02 Mar Leaving Home: 0km / Johannesburg / South Africa
Here we are, the day of departure, and every possible butterfly in the world is currently stored in our 2 bellies. We’ve spent the last few days saying our (very sad) goodbyes, selling our cars and furniture, handing over our rental apartment keys to the Estate Agent, and packing (what is left of) our belongings into 4 bags. Liberating doesn’t even begin to explain it.
And somehow we don’t feel so alone in our quest for anti-Stuffocation. We have 6 friends in our immediate circle who, just like us, are currently enjoying the #SabbaticalVibes. Strangely, all coming from the advertising industry…coincidence? But either way, maybe us “crazies” who believe we should sell it all to travel the world are onto something. Just recently we heard Graham Moore push us all to stay a little weird, and this morning I found myself getting lost in the Thought Catalog’s encouragement to fuel my creativity by being different. Saying ‘yes’ to something has never felt so right. So goodbye home. We’re leaving our fears, our unnecessary-stuff, and our safe, comfortable routines with you. Let’s see how far we can get from you.
Follow #howfarfromhome on Instagram for daily updates.
trip agency
Posted at 13:08h, 25 AugustMerzouga is also famous for its sand dunes, so families are encouraged to do dune surfing and enjoy the magical sunset.
Travel to India and you will surely go back with golden memories
which you will remember forever. The large sized organizations have to deal with the aspects of rising administrative
costs and shrinking margins.
Sumit Chakraborty
Posted at 19:12h, 02 SeptemberNice inspiring lines to begin the journey
Posted at 09:58h, 05 SeptemberHi, on the picture is a polish passport. Which of you is the Pole?
BR form Poland 🙂
Posted at 10:03h, 05 SeptemberHaha, well spotted 😉 Chanel is Polish.
Posted at 10:14h, 05 SeptemberChanel, robicie fajną robotę! Zazdroszcze Wam tych wszystkich pięknych widoków! Piszą o Was także i w polskich mediach http://www.tvn24.pl/rzucili-prace-w-agencji-reklamowej-by-podrozowac-czyszcza-toalety,574408,s.html
Posted at 10:18h, 05 SeptemberPięknie! Dziękujęmy bardzo!