
    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, Wellness / 13.03.2015

    Leading up to our departure, we obviously had to get rid of, *ahem, throw away and sell* a lot of our stuff. When crossing borders, every last gram is precious. With a baggage allowance of 30kg each, and hand luggage allowance of 7kg each, Steve and I were faced with quite a feat - how to compress and diminish our entire lives into 74kg. That’s like one person. An average height, average weight human that needed to eat all our belongings, and hop on-board with us. Phew. For those of you who know me well, I am a little bit of a clothing collector…ok ok, clothing hoarder. I own(ed) 7 watches, multiple pairs of boots, tons of dresses, and all the scarves. Well,...

    BE INSPIRED, Creativity, South Africa / 02.03.2015

    Here we are, the day of departure, and every possible butterfly in the world is currently stored in our 2 bellies. We’ve spent the last few days saying our (very sad) goodbyes, selling our cars and furniture, handing over our rental apartment keys to the Estate Agent, and packing (what is left of) our belongings into 4 bags. Liberating doesn’t even begin to explain it. And somehow we don’t feel so alone in our quest for anti-Stuffocation. We have 6 friends in our immediate circle who, just like us, are currently enjoying the #SabbaticalVibes. Strangely, all coming from the advertising industry…coincidence? But either way, maybe us “crazies” who believe we should sell it all to travel the world are onto something. Just recently we heard Graham Moore push...

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