10 Oct There’s No Place Like New York City
There’s over 200 noted films that take place in New York. Some that immediately come to mind are King Kong, Wall Street and The Wolf of Wall Street, Ghostbusters, Sex and the City, Working Girl and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I could probably dedicate an entire blog post listing the best of the best, gorgeous scenes, unforgettable characters and why New York is probably the most featured city in history.
But I won’t.
Instead, I’m going to tell you, that no matter how many films you’ve seen, how many times you’ve noticed the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Central Park, none of it – absolutely none of it – comes close to seeing it in real life.
There is really nothing like it.
And so, in my own way, I’m going to try and share a glimpse of a tourist’s viewpoint of the craziest, most energetically-fueled and vivacious city in the world – New York, New York, which we were very lucky to see for a whirlwind five days in mid-August.
We stayed near Times Square – a great location for any traveller looking to see “the main attractions” – and boy did we walk the city dry. Catching the Subway came naturally from all the European train travel we’ve done, and I love how the city is designed in a grid, so it was super convenient to know that if we were on 42nd, 43rd was either 1 block up or 1 block down (quite difficult to get lost actually).
Our highlights had to be getting to the top of The Rock for sunset, strolling through Central Park to take photos for @PixelPaws (which was part of our Wanderlist), catching a boat with the Walks of New York guys to go see Miss Lady Liberty, visiting the NYC Facebook and Instagram offices, and popping into Stefan Sagmeister’s studio for a quick drink and chat.
Honestly, it’s a city everyone should visit at least once in their lives.
New York – thank you. We <3 you and will see you soon.
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If you enjoyed this blog post, you may want to follow our journey on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, browse our online photography shop, or get yourself a copy of our TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD eBook.
Karan Sharma
Posted at 11:37h, 11 OctoberOh my God. LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo set. My favourites were with the one with the dog staring at the camera, the Empire State shot (loved how it flowed from sky-blue to a concrete jungle!) and the one with Chanel in the station. That last one’s such an iconic shot, which station was it?
Posted at 22:06h, 12 OctoberYay thanks Karan! The station shot was at Grand Central Station – took a lot of patience to wait for the perfect moment 🙂 So glad you liked our NYC shots!