walking tour Tag

    Food, Wellness / 30.04.2024

    Trying to lose weight successfully involves healthy, consistent routines. Prepared meals, gym visits, sleep schedules, and the mental preparedness to repeat everything to the point of it being second nature, makes a weight loss plan more sustainable and successful in the long-term. When you travel, these can all get disrupted and lead to unhealthy results, especially if you travel full-time like Chanel and Stevo used to. Routine goes out the window as you have to take time out to pack, get to your transportation, spend hours in transit, stay in a different environment or different time zone. It’s hard to be consistent when your daily itinerary is changed. But losing weight (or keeping your weight off) is possible while traveling, and these...

    Portugal / 31.03.2018

    We are nearing the end of our four-week trip in Portugal’s eccentric capital, Lisbon, and since it feels like we’ve been testing transport more than anything (and one of the city’s icons is a vehicle), I thought I’d dedicate our post to the various ways you can see it. For those of you who have never been to Lisbon (or have never seen images), the city is filled with tiny little cobbled streets. It has that European charm that you can expect from the EU, but what it also has (unlike some of the bigger inland capitals of Europe) is a coastline – a coastline with bridges, beachy pedestrian zones, and sunsets that delve off into the ocean (like in Cape...

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