08 Jun Skillshare Series: Chris Burkard
We’re obsessed with Skillshare. We are genuinely and wholeheartedly in love with it. Little sick? Maybe. But it’s why we feel it necessary to write a whole series dedicated to the knowledge-sharing-and-soul-inspiring online platform.
Imagine being able to break away from everything that’s using up your energy (your work, your friends, your responsibilities), and for [insert course duration] you’re locked inside a room with a creative genius, as they walk you through their processes, their thinking, and they share all the little tricks they’ve learned in their profession, with you. Amazing! Then at the end of said course, there’s a little pot of gold with your name on it, inspiring you to pick up your [insert creative apparatus here], sending you into the realm of crazy inventiveness. Bliss.
Whether you need to wake up a little earlier, leave work a little later, or simply negotiate a “learning session” with your boss, making time to invigorate and swell your skills, is absolutely necessary. We’ve decided to allocate 90 minutes to learn something new every day, and we’ll be sharing some of our favourite courses (and finished creations) in this series.
Below is the next post in the Skillshare Series: Chris Burkard.
Chris Burkard is to outdoor and surf photography, what James Dean was to the film industry. In our eyes, he’s a cultural icon (a very young one too,) and it’s why he was number one in our “25 Instagram Accounts That Will Make You Want To Quit Your Job And Travel The World” list.
When we spotted Chris’ Skillshare class, Outdoor Photography: Shooting at Sunset, Sunrise, and Night, we nearly lost our sh*t trying to find the play button. We are in awe of his work, and love that he is completely self-taught. His natural eye for framing subjects in landscapes, and his passion for the outdoors, make him a complete photographic inspiration. We’ve raided his collections and below you can see our favourite CB shots.
After the class, we found ourselves completely inspired, and getting up at 04:30am (post-daylight savings), staying up for the midnight sun, and watching sunsets in subzero weather. Below are some of our Burkard-inspired shots.
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