17 May Cheeky Animal Mugshots From Around The World
Let me start off by saying that animal portraiture is a lot harder than it looks. We knew this from the many hours we spent ‘dog stalking’ back home at some of Johannesburg’s many parks. Anyone remember @PixelPaws on Instagram? Yes, that was our first ‘shot’ at moving-target photography. We literally have thousands of dog portraits on our hard drive, so we should look at sharing more of those…
But right now, here are a few mugshots of some of the friends we made along the way.
A grinning Alpaca: taken in Salzburg, Austria
A hungry Highland Cow: taken in Salzburg, Austria
A yelling Horse: taken in Umbertide, Italy
A cute Deer: taken in Munich, Germany
A chewing Rabbit: taken in Järpen, Sweden
A bright-eyed Alpaca: taken in Salzburg, Austria
An interested Cat: taken in Orvieto, Italy
A dirty Pig: taken in Kolåsen, Sweden
A nosy Labrador: taken in Vienna, Austria
A spooked Lemur: taken in Sydney, Australia
A furry Alpaca: taken in Salzburg, Austria
A sniffing Horse: taken in Engelberg, Switzerland
A cheeky Crab: taken in Perth, Australia
A spaced-out Goat: taken in Bergen, Norway
A content Husky: taken in Berlin, Germany
An inquisitive Quokka: taken on Rottnest Island, Australia
A drooling Bulldog: taken In Johannesburg, South Africa
A sheepish Lamb: taken in Obertrum, Austria
A munching Squirrel: taken in London, England
A scruffy Sheep: taken in Anjan, Sweden
A fun Squirrel: taken in Alta, Norway
A big-eyed Cat: taken on Hydra Island, Greece
A wet-nosed Cow: taken in Seekirchen, Austria
A single-toothed Goat: taken in Salzburg, Austria
For more of our travels, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.
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