
    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Featured, Wellness / 31.08.2015

    After being gone exactly 6 months, I feel it necessary we share the uglier side of our trip. Browsing through our blog posts and Instagram feed, it seems like we're having the time of our lives. And don't get me wrong – we are. It's bloody amazing. But it's not all ice-creams in the sun and pretty landscapes. Noooooo. So far, I think we've tallied 135 toilets scrubbed, 250 kilos of cow dung spread, 2 tons of rocks shovelled, 60 metres of pathway laid, 57 beds made, and I cannot even remember how many wine glasses we've polished. You see, to come from the luxuries we left behind in Johannesburg, to the brutal truth of volunteer work, we are now on the opposite end...

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Featured, Love, Wellness / 11.07.2015

    Before embarking on our journey, we created our Wanderlist. It's our list of wishes and needs, and the reasons why we quit our jobs in the first place. It's a list we worked on together, and decided to use as a guide for our sabbatical. Most recently, we decided to tick off number 37: "go unplugged for a month". After nearly 15 years of daily digital interactions, we saw it as therapy (and an experiment) to go one solid month without social media, blogging, fancy applications, or the Internet. We allowed ourselves to stay 100% in each moment, and use tech only for creation i.e. cameras for photo taking, iPad for eBook reading and note taking, and our laptop for illustration,...

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Featured, Love / 19.03.2015

    It's been 3 weeks since we left sunny South Africa, and based on popular beliefs, new habits should have formed by now. The get-up-early-to-get-cracking-with-the-day routine of everyday life should be all but a distant memory. On the contrary, we are on a very strict schedule - those who know me will understand my need for structure (and my love for schedules). Sure, we're no longer waking up to an annoying alarm, but rather allowing our natural sleep cycle to function on its own; and leaving our house doesn't involve long, painful sessions in the morning traffic; but our get-up-early-and-get-to-work habit definitely hasn't gone anywhere. When planning our journey, we spent a lot of time referencing the Godfather of creative sabbaticals, and the...

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