vegan Tag

    Food, Wellness / 30.04.2024

    Trying to lose weight successfully involves healthy, consistent routines. Prepared meals, gym visits, sleep schedules, and the mental preparedness to repeat everything to the point of it being second nature, makes a weight loss plan more sustainable and successful in the long-term. When you travel, these can all get disrupted and lead to unhealthy results, especially if you travel full-time like Chanel and Stevo used to. Routine goes out the window as you have to take time out to pack, get to your transportation, spend hours in transit, stay in a different environment or different time zone. It’s hard to be consistent when your daily itinerary is changed. But losing weight (or keeping your weight off) is possible while traveling, and these...

    Food, Wellness / 07.01.2018

    Warning: this post may induce some serious need to give up animal products, and should be read with caution.   It’s been exactly 2 years and 1 week since I threw in the creamy, meaty towel, and made a decision to go vegan. You guys might remember that digital dinner party we had with friends back home, to celebrate my first stint of veganism, and to collaborate with 99 other creatives on the 31days project? Well, as 2018 has popped its head around the corner (happy new year btw!) with it comes another Veganuary (Movember's animal-loving cousin, a.k.a. a January dedicated to trying the vegan lifestyle), which has led me to celebrate who I have become: a Travel Vegan. Now let me backtrack...

    Cambodia, Food, Wellness / 10.04.2017

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a detox at the Yoga and Meditation Retreat, Vagabond Temple, in Cambodia.   I'm writing this from what is known as "the private corner". The private corner is essentially a small square table (positioned perfectly under five trees to attain constant shade), surrounded by four wooden benches. If one sits in the private corner it means he or she is either...

    Food, Wellness / 24.10.2016

    Some of you may know that I turned vegan in January. It began with the Veganuary month-long challenge that the team at 31days dared me to take on, and after feeling the health benefits (and knowing the power of veganism to combat the too-much-talk-not-enough-action environmental issues), I decided to stay on and see how long I could last. Yes I’ve cheated once or twice, and yes I eat fish sometimes (especially when we are staying on an island in Iceland that basically lives off the wild salmon from the river around it, or when we visit friends in Swedish Lapland and get offered a rare Swedish delicacy of fermented herring - have to try everything once, right?) but for the most part, probably...

    Namibia / 03.05.2016

    There's countries you know you need to visit before you die, because, well, half the world has been there and you've seen the iconic photographs and TV shows (do people still watch TV?!). Italy, France, USA, and Japan come to mind. Then there's countries that not too many have discovered, and really raved about. Sure tourism is high almost everywhere, but some countries don't get enough limelight. Well, Namibia is, in our opinion, one of those sensational gems that really could use some more attention (especially because we've had "Walk through the Namib desert" on a road trip in Namibia on our Wanderlist since the beginning). And now here we are, post road-trip-in-Namibia, still in shock and in awe of this...

    Food, Wellness / 01.02.2016

    Ever since 2013, people from all over the world have been celebrating Veganuary (pronounced vee-gan-you-airy) which, like other global do-good movements (Movember and Earth Hour come to mind), aims to raise awareness to a cause or concept with a mass following, in the hope that a) the idea will spread; and b) that the small taster* will inspire the participants to practice the movement in everyday life (not just for the selected time period). I didn't know too much about Veganuary (or veganism for that matter) until recently. Sure, I'd heard of it, and since one of our friends, Dani, is a vegan, I was exposed to the ideas and recipes that were purely plant-based. I was diagnosed with a dairy allergy...

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