food market Tag

    Food, Wellness / 30.04.2024

    Trying to lose weight successfully involves healthy, consistent routines. Prepared meals, gym visits, sleep schedules, and the mental preparedness to repeat everything to the point of it being second nature, makes a weight loss plan more sustainable and successful in the long-term. When you travel, these can all get disrupted and lead to unhealthy results, especially if you travel full-time like Chanel and Stevo used to. Routine goes out the window as you have to take time out to pack, get to your transportation, spend hours in transit, stay in a different environment or different time zone. It’s hard to be consistent when your daily itinerary is changed. But losing weight (or keeping your weight off) is possible while traveling, and these...

    Mauritius / 16.01.2020

    Mauritius is one of those exotic places you can only dream of visiting. Situated in the heart of the Indian Ocean, its warm and tropical climate is a Honeymooners dream, but there’s of course lots to see and do on this magical island besides just lazying around. Let us share with you our five favourite experiences, shall we?     We partnered up with Nedbank and SAA Voyager recently to explore and experience all that Mauritius has on offer, and by using our brand new cheque and enhanced credit cards to do so, we earned ourselves some miles the entire time (bonus!) And while we’re on the topic (in case you hadn’t heard), SAA Voyager has recently launched the world’s first mile-earning cheque...

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