01 Aug Friends of #HFFH: Interview With Nastasia From Dame Traveler (The Ultimate Girl Traveller Inspo)
It’s been a while since we’ve done one of our “Friends of #HFFH” posts, and today we’re super excited to showcase the ultimate girl traveller ambassador, our (virtual) friend, Nastasia – the founder of the female travel and empowerment community, @DameTraveler.
We started chatting to Nastasia in 2019, when she originally reached out to ask if she can feature one of our images in her upcoming book Dame Traveler: Live The Spirit Of Adventure. Without question we said yes, and now, with the book launched and selling fast off the proverbial Amazon shelves, we thought we’d sit down to chat to Nastasia to find out a little more about the super inspiring girl traveller project: @DameTraveler
Interview with Nastasia from @DameTraveler (The Ultimate Girl Traveller Inspo)
HFFH: Nastasia, we saw your recent “fun facts about me” post and as two South Africans, we absolutely LOVE that your solo trip to South Africa in 2011 inspired you to start your blog! When did you start the @dametraveler project – soon after that?
N: Yes!! South Africa is still hands down one of my favourite countries in the world. My trip to South Africa was while I was in nursing school in 2011 and the trip forever changed my life and lingered in my mind long after that. I started Dame Traveler in late 2013, early 2014.
HFFH: What inspired you to start the @dametraveler project in particular?
N: Noticing a need for a female travel community on Instagram when there wasn’t one at the time. It was also inspired by my strict Middle Eastern upbringing where women were encouraged to get married young instead of following their dreams and passions. Dame Traveler was a way to showcase all of the women in the world who decided to live life on their own terms, not following the beaten path and just going along with whatever society tells them they should be. Women also don’t get enough credit in the photography industry so I wanted to create a way to support their work and show all of the brands that follow me that there are many women out there that are just as capable of creating beautiful content as there are male photographers.

HFFH: Your #DameTravelerBook also launched earlier this year (YAY!) If you had to describe it in one sentence, how would you describe it?
N: A celebration of a handful of diverse, brave and talented women traveling the world and inspiring others to do the same.
HFFH: And who would you say the book is for? Girl travellers only, or everyone?
N: Everyone. Just because it’s a celebration of female travellers, doesn’t mean men should be afraid of it. It makes me happy when I see men buying and supporting the book. It shows unity and love. The book exists to inspire all ages, both genders from all parts of the world, from every culture.
HFFH: One thing I (Chanel) love about your account, is how it reminds us that no matter who we are as women, what background we’ve come from, where we call home, and what our interests are, we’re all connected and living this life together (now more than ever it’s a great reminder). What has been something enlightening that this whole journey with the @dametraveler project has taught you?
N: Thank you! It makes me so happy to hear that the account makes this so apparent. It’s taught me how important it is to celebrate not just ourselves but others as well. It has taught me creative ways to amplify voices, to give others opportunity, and to unite people through one shared love – the world.
HFFH: What’s one destination you’re dreaming of traveling to (when you can again)?
N: Going back to Italy. I have been going to Italy every year for the past 8 years so it’s heartbreaking to know that I may not be able to keep that streak going this year. It’s my happy place, a place I can slow down and take everything in. It has always held a special place in my heart.
HFFH: We also love Italy, and seem to go back there often too. Hopefully we’ll all get to visit it again soon! Are there any destinations you can recommend for solo girl travellers in particular?
N: I really love Lisbon for solo female travellers. Its fairly inexpensive compared to nearby countries, it’s stunning, easy to get around, the locals are friendly and the food is absolutely delicious. I also felt quite safe there.
HFFH: Aaaah yes, we loved our time in Lisbon! What about the Philippines? Since it’s Philippines Week for us over on Instagram, we have to ask 🙂 We noticed a couple images from the Philippines featured in your book. If you yourself have been, can you share 1 tip for traveling there?
N: I have not been yet, but the Dame Traveler Book has tons of tips!

We hope you enjoyed getting some insight into Nastasia’s world. If you’d like to get yourself a copy of the #DameTravelerBook for some real girl traveller inspo, you can do so here, and make sure you check out both @dametraveler and @nastasiaspassport over on Instagram.
If you enjoyed this blog post, you may want to follow our journey on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, browse our online photography shop, or get yourself a copy of our TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD eBook.
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