
Lockdown has been tough on all of us, and there have been so many things that have happened over the past six months. The world came to a stand still for a while, and it was a pretty scary time, but this is something that's caused a lot of changes and led to a lot of people rethinking about their lives and the way they choose to do things, now as we look forward to a post-lockdown reality.

When traveling through Europe, you are spoilt for choice when looking for the best places to visit. There’s the peaks of Switzerland, lakes of Sweden, cultural excursions of Austria, food of Poland (sooooo much good food), and of course all the beaches and food of Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal, We ourselves have seen 28 of the 57 countries in Europe, and it feels like we’ve only scratched the surface…which is why we cannot stop planning more trips there! One epic travel adventure we really hope to do soon, is visit the magical country of Ireland, and here’s just a few reasons why. -\\ The Picture-Perfect Scenery Possibly the number one reason why people apply for Irish citizenship, is for the...

Are you thinking about going on an exciting and life-changing travel adventure? Of course, with COVID-19, many travel plans have been ruined, and you may need to rethink about the destinations, type of travel, or even your departure day, but maybe this time in quarantine has also allowed you to reflect on your life choices, and has allowed you to take some time to think about what’s really important in life. Well, if quitting it all to go on a travel adventure (like us) is rising on your list of #lifegoals and priorities – interjecting here to say, “YAY!” – then you will need to make sure that you are planning it the right way, and asking the right questions....
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