06 Oct A Fairytale Wedding In London, England
Slightly different from our usual posts, and excuse me for going back in time a little, but I just have to share a portion of an email we received on February 16th (roughly 8 months ago) to set the scene.
The email was from a young couple living in London; a couple who happened to come across our story somewhere online, and wanted to get in touch. Here is what it said:
…I don’t know where in the world you guys are at the moment, but how would you feel about joining us at our wedding in central London on 6 August later this year? We’re going out on a limb here, but we loved the feel of the photos and videos on the blog, and wondered if you guys would be keen to create a video of the day for us?
So out of nowhere, a couple we had never met, offered us an opportunity to tell the story of their most special day, and they were going to fly us up to London (and then to New York as that was our next destination) in order to make it happen.
I’m going to let that sink in a little.
It was risky, it was creatively challenging, and it was exactly what we were after. Of course we were going to do it! What a crazy cool opportunity. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up!
What followed was a few short Skype meet-and-greets, some planning, some strategising and friend persuading (thanks again to Ant for helping out on the day, Andy for all the advice, and to Mel, Den, Dave and Megs for lending us equipment – you all rock!)
Now, post-wedding and post-115GB-footage-shock, we have produced, what we would like to call, some of our finest work yet.
Eugene and Pajae, we wish you all the best on your crazy new adventure. So glad we were able to be a part of it, and so grateful that you trusted us in telling your story <3
And for anyone reading this and interested in having an original HFFH film produced – How Far From Home is available for weddings, anywhere in the world. Yup, we had sooooo much fun creating this film, that would happily do it again. You can book us through: howfarfromhomeblog@gmail.com.
Karan Sharma
Posted at 11:15h, 11 OctoberThis was wonderfully shot, but I wish I could have experienced it in HD! And whoever picked the song, give yourself a pat on the back – it fit perfectly. I don’t have any plans of tying the knot anytime soon (need to get a Lion under my belt first haha) but when I do, I’d love for you guys to document it! Amazing story guys, I’m happy you were a part of it.
Posted at 23:47h, 11 OctoberThanks so much Karan, that really means a lot!! So glad the story came through 🙂 And we’d be more than happy to document your day (when you’re ready of course 😉