17 Feb A New Website For A New Normal
Friends and readers from far and wide, welcome to the new website and new home of HFFH: a modern travel-lifestyle brand (also known as Chanel & Stevo’s How Far From Home idea evolution).
Yup, we’ve revamped and refreshed our entire site, and couldn’t be more excited to share the latest project with you. And what a project this has been! I checked this morning, and it seems we briefed our web developer on our new website in June 2020, meaning it’s been over 8 months of emailing, designing, planning, and crafting, all wrapped up in twenty versions of notes circling back and forth. I don’t think either of us have ever worked on a project for so long (ok, no wait, this one time Stevo had to work on a 30 second TV ad for 18 months, so that takes the cake, but back to our site…)
This has been a labour of love, turning our vision of creating a hub where anyone who is a) craving travel, b) wants to be inspired by travel, or c) is needing that same creative inspiration from travel that we needed when we first left on our journey and started How Far From Home back in early 2015, into a tangible and functioning digital property that we own – it feels surreal to say that it’s live.
Our new website is still very much a work-in-progress and we have many more ideas to roll out (watch this space!) but we’re celebrating getting this far because, as our amazing friend Maria reminds us on the reg, “slow growth is still growth”.
Some things you’ll notice
- We now have a ‘Start Here’ page (for any newbies – hey y’all!)
- We have a Shop (yay!) filled with art prints and books and photography presets (and some other exciting items coming soon).
- We have a mileage ticker and countdown (as we now aim to travel the distance to the moon and back).
- You can read our entire story and see our timeline (even from the early, pre-HFFH days).
- You can see and add to our Wanderlist – all marked out with a map sharing all the wonderful things we’ve managed to tick off our bucket list so far.
- You can get lost in our Collections, designed to package some of our favourite destinations into “mini-hubs”, curated to showcase articles, photographs, books, products, creators (and more) from each destination.
- You can view our work portfolio (including photography galleries, video showreel, and some of our favourite creative campaigns we’ve worked on) featuring the work we’ve created as a team since leaving home in 2015.
- You’ll also see that we’ve launched a borderless boutique creative agency, servicing clients from all time zones (still cannot believe it).
But we couldn’t have done it alone
If you’re looking for the best possible WordPress-savvy developer, we honestly cannot recommend Erica enough!! She’s professional, quick, can handle any query, and we are so so soooooo happy we found her (wish we could hire her full time, haha). Get in touch with her here if you’re revamping your site (or even creating one from scratch).
For any copywriting help you may need, our dear friend (of nearly 20 years) Amy, is the MOST incredible word whizz. Seriously, when we originally asked her to help us out with our new site, we had no idea just HOW invaluable she would be with executing our ideas, and how quickly and beautifully she could turn our long-winded notes into something concise and poetic. Get in touch with her here if you’re needing any copywriting help.
It’s a lot to take in
…and we’ll give you some time to have a look around (can we suggest starting here?) but we just wanted you to share in our excitement, and also take this opportunity to say THANK YOU.
Thank you for reading this post and supporting our new venture.
Thank you for reading our other posts – either now or over the years – and being part of our journey.
Thank you for supporting us, and motivating us to keep going, and to keep creating – we couldn’t have done it without you.
If fact, if we’re perfectly honest…
This pandemic has affected us a lot more emotionally and mentally than we would’ve liked, and having HFFH has been the one constant that’s kept us going (other than each other, of course). We’ve all had to put dreams on hold, and adapt to what is no longer a time where we can all travel around the world freely and easily, but that hasn’t stopped us from looking forward and keeping our heads above water. So thank you for being the reason we continue to create.
Here’s to a new normal for HFFH as we hope to evolve this little idea we had back in 2014 into something that is bigger than just the two of us.
Chanel & Stevo 😘
P.S. Although we’d like to think that we’ve thought of everything, we’re still human, so would really appreciate any feedback or comments about what you think we’ve missed (and if you happen to spot any niggles or errors, please let us know – we’ve checked and checked but of course cannot confirm it’s perfect). THANK YOU!!
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