
    Finland / 30.10.2018

    With Winter fast approaching the northern hemisphere (and our love for Helsinki still as strong as the day we left it), we thought we’d do a fun comparison of things to do in the Winter months vs the Summer months. In case you were considering a quick break there this Winter (or you’re already scoping out locations for your Summer break in 2019), fear not – we have some of the best experiences outlined right here. So sit back, take a big sip out of that Moomin mug you hold dear to you, and let’s get into it:   Winter vs Summer – The Best Experiences In Helsinki   Let’s begin with the chilly months… Ice Dips and Warm Saunas - What To Do In Winter Saunas...

    Creativity, Finland, Norway, Wellness / 09.02.2018

    We finally did it! We experienced an entire winter in Europe, and we’ve come out on the other side (just about), having survived the cold! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO! Ok, this may not be a big deal for most of you, but for us brought-up-under-the-African-sun, skin-only-equipped-for-heat, cannot-even-fathom-minus-20 kids (can I still call us kids?) this is a HUGE achievement. Especially since we ventured out into some of the coldest climates on Earth this past Winter, including a little place called Jyväskylä a.k.a. Finnish Lakeland, and the Arctic Circle at the top of Norway where the Sami people live (that’s me below, wrapped up and looking fabulous for -35C).     Now, if you’re reading this in hope of some serious scientific advice on the exact clothes...

    Finland / 02.02.2018

    Ok, ok, I might be getting a little ahead of myself. No, we have not decided to give up our full-time traveling life (yet). There’s still some burning steam left in us, and there’s still a million and one things we need to see and photograph (obvs), all across this beautiful planet, so no, we are not moving to Helsinki just yet. BUT. When we do eventually decide to settle, and get dogs (that’s really the main reason we’d give up this whirlwind life), I am going to fight hard for it to be in Helsinki. Let me tell you why...

    Arizona, BE INSPIRED, Canada, Czechia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Namibia, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Sweden / 19.01.2018

    As originally seen on Traveller24   It’s been a crazy, wild, unforgettable (and slightly unbelievable) journey, travelling full-time for nearly three years. We’ve done some extraordinary things, and we’ve been to places we hadn’t even heard of when we left on our trip in March 2015. But every great journey starts somewhere, and for us, it was our Wanderlist (our own affectionate term for our traveling Bucket List) that turned our “someday” dream into a tangible trip of a lifetime. Back in early 2014 (when traveling around the world was a mere figment of our ambitious imagination), we decided to write down on a piece of paper, all the wonderful dreamy things we’ve always wanted to do (you know, in case we ended...

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