27 May Can You Run A Business While Traveling The World? Yes!
Are you interested in traveling the world this year, or when we emerge from the coronavirus crisis? Perhaps you never want to stop traveling? There’s just one problem: how do you pay for this type of lifestyle? It’s one of the questions we get asked most often, so we hope this post can add some value, and help you reach your goal to run a business while traveling the world!

The first thing you’ll probably think is that you can do it all on a shoestring budget, but that takes a lot of the fun out of it. It might be a good way to start (which is what we did in our first year of travel), but you’ll need to think longer-term if you want the travel to last longer than your savings.
So, you need to find a way to pay for the awesome trips and never need to stop for work. Short of a hell of a trust fund, this leaves you with one main choice – you need to be able to ensure that you can work while you travel, and the best way to do that is to run your own business.

But can you run your own business from the road and the air? The short answer is: yes, absolutely. Don’t worry, we’re going to show you how to approach this the right way.
The Easiest Option To Run A Business While Traveling
The easiest option if you want to start a business and go travelling will be to set up a travel blog. With a travel blog, you will be able to make money by writing about and sharing photos from the experiences, and this will fit in seamlessly with your adventurous lifestyle.
To set up a travel blog, we always recommend starting with a concept or theme – something that’s going to help you stand out from all the thousands of travel blogs out there already. Don’t be shy here – think bold and creative thoughts. How can you make your blog different to everyone else?

Next, you will need to get a good understanding of online marketing. It’s important that people are going to be able to find the site that you are creating, and putting all the effort into, so building a solid audience, interested in reading about your latest adventures, is crucial.
You will then need to think about monetizing your website, and there’s several ways to do this. For one, you could look into affiliate marketing, whereby you earn small commissions for marketing another person’s or company’s products. Another way is to look at doing sponsored content, allowing you to partner with a person or company to promote their brand through content that is written and produced for your blog. You could also look at creating a storefront, selling your or other people’s creations.
Other Choices
If you’re looking for other businesses that you can run whilst travelling around the world, then they need to have a few key traits. They need to be:
Managed online
When thinking about hiring staff, you’ll need to remember that all forms of communication (hiring, training, meetings e.t.c.) will need to be done from a distance. For training, you can check out Docebo reviews – the software that’s available makes training staff from a distance easy and fundamentally straightforward. There’s also many agencies available online to assist you with hiring staff.
Software and technology is something you’ll definitely need to invest in. There are so many options available (especially now that the whole world is practically working from home) to ensure managing a team from a distance is seamless and easy, so do your research well.
A cloud server will be essential to ensure that you can easily share information with your clients, customers, and, of course, members of your team.

You might also want to think about investing in a shared platform. This will keep everyone on the same page. Be aware that you might not be able to take a completely hands-off approach running your business from day one – you might need to build up to this. But if you’re patient and persistent, the long-term benefits will definitely be worth the wait.
We hope this post was a great starting point for you to help you run a business while traveling the world. Remember, if you get this right, then you will have no problems funding your world adventures and living your dream life. Good luck, and keep us posted on how it goes!
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