meditation Tag

    Cambodia, Food, Wellness / 10.04.2017

    Our motto and motivation is to “collect experiences, not things”. Whilst on our journey, we’re aiming to spend our time and money on spectacular experiences, to be left with incredible learnings and memories, not tangible objects. This way, we’re sure to keep our lives light without additional luggage, but also be the change we want to see in the world. Our next featured experience is a detox at the Yoga and Meditation Retreat, Vagabond Temple, in Cambodia.   I'm writing this from what is known as "the private corner". The private corner is essentially a small square table (positioned perfectly under five trees to attain constant shade), surrounded by four wooden benches. If one sits in the private corner it means he or she is either...

    Greece, Wellness / 24.08.2015

    We’re so lucky to be meeting some amazing people on our journey. When we first planned our trip, it was all about the places and experiences. We’re quickly realizing that it’s the people that make the places more memorable, and really make the experiences. Our second featured friend(s) are Magdalena and Periklis of Live-Bio. Have you ever met a person (or people) who somehow stumbled into your life by chance, but you are really, REALLY glad they did? Enter Mags and Periklis, the founders of Live-Bio, our hosts in Greece, and our friends who we met serendipitously at the end of last year. Having only had two (delicious and home-made) dinners in Johannesburg together, but very similar ideologies about how our limited time...

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