road Tag

    Arizona, California, Canada, Nevada, New York, Utah, Vermont, Wellness / 15.03.2024

    Do you want to set out on the open road with friends but are nervous you won’t get the most out of your route? With careful planning and creative thinking, you can make any trip one of the most memorable experiences you’ll ever have. Chanel and Stevo are huge fans of road trips (which is why they spent so much time and energy on getting #TheBadger🚐 just right) so if you too want to embrace the open road, read on...

    Namibia / 03.05.2016

    There's countries you know you need to visit before you die, because, well, half the world has been there and you've seen the iconic photographs and TV shows (do people still watch TV?!). Italy, France, USA, and Japan come to mind. Then there's countries that not too many have discovered, and really raved about. Sure tourism is high almost everywhere, but some countries don't get enough limelight. Well, Namibia is, in our opinion, one of those sensational gems that really could use some more attention (especially because we've had "Walk through the Namib desert" on a road trip in Namibia on our Wanderlist since the beginning). And now here we are, post road-trip-in-Namibia, still in shock and in awe of this...

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