.08.2015

    After spending 10 weeks in Scandinavia, exploring Oslo, looking after puppies in Alta, road tripping through southern Norway, renting bikes in Copenhagen, spotting moose in Kallsedet, and getting lost in Stockholm, our travels brought us back to Austria, to tick off number 6 from our Wanderlist: Go down the wooden slide in Hallstatt. We visited Austria earlier this year, and we could have slipped a Hallstatt visit into the itinerary then, but after seeing this charming sunny village nestled in the Austrian Alps, and swimming in the crystal blue water of Lake Hallstatt, we are sooooo glad we chose to wait for Summer. Arriving at 6am proved to be the best decision, as we were able to see the views with gentle sunrise lighting, and...

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