14 Feb 25 Instagram Accounts To Inspire Creative Love
It’s been a while since we did one of these “25 instagram accounts…” compilation posts, and with love on the brain this Valentines Day, I thought I’d honour all the amazing creative couples who are the epitome of #CoupleGoals and who inspire us on a daily or weekly basis.
There were obviously LOADS of other accounts that we could’ve included, but we thought we’d stick to our usual ‘top 25’ formula. If there’s any you feel we missed, pop them in the comments!
Top 25 Creative Couple Instagram Accounts
@HowFarFromHome – From counting kilometres, to aiming for the stars – we hope to continue inspiring love and creativity, no matter how far we go (and we’re placing us here incase you’re not following already
@AnniSet and @DrCuerda – When two architects come together to celebrate colourful geometry in a photographic form, the finished product is amazing. We love everything about Anna and Daniel.
@NewDarlings – It’s difficult not to fall instantly in love with Robert & Christina – the most stylish couple, residing in Phoenix, Arizona.
@BrinsonBanks – When two talented portrait and lifestyle photographers come together, you know their work is going to be explosive. Meet Kendrick and David from Los Angeles.
@ElJackson and @Hilvees – We got to meet and travel with these two gorgeous Scandinavians last year, and can safely say that Samuel and Hildegunn are as sweet and funny as they appear in their beautiful photographs.
@JayAndSab_AroundTheWorld – We love Jay and Sab’s zest for life, and how it comes through in their photographs.
@LensBetweenUs – These two designers have one of the most unique concepts on Instagram, sharing portraits taken at the same time, with only a lens between them. Love your work Zuzu and Peter.
@BryanAdamC and @AlexiisTherese – There are few people who can capture the love they have for their better half. Bryan has completely mastered it, meaning Ali always looks spectacular in his photos of her.
@CosmosCompanions – We love Morgan and Tahnee’s colourful feed. It makes us feel like we are right there patting puppies and eating ice cream with them.
@MapNomads – Sadly we haven’t seen them post since November 2016, but their photo collection reminds us of the polaroid-in-front-of-landscape trend from a few years back, and they executed it so well whilst traveling around the world, so we feel they’re worthy of being listed here. Come back to the ‘gram you guys!
@OnceUponAJrny – The tones and mood created by Rox and Maartje’s feed always leaves us feeling happy, so we thought it might leave you feeling rather happy too.
@TheWanderfulLyfe – In today’s preset-heavy Insta world, we LOVE the variety of shots on Cam and Kels’ feed. It’s refreshing and ever-so wanderlustful.
@VanCityWild – We’re super sad that we missed the opportunity to meet Brie and Reuben during our Canadian exploration, but we are so super happy that they continue to share wild and outdoorsy photographs.
@SaltInOurHair – Having had a Skype date with Hannah and Nick, we know these two creatives will go far. Can’t wait to meet them in the flesh…somewhere, someday.
@ShinLiArt – One of our absolute favourite creative couples – Liseok and Shindanbi spent months living on opposite sides of the world, and came together in a beautiful series of merged ‘half and half’ photographs.
@Your_Passport and @Your_Passage – Lara and Uros travel to some of the most beautiful places in the world, capturing their journey in a series of stylised photographs.
@TheBusAndUs – Our favourite four-wheeled couple, Tessa and Dillon, share fun snaps from their journey through the Americas in a 1975 VW bus.
@MuradOsmann and @NatalyOsmann – The original creative Insta couple behind the #FollowMeTo project. No introduction needed, really – their concept is undoubtedly one of the best in the world.
@Luxury_Matching_Couple – A feature account sharing couples who dress the same. So fun.
@ThisWildIdea – Just incase there was any doubt if a travelling couple needed to have two humans, we thought we’d include the original traveling duo, Theron and Maddie.
If I’ve left some of your favourite creative couples off the list, let me know about them in the comments below.
Happy V Day everyone!
Didn’t get enough from this post? You can find us on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, search for #HowFarFromHome somewhere on the line, or buy one of our creations from our online store.
Morgan McDougall
Posted at 23:02h, 14 FebruaryThanks for the love guys!

Happy Valentine’s Day
Francisco Lim
Posted at 13:42h, 21 FebruarySo nice! We’ll definitely check them out
We also love @thelazyadventures!